How does Anxiety Disorder make you feel?

 How does anxiety disorder make you feel?

  • Anxiety can make you feel tensed or worried. 
  • Anxiety can create physical symptoms like a fast heartbeat or sweating.
  • It is a usual human response to be anxious in some situations. You may go through anxiety disorder if you feel anxious most of the time.
  • You can be cured of anxiety disorders. Treatment and support are accessible to you.
  • Your doctor can give you treatment. What you are given will be based on your symptoms and how severe they are.

Internationally approximately 284 million people went through an anxiety disorder in 2017, making it the most widespread mental health or neurodevelopmental disorder. Around 63 % (179 million) were female, contrasted to 105 million males. In all countries, women are more likely to know-how anxiety disorders than men.

What causes anxiety?

Doctors can't wholly understand what are the reasons behind anxiety disorders. It's presently assumed that some traumatic experiences can cause anxiety in people who are habitual to it. Genetics may play a major role in anxiety. In certain cases, anxiety may be occurred by a bad health problem and could be the basic signs of a physical rather than mental illness.

A person may go through one or more anxiety disorders at a similar time. It may also invite other mental health diseases like depression or bipolar disorder. This is specifically true of generalized anxiety disorder which most generally invites another anxiety or mental health state.

What are anxiety disorders?

We all go through anxiety, fear, and worry sometimes. These can be general responses to some situations.

For instance, you might be anxious about a job interview, or about paying a bill on time. These feelings can give you a consciousness of risks and what you require to do in a difficult or dangerous situation. This condition is called ‘fight or flight’.

Your brain reacts to a threat or risk by releasing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Even though the threat is not real, these hormones create the physical symptoms of anxiety. Once the threatening situation has ended, your body will generally return to normal.

But if you have an anxiety disorder these feelings of fear and threat can be ongoing and break off your daily routine long after the threat has gone. They can make you feel as though things are poorer than they are.

Mental symptoms of anxiety can comprise:

  • racing feelings,
  • disorderly over-thinking,
  • difficulties focusing,
  • feelings of terror, panic, or ‘imminent doom’,
  • feeling short-tempered,
  • heightened awareness,
  • issues with sleep,
  • changes in hunger,
  • wanting to run away from the situation you are in, and
  • Distancing

If you distance you might feel like you are not associated with your own body. Or like you are watching things occur around you, without feeling it.

Physical symptoms of anxiety can comprise:

  • panic,
  • heavy and quick breathing,
  • hot flushes or shy,
  • dry mouth,

There are numerous major types of anxiety disorders:

Generalized anxiety disorder has feelings of worries or getting anxiety. People who go through this disorder have tension about various concerns like health problems or finances and may get a sixth sense that something worst is going to occur. Symptoms comprise restlessness, bad temper, muscle tension, difficulty in focusing, sleep problems, and usually feeling on edge.

Panic disorder is noticeable by repeated panic attacks that comprise symptoms like sweating, shaky, shortness of breath, or a feeling of choking; a throbbing heart or quick heart rate; and feelings of terror Such attacks frequently happen abruptly, without warning. People who go through panic attacks frequently become fearful about when the next episode will happen, which can cause them to change or confine their normal activities.

Phobias are powerful fears about some objects (spiders or snakes, for example) or situations (like flying in airplanes) that are distressing or disturbing.

Social anxiety disorder is also described as social phobia. People with this disorder are afraid of social situations in which they might feel uncomfortable or judged. They naturally feel nervous spending time in social settings, feel awkward in front of others, and concern about being discarded by or offending others. Other common symptoms comprise having a hard time making friends, evading social situations, distressing for days before a social event, and feeling shaky, perspiring, or nauseous when spending time in a social setting.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is understood by constant, unmanageable feelings and thoughts (obsessions) and routines or rituals (obligations). Some general examples comprise compulsive hand washing in reaction to a fear of germs, or frequently checking work for errors.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can generate after a severe physical or emotional trauma like a natural disaster, serious accident, or crime. Symptoms comprise flashbacks of the trauma, nightmares, and frightening thoughts that obstruct a person’s everyday routine for months or years after the traumatic familiarity.


When to see a doctor

It’s not always simple to convey when anxiety is a severe medical problem versus a awful day causing you to feel tensed or worried. Without treatment, your anxiety may not disappear and could get overtime. Treating anxiety and other mental health state is easier early rather than when symptoms deteriorate.

You should visit your doctor if:

  • you feel as though you’re disquieting so much that it’s intrusive with your daily life (comprising hygiene, school or work, and your social life)
  • your anxiety, fear, or worry is difficult for you and hard for you to control
  • you experience depression, are using alcohol or drugs to manage, or have other mental health concerns in addition to anxiety
  • you have the feeling your anxiety is caused by a primary mental health problem
  • you are having suicidal thoughts or are conducting suicidal behaviors (if so, seek instant medical assistance by calling 911)

Coping and support

Be well-informed. Study as much as you can about your condition and what treatments are obtainable to you so you can make suitable decisions about your treatment.

Be steady. Get the treatment plan your mental healthcare supplier gives you, taking your medication as directed, and attending all of your treatment appointments. This will assist keep your anxiety disorder symptoms away.

Know yourself. Figure out what creates your anxiety and practice the coping strategies you generated with your mental healthcare provider so you can best deal with your anxiety when it happens

Write it down. Keeping a journal of your feelings and experiences can assist your mental healthcare provider to determine the most suitable treatment plan for you.

Get support. Think about joining a support group where you can share your experiences and hear from others who go through anxiety disorders. Institutions like the Anxiety and Depression Association of America and the National Alliance on Mental Illness can assist you to find a suitable support group near you.

Manage your time wisely. This can help lessen your anxiety and help you make the most of your treatment.

Be social. Isolating yourself from friends and family can make your anxiety worse. Build plans with people you like spending time with.

Shake things up. Don’t let your anxiety take the power of your life. If you feel weighed down, break up your day by taking a walk.


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