Is Ovarian Cyst common, How long it takes to treat Ovarian Cysts?

Formations in the ovaries, also known as cysts are fluid-filled pockets or bags called as ovarian cysts. They are very common and typically appear during ovulation. Ovulation is a process, in which the ovary releases an egg every month. Ovarian cysts affect many women at some point in their lives. The majority of cysts cause little to no pain and are completely harmless. Most of them go away on their own after a few months without any medication. Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most prevalent endocrine condition in women of reproductive age, affecting one out of every four women in India. According to data, about 25% of women in the country have PCOS, which is higher than in the United States and many Eropean countries. Ovarian cysts, particularly those that have ruptured, may, however, cause severe symptoms. Among the signs and symptoms are:

  • Pelvic discomfort
  • Bloating
  • Problems with bladder and bowel movement
  • Weight gain
  • Pain during urination, periods, or intercourse
  • Vaginal bleeding
ovarian cyst treatment time

Prevalence of Ovarian Cysts

Over a 15-year cycle in the United States, postmenopausal women had an ovarian cyst rate of 18%. Ovarian cysts affect about 7% of women worldwide at some stage in their lives. A major screening study done in Europe discovered a 21.2% ovarian cyst rate among healthy postmenopausal women. 

Even in postmenopausal women, simple cysts discovered on ultrasound can be monitored safely without intervention. These cysts are least likely to be cancer precursors or risk factors. Simple ovarian cysts tend to be intact or resolve on their own by the time a person goes in for their next annual test.

The incidence of ovarian cysts varies greatly, with figures ranging from 8% to 18% of both premenopausal and postmenopausal women having ovarian cysts. The majority of postmenopausal cysts last for 1 year. In the United States, between 5% to 10% of women had ovarian cysts surgically removed at some point, but only 13% to 20% of these cysts were malignant (cancerous). Ovarian cysts are not precancerous lesions in the vast majority of patients, and they do not raise the chances of ovarian cancer later in life. The removal of benign cysts has little effect on potential ovarian cancer mortality. 

Prevalence in India

Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a widespread female endocrine condition that affects 2.2% to 26% of women. The majority of studies looked at adult women between the ages of 18 and 45. PCOS is prevalent in 9.13% of Indian adolescents. This hints to raise awareness about the importance of early detection in teenage girls. 

In a study conducted by the Postgraduate Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Lalla Ded Hospital), the average age of patients was 33.9 years old. The majority of ovarian tumors develop in women between the ages of 30 and 39. The most prominent clinical manifestation was dull abdominal pain. The prevalence of benign tumors was 71.87%, borderline tumor was 1.9%, and malignant tumor was 28.12% among the 160 patients under this study. Serous cystadenoma was the most prevalent form of ovarian cyst at 22.5%, followed by mucinous cystadenoma at 19.4%. In 13.1% of the cases, both ovaries were affected.

Another study of 460 girls, found that one had oligo/amenorrhea with clinical hyperandrogenism, 29 had oligomenorrhea with polycystic ovaries, one had polycystic ovaries with clinical hyperandrogenism, and 11 had oligomenorrhea with polycystic ovaries in the presence of hyperandrogenism.

In all age groups, benign ovarian tumors were common than malignant ones. Analysis found a higher rate of malignancy than in other studies conducted, indicating regional differences and emphasising the need to recognise region-specific risk factors.

Diagnosis of ovarian cysts

During a pelvic test, a cyst on the ovary can be discovered if you have one. Imaging rather than physical examination, and laboratory tests or surgical procedures, are often used to diagnose an ovarian cyst. 


For the diagnosis of ovarian cysts, ultrasonography is the gold standard. Ultrasound can help to determine the form of the cyst in certain cases. A sonogram is a procedure that uses sound waves to create images of the body’s organs. It allows a doctor to see the cyst’s height, form, and position, as well as whether it is solid or filled with fluid.

2.Pregnancy test

A positive pregnancy test may indicate the presence of a corpus luteum cyst.


The doctor will see the ovaries and remove the ovarian cyst using a laparoscope, which is a thin, lighted tube, that is implanted into the abdomen through a slight incision. This, however, is a medical procedure that necessitates the use of an anesthetic.

4.CA 125 blood test

In women with ovarian cancer, blood levels of a protein called cancer antigen 125 (CA 125) are often elevated. Your doctor may prescribe this test if the cyst is partly solid and if there is a high risk of ovarian cancer. However, even noncancerous conditions like endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and pelvic inflammatory disease can cause elevated levels of CA 125.

How long does it take to treat ovarian cysts?

Functional cysts typically shrink on their own after a period of time, usually 1 to 3 months. If you have a functional cyst, the doctor will examine the cyst again after this timeframe to see if the cyst has shrunk or disappeared entirely. If you have several functional cysts, your doctor may prescribe birth control pills to prevent you from ovulating (since if you don’t ovulate, you won’t form functional cysts).

A cyst that is massive, that does not appear to be a functional cyst, is developing and persisting for two to three menstrual cycles, or induces pain can be removedby surgery. An ovarian cyst can be surgically removed in one of the two ways:

1.Laparoscopy: A lighted device called laparoscope, which looks like a slim telescope, is used to perform this sort of surgery.  This instrument is inserted into the abdomen with a minor cut or incision near or below the navel (belly button). The doctor will then be able to see the organs through the laparoscope. Tiny incisions around the pubic hairline may also be required to remove the cyst. The doctor may also plan to perform a laparoscopy if the cyst is small and if it appears benign on the sonogram.

2.Laparotomy: The doctor would most likely perform a laparotomy if the cyst is too large to extract using a laparoscope or if it looks suspicious in some way. The cyst is removed by a larger cut in this procedure. The cyst is then examined for signs of cancer. If it appears to be cancerous, then the ovary and other tissues will need to be removed. The fallopian tubes, the other ovary, or the uterus may also be affected, hence these should also be removed. It is important to discuss all of this with your doctor before proceeding with the surgery.

The treatment of ovarian cysts is a big procedure. Hence, it is important that you get enough rest to allow your body to recover. The amount of time it takes to recover from surgery varies from person to person. The body’s healing process takes about 12 weeks to completely recover.


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