12 Tips for getting Back to Dating after Divorce & 1 Expert Advice

 How to get back into dating after divorce?

Divorce is one of life's most stressful experiences, and once we see the proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel," many of us get that little bounce in our step and begin to consider dating again.

Why dating after divorce is essential?

Dating is a necessary step in the pursuit for your life partner. Dating will assist you and your partner in developing a relationship, learning to connect, and determining how your futures are aligned. You'll see your relationship move towards marriage as you learn and develop from your experiences together.

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Survey based on research:

Worthy invited a group of divorced women to engage in a study in February 2019 to learn more about how they feel about and approach dating after divorce. Not only has the dating landscape changed for many of these women since they were last single, but so has the power of female voices in society. The study was conducted in collaboration with six divorce and relationship professionals to discover the emotional, economical, psychological feelings, concerns, and common wisdom that will be both informative and beneficial for women to confidently move on to develop happy, healthy relationships post-divorce.

25 to 35 age group 13%

35 to 44 age group 34%

Women of all ages are divorcing. The study found that relationships are most difficult between the ages of 35 and 44, with 42% of participants divorcing during that decade. This is accompanied by   28 % of the women surveyed divorcing later in life, between the ages of 45 and 54, suggesting that most marriages end in midlife.

The survey asked for the participants' ages, as well as how long they had been married and when they got divorced, to better understand their dating readiness. An overwhelming 89 percent of the women said they are thinking about dating, dating after divorce, or in a post-divorce relationship, indicating that the majority of the women polled are dating.

When it comes to love, be psychotically positive:

My love philosophy is psychotic optimism, which I am transmitting to everyone who will listen. I'm in it to win it, not just to have fun.”

Before you start dating after divorce, make sure you're well:

I hope you've completed the "inside work" needed to find a healthy relationship at this stage. Do you know where your partnership went wrong? Are you aware of your part in the breakdown of the marriage? Have you made as much peace with your ex and the divorce as possible?

Begin doing things that bring you joy before dating after divorce:

What brings you joy? When I ask this question, most women look at me blankly because they've been so preoccupied with caring for others that they've forgotten what makes them happy.  Make a list of five to ten items that make you happy, and get back to doing them.

Recognize that personality and compatibility are the most important factors:

Give attraction and chemistry a chance to flourish until you have a road map of a partner that makes you happy, even if it takes five or more dates to find it out. Once you've felt the chemistry, focus on the "interior" characteristics that matter most, such as compassion, dependability, consistency, sincerity, and intellect.

Get online, and do it properly:

You must have outstanding photographs (starting with a great smiling head shot). This includes fantastic head-to-toe shots as well as portraits of only you! There are no children, grandchildren, pets, or friends to attract people for dating after divorce.

First and foremost, love yourself:

It's an old adage that keeps coming up because it's true: "You have to love yourself before you can love someone else." Recognize that it's important to be yourself. You've become stronger and wiser, but you still have some scars. Divorce isn't easy, but it's the struggles we face in life that help us develop. You want your new dates to like you for who you are, not some fantasy version of yourself. But go ahead and shine, do date after divorce.

Don’t hide inside the house:

If you spend all of your time inside your home, no one will know you're available to date! But that doesn't mean you can sign up for any dating site and go on blind dates and start dating after divorce.

Be Honest About Your History before you start dating after divorce:

Don't be afraid to bring up the fact that you're divorced; just do so in a professional manner. Be honest about your breakup, but don't bring it up with your new friends. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, and avoiding the subject gives the impression that you're afraid of something.

You must believe that your soul mate will come to you no matter what:

Don't dismiss someone who is taller, shorter, skinnier, heavier, a different colour, older or younger than you "think" is your style. You must be attracted to the individual in order to have a long-term relationship! However, be open about your definition of "the box."

Attend groups and gatherings where you can meet people who share your interests:

Find a community that encourages new aspiring photographers if you've always wanted to take up photography. Joining groups is a perfect way to re-enter the dating pool and make new friends — and possibly dating links to start dating after divorce ! 

Recognize the characteristics of a successful dating route:

Fast and furious normally ends in a blaze. Be wary of going out with someone you've only met five times in a week! Within a few weeks, one date per week transforms into two, and then three dates a week and that's how you start dating after divorce.

Have Patience while Dating after divorce:

Dating is a methodical procedure. Even if you want it to be super productive and fast, it typically isn't, and it shouldn't be. There will be ups and downs, weeks with a lot of dates and weeks with none at all. Regardless of what happens, keep walking. Patience, perseverance, and optimism are all important while dating after divorce.

Dealing with Pain after divorce:

  • To begin, accept your loss. It's tempting to go into denial after the initial shock, either by refusing to face the truth of what has happened or by burying our hurt, rage, and sorrow.
  • Accept the fact that this, too, will pass. It's easy to believe that life is over and that we'll never love again after a divorce. However, if we stick through the healing process, the pain will subside, and we will emerge as much healthier and more mature individuals.
  • Don't squander your suffering; instead, put it to good use. The best way we can invest our pain is to use it to inspire us to develop and become better people, and then to support and encourage those who are going through divorce to see that they, too, can survive and become happier, healthier people.
  • Allow yourself to recover. It takes six weeks to heal a broken arm. Broken hearts take a long time to heal, but they don't last forever.
  • Now is the time to grieve. There are many emotions associated with loss, including pain, rage, remorse, and deep sorrow, all of which must be articulated creatively or they will be carried out destructively.

Expert advice:

According to Jo Hemmings, a celebrity behavioral psychologist, the trick is to take stock, think about what you want (and don't want) from your next relationship, and wait until you're emotionally ready to move forward.

Hemming’s is one of the UK's most well-known dating coaches, and is full of professional tips for those new to the dating scene post-divorce. He is also a consulting counsellor on ITV's Good Morning Britain. She says, “Depending on how painful your divorce was, you can feel everything from relief, elation, and hope for the future to remorse, anxiety, and shame.” 

“Your self-esteem may have taken a hit. Concerns involve the possibility of never finding someone to love and be loved by again. It's also difficult to believe that someone would ever want you again. However, as I always tell my clients, there are hundreds of "the ones" out there. All you have to do is know where to look and how to look.”

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