Will PCOS affect my sex life after marriage?

This is a common question among ladies suffering from PCOS.

PCOS and sex life after marriage ichhori.com

And also a question women are afraid or ashamed of asking their doctors. PCOS changes our life a lot and also affects various aspects of our lives. Since PCOS affects our periods and even our ability to conceive a baby, several women get concerned about the thought that will it affect their sex lives as well? And as Indian society is too scared of the words like ‘Sex’ and ‘periods,’ we’re scared of clearing our doubts.

And as always, we’re here to save you the trouble and anxiety. So without further adieu, let’s find out what PCOS is and its effects on our body.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, commonly known as PCOS, is a disorder because women create more male hormones than usual. As a result, it impacts a woman’s hormone levels. This hormonal imbalance leads their bodies to skip menstruation, making it more difficult for women to become pregnant. 

PCOS affects females during their reproductive years (ages 15 to 44). PCOS affects between 2.2% and 26.7% of women in this age group worldwide.

PCOS also increases facial and body hair growth, as well as baldness. It can also lead to long-term health issues such as diabetes and heart diseases.

Both hormonal changes and symptoms such as undesired hair growth can have a detrimental impact on your mood. Many people with PCOS eventually develop depression, stress, and anxiety.

Birth control pills and diabetes medications (which battle insulin resistance) can help alleviate the hormone imbalance and help ease the symptoms, but your body may develop resistance to those medications.

PCOS is a “syndrome,” or collection of symptoms affecting the ovaries and ovulation. PCOS manifests itself in a variety of ways. Its three primary characteristics are as follows:

  • ovarian cysts.

  • male hormone levels that are abnormally high

  • Periods that are inconsistent or missed

PCOS affects about one in every five (20%) Indian women. If not treated promptly, the disorder might have severe health consequences. 

According to Dr. Duru Shah, founder of the PCOS Society of India, “While younger women may suffer from irregular periods, experience hirsutism (unwanted male-pattern hair growth) and obesity, in the slightly older age group, it may lead to infertility, risk of miscarriages and more. In addition, conceiving a baby can be difficult with PCOS.”

Some common myths surround the syndrome. Myths like:

  • If you have PCOS, you must have polycystic ovaries. Actually, that’s not at all true. The name ‘Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome’ is misleading. Not having cysts in your ovaries doesn’t mean you don’t have PCOS. Only two of the three characteristics must be met for a woman to be diagnosed: androgen excess (signs include hirsutism, acne, and hair loss), irregular periods, or several follicles/cystic ovaries.

  • Every girl develops hair in spots she doesn’t like. Women with PCOS may develop unwanted hair on their upper lip, chin, or chest due to an overabundance of androgens. However, not every woman will have this problem. The patient’s ethnicity may incline her to have excessive hair.

  • Some believe that PCOS makes it impossible for a girl to conceive. The good news is, it is not entirely true. It does make it difficult to get pregnant but, take a deep breath — you can still get pregnant, both naturally or after fertility treatments such as follicle-stimulating drugs.

  • Some folks think that ultrasound is needed to confirm PCOS. Well, no! Because the existence of excessive follicles or cystic ovaries is not necessary for PCOS diagnosis, a doctor is not obligated to perform an ultrasound on you.

Now that we have a clear idea of what PCOS is and have also popped some myth bubbles, let’s proceed to our actual question:

Will PCOS affect your sex life after marriage?

To some extent, yes. Along with effects on your fertility and health, you’ll also notice severe consequences on your mental health due to PCOS.  

It is no surprise that having PCOS can damage your relationships with your partner, family, and friends as well.

Here are some aspects that can impact your relations if you have PCOS:

  1. Low self-esteem

  2. Mood swings

  3. Intimacy

And in this blog, we’re mainly focusing on the last factor, intimacy.

Infertility, or trouble getting pregnant, can have a significant impact on a couple’s relationship. Opening up your personal sexual life to doctors can also harm your intimacy. Even being instructed when to have sex and refrain takes away the spontaneity and fun of being in a relationship.

Couples frequently fight during this time, especially given the financial and emotional hardship of fertility treatments. If you believe your infertility is your fault, realize that it is not your fault, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Infertility does not have to damage your relationship with your partner. You can do a lot to repair or preserve the closeness and spontaneity of your sexual relationship. Work with your partner to develop exciting ways to initiate sex and not be limited to the bedroom. Make time to enjoy each other outside of the bedroom.

Making time for one another might help enhance your relationship and make trying for a kid more pleasurable, despite medical professionals’ advice.

If you believe that having PCOS negatively impacts your relationships with others, it may be time to consult with an individual psychologist or a couples’ counselor for assistance.

Talking about PCOS with your spouse can be tough, but it can also be relieving to know that someone close to you understands what you’re going through and is there to comfort you along the road. In addition, taking your partner to doctor visits can help them comprehend your condition and the symptoms you are suffering.

Reassure your partner of how they can empower and support you.

It is critical to attempt to engage your partner as much as feasible in your PCOS experiences. This will help you feel more supported and lessen the possibility of your partner feeling isolated.

Psychological variables in PCOS, such as low mood or wellness, lower self-confidence or self-esteem, and the impact of having a chronic disease, all play a crucial role. In addition, negative sentiments about your body can cause problems during intimate moments with another person.

Several studies have indicated that women with PCOS are less happy with their sexual life. It has been demonstrated that hirsutism and being overweight, in particular, make women feel less sexual. According to other experts, this has an effect on relationships as well.

If you find that PCOS interferes with your sexual life or relationship, you must consult with your doctor. These challenges can be improved with the proper support, allowing you to enjoy a satisfying sexual relationship.

If you suffer PCOS and need contraception, it is best to talk to your doctor about your alternatives, as PCOS therapy may be combined with a means of contraception, such as the oral contraceptive pill.

Bottom Line

We understand that it is not easy to go through PCOS. And it is not easy to maintain a relationship, especially when you’re experiencing PCOS. But the best way is to talk it out. So stay calm and surround yourself with positivity.



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