Will I have PCOD problem after marriage also? Can marriage cure PCOD?


Polycystic ovary disease (PCOD) is a disease that impacts a woman's hormone levels.

Women with PCOD create superior than average amounts of male hormones. This inequity of hormones leads their body to leave out menstrual periods and makes it demanding for them to get pregnant.

PCOD also causes hair growth on the body and the face and baldness. It can also direct to long-term health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

Diabetes drugs(which battle insulin resistance, a PCOD symptom) and birth control pills can aid fix the imbalance of hormones and enhance symptoms.

What is PCOD?

PCOD is a problem with hormones that pertains to women during their childbearing years(ages 15 to 44). Between 2.2 and 26.7% of women in this age criteria have PCOD.

Many women have PCOD but aren't aware of it. According to one study, up to 70 percent of women with PCOD hadn't been diagnosed.

PCOD concerns a woman's ovaries, the reproductive organs that create estrogen and progesterone- hormones function the menstrual cycle. The ovaries also generate a small number of male hormones known as androgens.

The ovaries discharge eggs to be fertilized by a man's sperm. The discharge of an egg every month is known as ovulation. 

The lack of ovulation varies levels of estrogen, progesterone, FSH, and LH. Progesterone levels are lower than usual, while androgen levels are higher than average.

Extra male hormones interrupt the menstrual cycle, so women with PCOD get fewer periods than usual.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOD) concerns up to almost 27 percent of women during their childbearing years. 

PCOD is a very annoying condition in women that can influence your health, fertility, and emotional well-being. It is not astonishing that having PCOD can change your relationships with your friends, partner, and family as well.

Here are certain factors that can involve your relationships if you PCOD and what you can do about the same.


Self-Esteem Problems

In addition to creating reproductive changes like trouble conceiving, uneven periods, PCOD can create a number of  upsetting dermatological symptoms like boils, acne, irregular hair growth, skin tags, weight gain and hair loss. These variations to your physical appearance can lower your self-esteem and may get you not comfortable in your body. You may also go through mood swings like depression and anxiety, which can question your self-esteem as well.

Don't forget that your friends and family love you for who you represent as your face is clear or hair are dope. Obviously, you don't love your best friend due to that reason, right? Create a dignity for yourself and have hope that your loved ones love you as much as you love them. If this becomes a major issue, try seeing a mental health expert so you can work through any pessimistic thoughts you might have.

Weight Changes

Many women with PCOD have a tough time losing weight. If you have been going through a tough time to lose any PCOD-related weight you may have gained, you might feel offended of friends who are slimmer or don't have to regulate their weight. Many women are persistently comparing themselves to their skinnier friends or are uncomfortable about their extra weight.

If your weight is a problem, consult with a registered dietician who is skilled in treating women with PCOD for guidance on changes of lifestyle. Even without losing weight, women with PCOD can enhance their lives and improve their health.

Infertility and closeness

Infertility, or difficulty getting pregnant, can majorly affect a couple's relationship. Opening your private sexual life to medical experts can actually obstruct your intimacy as well. Even being told when to have sex and when to refrain the impulsiveness and enjoyment that comes with being a couple. It's not rare for couples to fight during this time, specifically giving the emotional and financial strain of fertility treatment. If you sense like our infertility is your mistake, know that infertility is usual and nothing to be embarrassed about.

Infertility doesn't have to break your bond with your partner. There are various things that you can do to reinstate or maintain the spontaneity and intimacy of your sexual relationship. Work with your partner to ponder about fun ways to have sex and take ample amount of time to appreciate each other; it doesn't just have to reside inside the bedroom. You should make time for your partner that will aid enhance your relationship and make trying to create a baby more rewarding, inspite of the fact that you are guided by medical experts.


If you feel that having PCOD is severely affecting your relationships with others, it may be time to check in with an individual psychotherapist or couples' counselor for some help figuring it out.

If you feel that having PCOD is majorly involving your relationships with others, it may be time to consult an individual psychotherapist or couples' counselor for some help getting it out.

Some say, "Go catch married and PCOD will get the healing ."

"Have you considered about how you won't be proficient to encompass kids – because, you recognize it is PCOD"

Inquire people with Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) and they will tell you how they fight stereotypes and myths on an every day basis.

Did you identify that at least one in 10 urban Indian women could be battling the syndrome? Or that uneven periods does not immediately mean PCOD?

MYTH 1: PCOD is a Rare Condition

"Is my daughter suffering from an uncommon condition. I never had PCOD and no one else in my family had PCOD. So how does my daughter has PCOD. Is it something uncommon?"

Dr Kumar states that the condition, a result of varying lifestyle patterns, may not have been very ordinary a decade ago but today, it is almost like an outbreak.

"So, this is a difficulty that is becoming a outbreak in today's current life. So much so that approximately one in 10 women is fundamentally suffering from PCOD," she said

MYTH 2: Irregular Periods = PCOD

Many people who menstruate suppose that they have PCOD just because they have uneven periods. That is absolutely not the case, told Dr Kumar.

"My recommendation here would be, in case you are anguishing from uneven periods, you first require to visit to a gynaecologist and allow the gynaecologist evaluate what is the cause for uneven period," she stated.

Is PCOD uncommon? Can Marriage heal It? Gynaecologist ruined Myths

If you actually want to direct your PCOD, a superior lifestyle and nutrition is necessity, states Dr Anjali Kumar


MYTH 3: Marriage Can treat PCOD

Another normal saga she gets to hear from people is, "shaadi karlo, PCOD teekh toh hojayega"

"My guidance here would be, in case you are anguishing from uneven periods, you primary need to visit to a gynaecologist and allow the gynaecologist assess what is the cause for uneven periods," states the doctor.

MYTH 4: People with PCOD Can't encompass Kids

It is "completely untrue" that people with PCOD will not be capable to have kids. Yes, there may be complications but stating it "not possible" is "unfounded," she declares.

"There is problem sometimes in conceiving a baby. But yes, these days, we have a lot of options obtainable to take care of that difficulty. 






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