When will my periods Stop?

As a teenager getting your first period can be a mixed feeling. You might be really anxious at the same time excited that you have turned into a beautiful woman. Most commonly the first period starts at an age of 11, this natural process symbolizes that your body is ready for reproduction and it continues till you attain the stage of menopause. You will have your menstrual cycle every month and for most women the average menstruation cycle is 28 days, however the variation in the cycle is also quiet normal. 

It is said that after 6 years of your first period you will have stabilized hormones and this will make your menstrual cycle to have a predictable pattern. This is because your body needs the time to accept the change and function accordingly. 

What is menopause?

Like when you experienced your first periods your body showed various symptoms and it was very natural, same way menopause is also a nature’s way of telling that you have reached a stage where you can no longer reproduce. 

Your menstrual cycle stops when you attain menopause. Generally menopause starts at the age of 51. However few women experience menopause a little earlier at around 40, this is called premature menopause. When you attain menopause your fertility also stops this is because the two essential hormones such as estrogen and progesterone are no longer produced by the ovaries. 

Menopause is a natural process as women age, her periods also stop, but there are other unnatural ways for a woman to have her last period such as surgery or some disease. In this case it is called induced or surgical menopause. 

What causes menopause?

When you reach your late 30’s your ovaries reduce the production of estrogen and progesterone which are responsible for fertility. When you reach your 40’s there is fluctuation in your periods, you will experience irregular periods. You might have variations such as heavy or lighter flow or sometimes shorter or longer periods. These irregularities will indicate that you are in the starting stage of menopause. 

There are three stages of menopause 


As mentioned this is the starting stage and you will have irregular periods and various other side effects like hot flashes, mood swing and tiredness. However, remember you still have menstrual cycle and there are chances to get pregnant. 


This is when you have your last period, but it’s not possible to know until you don’t get your periods till the next year. The common symptoms are dryness in our vaginal, lack of sleep and hot flashes. 

Post menopause 

So when you don’t get your periods for more than a year then you are in the stage of Post menopause. Your fertility is completely stopped. If you have bleeding after a year then you have to consult our gynecologist. 


What are the symptoms of menopause? 

When you experience a natural menopause the first sign is irregularity of your menstrual cycle. There are also other symptoms such as,

Mood swings

Many women experience mood swings when they have menopause, they show an emotional imbalance during this stage. Irritability, depression, Anxiety, and often crying are some of the common mood swings.  

Less interest in sex

Since there is no estrogen and progesterone you tend to have less interest in sex or completely avoid sex. When you have menopause you might notice that you don’t get turned on so easily and thus you are hardly show interest in sex. 

Pain when you have intercourse   

Lower level of estrogen leads to less lubrication in the vagina, thus your vagina becomes dry and when you are engaged in sexual activity you will have pain. 


Migraine is a common symptom; your body will also produce less progesterone and testosterone than in previous years. These hormonal fluctuations can affect your headaches.

Hot flashes 

Hot flashes are another common symptom of menopause; hot flashes are a sudden feeling of heat that spreads throughout the body. Many women experience hot flashes at night which are called night sweats. 

Sleeping disorder

Hot flashes are one of the main reasons for sleeping problems. It is said that approximately 75 to 80 percentages of women in the menopausal stage have hot flashes. 

Dryness in the vagina 

Vaginal dryness is a common symptom of menopause and close to one out of every three women deals with it while going through "the change." It became even more common afterward. It also makes the vagina thinner and less elastic. This is called vaginal atrophy.

How do you care for yourself when you are going through menopause?

Plan your diet

This is the foremost thing you should do. Women in general don’t pay much attention to what they eat. They cook and care for the entire family but take very little care of her, this results in weakness of the bone and overall health. You must plan a healthy diet and focus on getting the right nutrients. 

Calcium is essential

Women during menopause tend to lose a lot of calcium, this can lead to osteoporosis. The deficiency of calcium is known as osteoporosis which causes the bones to weaken. In order to gain calcium in your body, you need to include food that is rich in calcium such as milk and other dairy products, and green leafy vegetables. 

Vitamin D deficiency is also another factor associated with weak bones. sun light is a natural source of vitamin D. 

Fruits and vegetables 

Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet regularly. This will improve your stamina and will lessen the symptoms during menopause. 

Food rich in phytoestrogens 

Phytoestrogens are plant compounds that produce the same effect as estrogens in your body. This will help in balancing the hormones. Soybean, soy milk and other soy products such as tofu contain phytoestrogens. Flaxseeds, linseeds, sesame seeds are also good source of phytoestrogens. 

Be your body hydrated 

Don’t let your body get dehydrated; plenty of healthy fluids or even plain water is very essential. This will also help in flushing out the toxins from your body.  

Drinking plenty of water can also be helpful in avoiding bloating which is common due to hormonal changes. Doctors recommend that 8 to 10 glasses of water is essential per day. 

Avoid caffeine and alcohol

These are more likely to trigger mood swings and night sweat which are the symptoms of menopause. Doctors advise to avoid trigger foods when you have your menopause. 

Avoid sugar and junk food 

Sugar and other unhealthy food will lower your immunity. Also a study shows that processed food will cause stress and anxiety. This can also make you feel depressed and sad. Experts advise to avoid such foods during menopause. 

Exercise is mandatory

Maintain a healthy weight by working out on a regular phase. This will help you to avoid symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. Also exercise can lift up your mood. When you exercise you tend to release endorphin which is a feel good hormone and thus your mood swings can be avoided. 

A study shows that around 17,000 women who have lost weight during menopausal stage have less effect of hot flash and other menopause symptoms. 

Healthy and nutritious food and adequate rest help in dealing with menopause. Talking to experts and taking their advice can also be beneficial when you are in the menopausal stage. 

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