How to find out if I am Biopolar? Bipolar Symptoms and Treatment

Have you ever felt that your emotional highness is higher compared to others and your lows even lower? If this is happening, you need to consult your doctor about a bipolar disorder screening.

 Bipolar disorder is related to mental illness with severe changes in mood from low to high and from high to low. Highs show periods of mania and lows show periods of depression. The transformation in mood may have mix nature, so you might feel thrilled and depressed at a similar time.

As per National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) results, bipolar disorder concerns over 10 million people in the United States or 2.8% of the population.

A 2005 study discovered that 2.6 percent of the U.S. population, or more than 5 million people, existed with some type of bipolar disorder. 

According to 2017, 65% of females have suffered the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

According to the data given by the UK, Germany, and Italy, there was a an occurrence of bipolar disorder of ~1%, and a misdiagnosis data of 70% from Spain. Attempted suicide rates differed between 21%–54%. In the UK, the predictable rate of early mortality of patients with bipolar I disorder was 18%. The chronicity of bipolar disorder created an insightful and devastating effect on the patient.

Bipolar disorder facts

4 Myths You Shouldn't Believe About Bipolar Disorder – Health Essentials  from Cleveland Clinic

Bipolar disorder isn’t a rare brain disorder. The standard age when people with bipolar disorder show symptoms is 25 years old.

Depression by bipolar disorder goes occurs for at least two weeks. A high (manic) episode goes for several days or weeks. Some people will get familiar with episodes of mood changes several times a year, while others may go rarely through them.

Types of Bipolar Disorder

·        Bipolar I disorder. Most people with bipolar I disorder also go through incidents of depression. Often, there is a cyclic pattern between mania and depression. This is where the word "manic depression" comes from. In between incidents of mania and depression, lots of people with bipolar I disorder can live normal lives.

You've had at least one manic incident that may be headed or followed by hypomanic or main depressive incidents. In some cases, mania may activate a break from actuality (psychosis).

People can also have mood incidents with "combined features," in which manic and depressive symptoms occur concurrently, or may swap from one pole to the other during the same day.

Depressive incidents in bipolar disorder are analogous to "normal" clinical depression, with depressed mood, loss of happiness, less energy and activity, feelings of guilt or irrelevance, and thoughts of suicide. Depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder can go for weeks or months, but hardly ever longer than one year.

·        Bipolar II disorder. In bipolar II disorder, the "up" moods never reach full-scale mania. The less-powerful prominent moods in bipolar II disorder are known as hypomanic episodes or hypomania.

 Hypomania can also direct to irregular and harmful behavior. Hypomanic incidents can sometimes grow onward to full manias that change a person's skill to function (bipolar I disorder)

You've had at least one foremost depressive incident and at least one hypomanic incident, but you've never experienced a manic episode.

·        Cyclothymic disorder. People having cyclothymic disorder may go through ongoing bipolar symptoms that don’t fulfill the full criteria for a bipolar I or bipolar II analysis. Cyclothymic disorder is regarded as a less severe type of bipolar disorder. It consists of the common recurrence of hypomanic and depressive symptoms that never become harsh enough to be diagnosed as having bipolar II disorder. 

You've had at least two years — or one-year hypomania symptoms and phases of depressive symptoms (though less rigorous than main depression) during childhood and teenage.

Symptoms of Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder can be hard to examine, but there are signs or symptoms that you can look for. Symptoms tend to appear in a person’s late teens or early adult years, but they can happen in children as well. Women are more probable to obtain bipolar diagnoses than men.

There are numerous types of bipolar and other disorders. They may comprise mania or hypomania and depression. Symptoms can bring random changes in mood and behavior, resulting in important distress and trouble in life.

Bipolar Disorder: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and more

Mania Symptoms:

  • Impaired decision
  • Feeling agitated
  • Less amount of sleep but not feeling tired
  • A feel of disruption or monotony
  • Feels like anything can be done
  • Companionable and approaching and sometimes aggression occurs 
  • Engaging in risky actions
  • Having “racing” opinions that come and vanish quickly, and strange ideas that the person may act upon rejecting or not realizing that something is wrong.

Depression Symptoms:

  • An emotion of gloom, despair, and desperation
  • Extreme sadness
  • Insomnia and sleeping issues
  • Anxiety about slight issues
  • Pain or physical troubles that do not react to treatment
  • A feeling of guilt that may not be there in actual
  • The amount of food consumed is sometimes more/less.
  • Loss/gain in weight
  • Extreme sleepiness, fatigue, and lethargy
  • An incapability to take pleasure in activities or interests that frequently give pleasure


Symptoms in children and teens

It's often difficult to deduct whether they are ordinary ups-downs, the outcomes of trauma or stress, or symptoms of a mental health issue other than bipolar disorder in children and teens.

Children and teens may have different foremost depressive or manic or hypomanic incidents, but the outline can differ from that of adults with bipolar disorder and moods can speedily alter during episodes. Some children may go through periods without mood signs between episodes.

The most important signs of bipolar disorder in children and teenagers may comprise relentless mood swings that are dissimilar from their usual mood swings.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Bipolar Disorder: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and more

Suitable diagnosis and treatment can aid you to run your life and expand stability.

Treatment aspires to calm down the person’s mood and reduce the relentlessness of symptoms. The objective is to assist the person function efficiently in daily life.

Drug treatment

Drug treatments can aid in the steadiness of mood and handle symptoms. A doctor will often set down a combination of:

  • Mood stabilizers like lithium
  • Antidepressants to curb depression
  • Anticonvulsants, to reduce mania
  • Medication to assist with sleep or anxiety

A person must:

  • Inform the doctor about any other mediations they are using to diminish the danger of interactions and bad effects
  • Follow the doctor’s directions concerning medication and treatment
  • Talk about any concerns about adverse effects and whether the treatment is working or not

Psychotherapy and counseling

Psychotherapy can assist alleviate symptoms and furnish a person to manage bipolar disorder.

Through cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) and other advances, the individual can discover too:

  • · Distinguish and take steps to run key triggers, such as stress
  • · Recognize premature symptoms of an episode and manage it

Hospital treatment

Some people may need to end up in the hospital if there is a danger of them harming themselves or others. If other treatments have not major results, a doctor may recommend electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

I hope you have understood thoroughly about bipolar disorder symptoms and treatment. So, if you tend to go through it don't ignore it. Consult the doctor and get your treatment as soon as possible.

Image Source: Google Photos
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