How to Boost Haemoglobin in women ?

If we put it in layman's language, Haemoglobin is a protein molecule found in red blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body while also returning carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. The iron in haemoglobin is also essential for the blood's red colour. Haemoglobin is also necessary for the red blood cells to sustain their form. Red blood cells are round with tapered ends, like a doughnut without a gap in the middle in their genetic form. 

A blood test is required to determine haemoglobin levels. Haemoglobin, or Hb, is measured in grams per deciliter of blood (g/dL). According to World Health Organization guidelines, men with haemoglobin levels of less than 13.0 (g/dL) are anaemic. If a woman is not pregnant, she is considered anaemic if her haemoglobin level is less than (12.0 g/dL). Low levels of 11.0 g/dL in pregnant women indicate anaemia. And normal levels in children differ depending on their age. A low rate of haemoglobin in the blood corresponds to a poor amount of oxygen in the blood.

So what happens when there’s a lack of haemoglobin in your blood?

Improper haemoglobin composition can affect red blood cell formation, obstructing their function and flow across blood vessels that basically leads to anaemia, which is a blood disease that occurs when a person's blood contains insufficient haemoglobin. Anaemia can come in a variety of forms. Some forms only cause minor health issues, while others are far more critical. Each type of anaemia is caused by one of the following aspects:

  • The body is unable to produce sufficient haemoglobin.
  • Haemoglobin is produced by the body, but it is ineffective.
  • The body is unable to produce adequate red blood cells.
  • Red blood cells are broken down very quickly in the body.

Haemoglobin is produced by your body using iron. Anaemia is most often caused by a lack of iron in the body. Iron deficiency anaemia is the medical term for this disorder. Your body can't produce haemoglobin if you don't get adequate iron. In all cases of anaemia, there is a range of symptoms, such as:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Cold hands and feet
  3. Headaches
  4. Weakness
  5. Pale or yellowish skin
  6. Abnormal heartbeats
  7. Shortness of breath
  8. Lightheadedness
  9. Chest pain and Palpitation
  10. Soreness and swelling of the tongue and mouth

Anaemia may harm the elderly or those who do not consume enough iron in their diet. Vigorous exercisers are also at a higher risk, as exhaustion can cause red blood cell breakdown in the bloodstream. Anaemia is much more likely to occur in women who are menstruating or pregnant. People with severe health disorders, such as autoimmune disorder liver damage, thyroid issues, and irritable bowel syndrome can have low haemoglobin levels, increasing their risk of anaemia.

Do you know that if more than 40% of the population has anemia, it is considered a major public health issue? Anemia in women and children has been a big issue in India for half a century by that metric. Low haemoglobin levels decrease efficiency and increase the risk of disease and death, resulting in a financial expense. Anemia cost the economy $22.64 billion (Rs 1.50 lakh crore) in 2016, more than 3 times the 2017-18 health budget. Increased risk of low birth weight or prematurity, perinatal and neonatal mortality, insufficient iron stores for the infant, increased risk of maternal morbidity and mortality, and decreased physical activity, mental concentration, and efficiency are all consequences of anemia in women. Even mild anemia can cause fatigue and a reduction in work ability in women. The high prevalence of anemia in India may be attributed to a lack of millets in the diet due to an overdependence on rice and wheat, inadequate intake of green and leafy vegetables, and the dominance of low-nutrition packaged and processed foods.

So, how do we avoid or cure anaemia and improve our health? 

We've classified the methods into three categories to make them easier to understand, let’s dive in: 


Making your diet iron-rich is the perfect way to boost your haemoglobin levels. Your body can't produce adequate haemoglobin to make sufficient red blood cells if you don't have enough iron. A deficiency in folate and vitamin B-12 can impair your body's ability to produce red blood cells. While anaemia treatment plans differ, most people need 150 to 200 mg of elemental iron per day. Therefore, If you have anaemia, a diet rich in iron, B vitamins, and vitamin C, such as the one we’ll describe below, is critical. 

  1. Greens: Spinach, asparagus, and peas are high in iron. To get the right amount of iron, include them in your food preparation.
  2. Millet: Since millet, such as bajra and samai, is a good source of iron, including it in daily meals will help to prevent iron deficit.
  3. Beans: Beans are an ideal source of iron for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. They're also affordable and versatile. Some iron-rich choices are chickpeas, soybeans, peas, black-eyed peas, etc.
  4. Meat and Poultry: Heme iron is used in both meat and poultry. The best sources are red meat or lamb. Poultry and chicken have less of it. Increase iron absorption by eating meat or poultry with nonheme iron foods like leafy greens and vitamin C-rich fruit.
  5. Liver: Organ meats are mostly avoided, but they are an excellent source of iron. The liver is, without a doubt, the most important organ meat. It contains a lot of iron and folate. Core, kidney, and etc are several other iron-rich organs of meat.
  6. Seafood: Iron is abundant in seafood such as sardines, salmon, mussels, and oysters. Along with being high in heme iron, these foods are also high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
  7. Dried fruits and nuts: Almonds, raisins, cashew nuts, dried dates, and apricots are some of the most iron-rich foods. These can be eaten between meals but don't binge eat!
  8. Spices and condiments: Spices and condiments from India are high in non-heme iron. To get a boost of iron in your diet, add tamarind, mango powder, cumin seeds, and turmeric to your meal.

Remember the following suggestions while following a diet plan for anaemia:

  • Foods or beverages that inhibit iron absorption should not be consumed with iron-rich foods. Coffee or tea, oxalate-rich foods, and calcium-rich foods are among them.
  • To increase absorption, consume iron-rich foods with vitamin C-rich items like oranges, tomatoes, or strawberries.
  • To increase absorption, combine iron-rich foods with beta carotene-rich foods like apricots, red peppers, and beets.
  • To increase your iron intake, eat a variety of heme and nonheme iron foods during the day.
  • To improve iron absorption, combine heme and nonheme iron foods whenever possible.
  • To help red blood cell development, eat foods high in folate and vitamin B-12.


More iron-rich meals must be eaten in order to create red blood cells. But did you know that the right kind of exercise can be extremely beneficial? Aerobic activities aid in the production of blood cells, also known as haematopoiesis. The more blood cells there are, the more haemoglobin there is. So, let's get started with these five exercises to boost your haemoglobin.

  • Jog: Running or jogging causes you to sweat while also strengthening your heart. It's good to realize that it improves haemoglobin and produces more blood cells. Take it to the treadmill if you don't want to go outside. However, remember to stretch pre and post jogging.
  • Walk: If you don't want to jog, try power walking. Walking is the most basic aerobic exercise. The best movements are brisk and quick, but a leisurely stroll can also be beneficial. Walking promotes the development of blood cells and haemoglobin.
  • Dance:  Dancing is a fun way to get some exercise. Your haemoglobin level will grow if you get your groove on. Get moving to any genre, from salsa to Zumba.
  • Cycling: It is a low-impact aerobic sport. It does not place any pressure on your body, and you can change the strength to your liking. Go for a ride every day to get some fresh air, or use a spinning bike if you want to do it at home.
  • Swim:  This is yet another low-impact practice that boosts your heart rate while still increasing your stamina. Swimming allows the body to generate more red blood cells. You don't have to swim laps like a pro to enjoy the benefits of swimming. Just wading around or doing light laps around a pool would do.

We've also got you covered if you're a yoga fanatic! Yoga can also help with anaemia prevention and treatment. You may increase your haemoglobin levels by doing pranayama, yoga asanas, meditation, and making dietary changes.

  • Pranayamas - Pranayamas (breathing exercises) aid by increasing lung breathing capability, which increases the oxygen content of RBC (red blood cells). The circulatory system as a whole is aided. Yogendra Pranayam IV, Ujjayi, Suryabhedana, Anulom Vilom, and Kapalbhatti boost blood circulation and oxygen content.
  • Asanas - They improve oxygenation in the anterior/head region of the body and improve the neuromuscular functioning of the body. Trikonasana, Sarvangasana, Paschomittanasana, Viparita-karani and Yoga-Mudra are some of the practised asanas.
  • Meditation - Meditation practices aid in deep relaxation and strengthen the nervous system. The symptom of insomnia is alleviated, which aids in the rejuvenation of red blood cells.


Iron, B vitamins, and vitamin C are three key factors that can help with low haemoglobin levels, as previously stated. Supplements for the above-mentioned items would be beneficial. If the deficiency is caused by prolonged bleeding, iron supplementation may not benefit. Women with heavy cycles can be prescribed birth control pills by their physician. This will help to cut down on monthly menstrual bleeding. A blood transfusion can rapidly substitute iron and blood loss in the most serious cases.

Self-diagnosing and treating iron deficiency anaemia can have harmful health consequences if you have too much iron in your blood. Liver damage and constipation are two side effects of having too much iron in your blood. Instead, consult your doctor if you're experiencing signs of iron deficiency anaemia. When it comes to food, we believe that you really should not wait until you have been diagnosed with a disease to start eating healthy. You'll be fine if you eat well and avoid junk food, drink plenty of water, and get some exercise.

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