What is the difference between PCOS and PCOD?

PCOS and PCOD are very common in women. PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome and PCOD stands for polycystic ovarian disease. Both PCOS and PCOD are related to ovaries and many women suffer from these two. Every one in ten women who are there in their child bearing age suffer from PCOS and almost 5 to 10 percent of women between 12 to 45 years of age suffer from PCOD. Both the conditions need medical supervision and it is highly suggested not to ignore any of the symptoms. 

Differences between PCOS and PCOD -


These two diseases are related to two ovaries for sure but the causes are different. 


PCOS is an ovarian syndrome which is caused by endocrine system disorder. To simplify it, ovaries of the females suffering from PCOS produce higher levels of androgen than what is produced in normal days. In turn, this interferes with the procedure of egg release and its development. The eggs of the female having PCOS develop into small cysts which are small sac-like things filled with liquids. People suffering from PCOS do not release during ovulation, instead, the cysts develop in the ovaries and in many cases these cysts enlarge with time.


PCOD is also an ovarian disease caused due to hormonal imbalance. The particular reason for the cause of PCOD is not yet known by health experts but doctors say that it has something to do with genetics and hormonal imbalances. It causes problems in the monthly menstrual flow of a woman. It can also be caused because of attaining menarche at a very early stage or pollution or due to unhealthy lifestyle. It is mainly caused by an imbalance of hormones.

What are the symptoms?


Some of the initial  signs can be in the form of -

  • Missed periods, unpredictable periods, or exceptionally light periods 
  • Ovaries that are huge or have numerous pimples 
  • Overabundance body hair, including the chest, stomach, and back (hirsutism) 
  • Weight acquire, particularly around the stomach (midsection) 
  • Skin inflammation or slick skin 
  • Baldness caused in the pattern seen in males 
  • Barrenness or inability to conceive
  • Little bits of overabundance skin on the neck or armpits (skin labels) 
  • Dull or rough patches on the rear of the neck, in the armpits, and under the bosoms


Some of the warning signs can be in the form of -

  • Menstrual cycle or periods - abnormal cycles. The flow can sometimes be heavy or it can also be irregular. Sometimes a woman might experience very light periods which lasts for just a few days maximum two or three days. It can also be termed as spotting. So one of the core reasons is changes in the menstrual flow. 
  • Weight management - a sudden increase in weight which can also cause overweight in a person or obesity. It is very important to notice these symbols of gaining weight all of a sudden.
  • Common problems may also include - Difficulty to conceive , skin inflammation, dull patches of skin in folds and wrinkles, depressed mind, loss of scalp hair, sleek skin, or undesirable hair.

How are these diseases diagnosed?


Women suffering from PCOD are often asked to take PCOD panel tests. This test measures the hormone levels and fasting plus postprandial glucose levels in the body. This test is recommended to track if the woman has PCOD or not. This test is recommended if the woman has acne, irregular periods , increased body weight   or other symptoms which can contribute to PCOD. 


There is absence of a proper test to diagnose PCOS. The doctors must rely on the symptoms which are irregular periods, and every other period problem which is not related to a normal and obvious menstrual cycle. The doctors address medical history and ask various questions on a patient's medical history, most importantly questions on period cycle or menstrual cycle. How long it stays , comes every month or not, nature of flow, speed of flow which can be heavy, medium or light etc. Then the doctor does a physical examination followed by blood tests and pelvic ultrasound to detect whether you have polycystic ovarian syndrome or not. The doctor examines the symptoms carefully, talks to the patient about her menstrual cycle , performs tests and then confirms whether the patient is suffering from pcos or not!

PCOS VS PCOD , which one is more severe?

If we compare which one is more severe than obviously it is PCOS . Yes PCOS is more fatal than PCOD. The nature of these two diseases are different even if they are generated from ovaries. One is a disease and the other is a syndrome. Therefore, it is definitely not the same when it comes to severity. Women having PCOS develop small cysts. Not only this, they have the chances of getting other health problems in the form of type two diabetes, cardiovascular problems, endometrial cancer and ovarian cysts. It is very important to start treatment at an early stage. If not treated well the disease may turn fatal for the woman. At present there is no dedicated cure for this but still it can be cured with doctors supervision with early treatments. So, don’t ignore any symptoms you might have and consult a doctor immediately.

PCOS is a severe condition. PCOD isn't viewed as an infection similarly as with the right eating routine and exercise plan, the circumstance improves. PCOS is a metabolic issue. 

PCOD is more normal. Very nearly 33% of the ladies all throughout the planet experience the ill effects of PCOD. PCOS has a lower number of patients. 

PCOS has genuine entanglements. Ladies who experience the ill effects of PCOS are in danger of having diabetes, hypertension, heart vascular issues, heftiness and surprisingly endometrial disease. 

PCOS is noticeable right off the bat throughout everyday life. Young ladies who experience the ill effects of PCOS show indications of the infection since their teen years. Skin break out, extreme hair development and weight acquired are obvious from a more youthful age because of metabolic unsettling influences. 

Those with PCOD don't have huge ripeness issues. With a touch of clinical assistance, they consider it effectively. Ladies who experience the ill effects of PCOS, then again, battle with fruitlessness. They even have higher rates of premature deliveries. 

Those with PCOD can in any case ovulate in regular intervals. The ones who have PCOD may have comparative manifestations as PCOS, however they hold the capacity to ovulate occasionally and along these lines, can consider it effectively. Nonetheless, those with PCOS don't ovulate because of a serious hormonal lopsidedness that upsets the cycle of ovulation.

Now that we know the differences between PCOS and PCOD, next time someone asks you or you experience certain symptoms, do not be like, “Oh!Okay, PCOS or PCOD? Ah1 both are the same!” no they are not! Do not panic and seek medical supervision the moment you feel that something is wrong. Check your period cycles and the type of flow as well. These are very common and can happen to you as well! Therefore, don’t ignore symptoms. Girl you’re strong! You can fight it with ease!





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