How can we avoid teenage pregnancy?

Teen childbearing can carry economic, health, and social costs for mother and their children. Teen births in the US have reduced, but still, more than 273,000 infants were born to teens ages 15 to 19 in 2013. The good news is that more teens are willing to have sex, and for sexually active teens, almost 90% used birth control the last time they had sex. About 43% of adolescence ages 15 to 19 have ever had sex. More than 4 in 5 (86%) utilized birth control the last time they had sex.

Less than 5% of teens on birth control used the most efficient types.

However, teens most frequently employ condoms and birth control pills, which are less effective at preventing pregnancy when not used constantly and properly. Intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants, known as Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC), are the most efficient types of birth control for teens. LARC is secure to use, does not need taking a pill each day or doing something each time before having sex, and can put off pregnancy for 3 to 10 years, depending on the method. Less than 1% of LARC users would become expectant during the primary year of use.

Nurses, doctors and additional health care providers are able to:

· Hearten teens not to have sex.

· Distinguish LARC as a safe and effective choice of birth control for teens.

· Present a broad range of birth control options to teens, comprising LARC, and converse the pros and cons of each.

· Look for training in LARC insertion and removal, have supplies of LARC obtainable, and discover funding options to cover up costs.

· Remind teens that LARC by itself does not defend against sexually transmitted diseases and that condoms should also be used each time they have sex.


Few teens (ages 15 to 19) on birth control use the most efficient types.

Use of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) is low.

· Fewer than 5% of teens on birth control employ LARC.

· Most teens use birth control pills and condoms, procedures which are less effective at preventing pregnancy when not used correctly.

· There are numerous barriers for teens who might believe LARC:

o Many teens know very slight about LARC.

o Some teens incorrectly think they cannot employ LARC because of their age.

· Clinics also account barriers:

o High upfront costs for supplies.

o Providers may lack consciousness about the safety and efficiency of LARC for teens.

o Providers may be deficient in training on insertion and removal.

Providers can take steps to boost awareness and accessibility of LARC.

· Title X is a federal grant program supporting private family planning and related defensive services with priority for low-income clients and teens.

o Title X-funded centers have used the newest clinical guidelines on LARC, trained providers on LARC insertion and elimination, and secured low- or no-cost options for birth control.

o Teen employ of LARC has amplified from less than 1% in 2005 to 7% in 2013.

· Other state and local programs have made alike efforts.

o More teens and young women chose LARC, ensuing in fewer unplanned pregnancies.


1. Be apparent of your sexual values and attitudes. It will be much simple for you to converse with your child if you have thought through these questions:

· How do you sense about school-aged teens being sexually active? Becoming parents?

· Who requires to set the sexual restrictions in a relationship? How is this done?

· Were you sexually lively as a teen? How do you sense about that now? Were you sexually lively before you were married? How do the answers to these questions influence what you will utter to your children?

· How do you feel about cheering teens to desist from sex?

· What do you believe about teens using contraceptives?

2. Converse with your children early and frequently about sex and love.

 Be particular. The most significant thing you can do is to say the primary few words. Be truthful and open. Listen cautiously to find out what your child already comprehends. Make your chats back and forth—two ways. Talking with your children about sex will not support them to become sexually active. Kids require just as much help understanding how relationships labour and the meaning of 10 Tips for Parents To Help Their Children Avoid Teen Pregnancy sex as they do in thoughtful how all the body parts work. What’s the dissimilarity between love and sex? Let your children know what you worth and believe—and then be sure to be a good role model and “walk the talk.” Significantly, your child feels comfortable asking you questions about anything—not just questions about sex. Do your finest to be an “askable” parent. Let your children know that they can converse with you about whatever they are thinking or worrying about.

· Kids say they want to convert these kinds of questions:

· How do I recognize I’m in love? Will sex bring me earlier to my boyfriend?

· How will I identify when I’m set for sex? How will I know when I’m prepared to get married?

Is · Will having sex make me more well-liked? Will I be more mature and be able to do more adult activities?

· How do I tell my girlfriend/boyfriend that I don’t desire to have sex—without losing him/her or hurting his/her feelings?

· How do I react when my girlfriend/boyfriend pressures me to have sex?

· What about contraceptives? How do they function? Which are the safest? Which toil the best?

· Can you get pregnant the primary time?

· Be a parent with a point of observation. These are the types of things you could say to your child:

· I reflect kids in high school are too young to have sex—particularly given the dangers of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

· Whenever you do have sex, always use defence against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases—until you are prepared to have a child.

· In our family, we consider that sex should be a phrase of love within marriage.

· Teens nowadays discover themselves in many sexually charged circumstances. Think ahead about how you will feel this. Have a preparation. Will you articulate “no”? Will you use contraceptives? How will you discuss all this?

· It’s natural and usual to have sexual desires and to reflect on sex. It is not satisfactory for teens to get pregnant.

· Having a baby doesn’t create a boy into a man or a girl into a woman. People wait until they are ready to take accountability before having a child.

· Having sex is not the value you should pay for having a close relationship. If it is, discover another boyfriend/girlfriend

3. Administer and check your children’s activities. Identify where your children are at all times. Are they secure? What are they doing? Are they concerned with functional activities? If they aren’t with you, are accountable adults supervising them? You may be accused of being too snoopy, but you can assist your children to appreciate that parents who think about know where their kids are.

4. Make out your children’s friends and their families.

 Since peers have a strong authority on teens, do your best to aid your children to decide friends from families with alike values. 


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