Physical health has taken a NUMBER-1 place in the hearts of people to such an extent that they are just neglecting their mental health! We want to be tik-tok stars, models, we feel ugly without make-up, upload everything we do, show off - social media is eating us daily deteriorating our mental health.
The point here is that physical health is still being taken care of, but what about your Mental Health?
your suffering…?
your depression…?
your traumas…?
your loneliness…?
your inner pain…?
What about all of this huh...? If everybody is happy on social media then why there is a rise in suicide and depression cases along with serious mental health disorders.
Nobody talks about it..isn't it? Because - we all have become FAKE, Showoffs is a new trend today! But together, we can talk about it and come to a common ground to help each other to stay healthy mentally too.
Unheard Stats and Facts
- Mental health difficulties have led to more than 800,000 deaths every year globally. Here, the U.S. alone accounts for over 41,000 deaths each year.
- Almost 94% of the people going through serious mental health concerns are non-violence. Although, certain circumstances may lead them to be violent but the percentage is very less, 3-6%.
- U.S. people who underwent substance abuse, also suffered from Mental Health Illnesses by 50.5%.
- The U.S. loses $200 billion every year, due to its people going through mental health problems.
- The investment of 2% to 4% per capita on providing mental health services can save millions of lives every year.
- Every 1 out of the 10th adult has faced depression accounting for 20% of the adolescent folks.
- Not more than 44% of the folks seek treatments for mental health hardships.
- Death because of mental health illnesses is the second largest cause of death among 15 to 29 years old folks.
- 1 out of 25th Americans has gone through serious mental health difficulties like schizophrenia/bipolar disorder.
- Every 1 out of 5th Americans faces all health problems.
WHO - Mental Health Status 2020, India
- According to the Global Burden of Disease Study - 1990 to 2017, 'One out of every 7th Indian has been the victim of mental health disorder where the extent to which they are affected differs in 2017.'
- Overall, the estimated economic loss in India from 2012-2030 due to Mental Health problems has been 1.03 trillion of $2010.
- The ratio proportion of the 'Mental disorders: Total Impact on India', almost doubled to date from 1990.
- According to the Lancet studies, 'Indians overall stats revealed that the suicidal death cases among Indian women have heightened from 1990 (25.3%) to 2016 (36.6%). Among Men, the stat for 1990 is 18.7% and in 2016 is 24.3%.
- India holds the record of 36.6% suicide rates.
- According to the NIMHANS - National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences in Bengaluru, a survey done by them disclosed that - 'The total number of teenagers between the age group of 13 to 17 years, suffering from depression or another kind of mental health illnesses are almost 9.8 million.'
- According to the WHO, the healthcare system of India isn't well. It states that the Indian psychologists, counselors, and psychiatrists are lacking by a big number. India has 0.3 psychiatrists and 0.7 psychologists for every 1,00,000 folks where the desirable number should be 3 per 1,00,000 folks.
Things you must avoid saying to a Mental Health Patient
- "You are an attention seeker…"
- "At least you are famous and rich…"
- "You don't look sick…"
- "I feel sad for you…"
- "You are strong, you will be fine…"
- "It's fine, cheer up - there are more unprivileged people than you…"
How to improve Mental Health?
- Always wanted to play guitar? Just do it…
- Always wanted to start your blog? Just do it…
- Always wanted to learn to make cakes and cookies? Just do it…
- Always wanted to be a part-time tuition tutor? Just do it…
- Always wanted to be an entrepreneur? Just do it…
- Walk barefoot in the garden.
- Play with nature, talk to trees, thank them for whatever they do for us.
- Practice silence by observing birds' voices, animals playing around - these natural voices will soothe you from within.
- Apart from being a major source of vitamin D, sunbathe helps you fight depression.
- Take 10 minutes sunbathing daily in the morning.
- Wake up at the sunrise time, to feel enchanted by its beauty.
- If possible, never miss the sunset, its charm will amaze you for sure relaxing your body by releasing happy chemicals.
- Meditate for 10-20 minutes daily.
- Practice doing yoga asanas to relieve your mind, body, and soul.
- Play outdoor games like football, badminton, cricket, etc in the morning or evening to refresh you.
- Join a gym if you like.
- Practice gratitude after waking up daily.
- Eat green leafy veggies.
- Replace cold drinks with juices, smoothies, and a protein shake.
- Eat fresh fruits daily.
- Eat dry fruits.
- Drink plenty of water daily.
- Intake omega 3 fatty acids to fight depression.
- Enrich your diet with nutrient, vitamin, and protein-rich foods.
- Eat dark chocolates thrice a week - they're natural antidepressants.
- Replace alcohol with healthy drinks.
- Say no to smoking, it's disastrous for your health.
- Never consume drugs except for the prescribed ones by doctors, you are only inviting the 'death' in your door.
- Experiment with new recipes, Diy hacks for your closet, and home decors.
- Write a story, poem, views on prevailing issues, jokes, etc.
- Learn about new courses.
- Keep yourself up to date with general knowledge.
- Solves puzzles, and maths questions.
- Learn digital marketing, games, or anything that excites you.
- Talking with like-minded people is the best therapy ever.
- Plan outings with your friends.
- Visit your relatives to cheer up your mood.
- Talk to strangers, know their challenges and life struggles. Ask how they overcome them.
- Make friends on social media, but be cautious of the scammers.
- Help the needy ones, whether small or big.
- Speak nicely with waiters, maids, and poor people.
- Sit with the needy people, talk to them and appreciate how hard they work to feed their family.
- Always carry some extra money, clothes, and food on your way, give them to the needy people.
- Associate with an NGO, be a helping hand!
- Manage your sleeping time. The best time to sleep is 10 p.m., experts say.
- Wake up early around 6 am to 7 am to amaze yourself with the beautiful refreshing early morning air.
- Sleep peacefully as if there is no stress in your life.
- Around 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit, is the best temperature for a sound sleep.
Apps to elevate your mental health
- Depression CBT Self-Help Guide
- MoodMission
- Talkspace
- Sanvello
- Shine
- Moodfit
- Headspace
- Happify
Mental health is a serious topic and should be handled with delicacy. Create more awareness on such topics via social awareness programs, public surveys, and counseling. How to tackle Mental health? - Must be a primary subject in the schools and colleges irrespective of whatever stream the student chooses! Educate yourself well enough, check your mental health and then try to treat others. Irresponsibility here can take somebody's life, so be careful!