How to Date Online? Learn- What is bad side of online dating

To all those women out there trying to find your prince charming somewhere online, this piece of blurb is just for you !

And if you're coming across this topic for the first time, then , Online dating sites are a specific type of social media designed for people to find their romantic partners and friends. This industry is extremely popularized. There are roughly 41 million people who have tried online dating. 


On dating sites, firstly people create profiles for themselves. Once a profile is created, members can view the profiles of other members of the service, using their profile information to decide whether or not to initiate contact with that individual.

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A wide diversity of online dating services presently exists. Some websites have a broad membership base with a variety of users looking for different types of relationships. Whereas some sites aim at specific features like common interests, locality, religion, sexual orientation or relationship type. Online dating services also vary widely in their revenue streams. Some sites are completely free and dependent on advertising for revenue.


There are various quality dating websites and apps that enable you depending on whether you're looking to try casual dating, meet new people, find partners with similar interests or finally choose your perfect partner for a long lasting relationship. A match that fits your exact dating needs is sure to be out there!


In that case tinder tops the list. No matter whether you're looking for a casual hookup, potential date, friendship or an long term relationship, Tinder has you all covered. It's basically the first stop for those entering the world of online dating. If you want to gamble the odds when it comes to online dating, you need to be present where everyone else is present. On the upside, you have brief profiles, which helps you to make decisions quicker.


 For all the confident women out there, bumble is a free dating app that requires the women to message first. If the guy doesn't reply within 24 hours, he loses his potential dates. This timer kind of model is designed to encourage contact and some people really do appreciate that feature. But if you're a person who procrastinates, Bumble would probably not work with you. Because women must message first, and in this way bumble tries to weed out the more insecure men from the dating pool.  


OkCupid is one of the recently trending online dating services out there. If you’re looking for love on the web, it’s not a bad place to start. As with any dating app, your profile is the first thing people see when they open the application, so it's all about making your first impression count!


Next in the line is Match which is also a renowned growing dating site that serves over 50 countries in 12 different languages. Match has helped thousands of singles find love and of course it would be a perfect destination to find your partner


And then comes Grindr which has emerged to be the largest social networking app for bi, trans, gay, and queer people. With more than 27 millions users who use our location-based technology in almost every country in every corner of the planet, this has proved to be the apt platform for a fun hookup.


Online dating has been a revolution ever since it started, but not everything that glitters is gold. For first time users, it gives an amazing, new and unfeeling experience which immediately attracts their attention. But you might end up matching with the wrong person, someone who might mislead you, exploit you and what not? Maybe an online platform might show you a stack of profiles from which you can choose but in which era has quantity overridden quality. And if you are one among the innocent population thinking that people are still true from their heart, I'm sorry darling, you need to mature a lot. Because the world today is at such an inhumane pace that one can not even completely trust the emotions of a person standing in front of them whereas you are into believing that the person miles away isn't cheating on you. Neither does the crying emoji on your screen mean that the person is crying in real nor does the laughing emoji on your screen mean that the person is laughing in real. 

It's just a matter of conscience and love. Have you ever been on a candlelight dinner date. The table beautifully decorated with scented candles and rose petals. The aroma of the Lavender and Rose-flavored candles adding a sense of something that cannot be described in words. What can be more romantic than that. Do you still believe you can get to know your partner completely through chats and calls. A man's personality and social behavior speaks the loudest and am sure it can never be assessed online. A mere virtual connect in no way is helpful in choosing your guy with whom you'll be spending the next fifty years of life. 

A recent survey has shown us that women had reported different levels of negative effect on two of the three questions asked. It's studied that around one quarter (23%) of women reported intimacy problems because of their partner’s use of internet pornography. Going online might seem to be a convenient way to get in touch with a diverse range of people who have registered as members for the same reason. But online dating can also be destructive to modern relationships. One of the obvious issues with online dating is that they can take refuge behind their computers or smartphones, not revealing too much of themselves until they're sure about getting into a serious relationship. They might be tempted when someone who seems more interesting starts messaging,. And when they feel they're done with you, they’ll simply cut all communication. When it comes to online platforms, the spurned individual is less likely to receive any sort of explanation or reason for the breakup. This is no lesser than the depression caused by the egress of your partner while you date them offline. Although Internet dating is mostly about bringing singles together to start a relationship, the downside of this is that there are people out there with ulterior motives for signing up, and one of the most obvious examples of this is the modern betrayal phenomenon known as catfishing.


  • Today, 2 out of 5 relationships begin online and people who once were hesitant to admit they used online dating are happily giving their open feedback about these platforms. 
  • These platforms enable meeting more people quicker with similar core values, faith, interests, background and preferences.
  • This also turns out to be more convenient than other ways of trying to meet people.


A decade back people would have giggled at the idea of going on a date with someone just after swiping on a picture of their face, now it's very much a reality and looked at as normal behavior. But have you ever wondered what this growing craze would do to your mental health? 

  • Using Dating Apps could result in increased anxiety and depression.
  • Things like ghosting, or low match rates can make regular users more censorious about other potential dates, over time. This tells that if you are a frequent visitor of these dating sites, you are more likely to start noticing more anxiety and depression than before.
  • This simple fact that you are assessing other people’s profiles can impact self-esteem and confidence, and can develop an inferiority complex among the users. 
  • Numerous studies have shown longer periods of internet usage, including time spent on online dating apps, to negative mental health outcomes. 
  • It has also brought to light the fact that users report lower levels of satisfaction with their faces and bodies, and lower levels of self-worth than people who don’t use the dating app. 


The Internet has successfully been a splendid revolution and probably the very reason for the introduction of the information age, but you need to be careful while using it because addiction to anything is never safe. And when it comes to online dating, you're pretty lucky if you find a genuine person but do not put in a lot of time if you feel it is not for you because there are many other options to find a partner.

Though we have a lot of online shopping sites for groceries we always prefer going to the market to buy households. That's because the food we take in builds up our health. So when you are that particular about the food that is going to take care of your body, don't you feel the man who's gonna take care of your soul for the rest of your life must be picked out justly. After all, life is one massive learning field, and it can be easy to fall down a path of self-exploitation without even knowing. But it is your life, you are the one in charge. So think about it and choose wisely!!!

References :,%2C%20romantic%2C%20or%20sexual%20relationships.

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