Online interviews are just like any other interviews where you apply for a job and appear for the interview on a specified time, date and venue. The only difference is that the venue would be any online platform like zoom, google meet, microsoft teams etc. these interviews are conducted over video calls instead of an online physical presence for an interview. You can be literally located anywhere and can appear in the interview from any part of the world (just make sure that the timezone is perfect) . you will just need a laptop, a mobile phone , proper clothes and yes most importantly, a stable internet connection and you are good to go. Online interviews are easier and you need not worry about facing the interview panel in person. These people will see you through your computer screen and naturally you can just focus on the interview rather than thinking about travelling or other competitions you have for the job.


online job interview

Statistics -


Only 20 percent job interview candidates make it to the interview round. Many people apply for the job , out of which only 20 percent of them are interviewed. If a person gets an offer , only 30 to 40 percent of them get selected. The online interviews last about 15 minutes or 45 minutes or it can be half an hour as well. 71 percent interviewers pass for a candidate who is not dressed appropriately. Therefore dress matters even in online interviews.


     Conversation starter over video calls -


The interviewers might start a casual talk in order to make the situation lighter but you need not start gossiping. Answer what is required and that is it. Once you enter the meeting link, do not forget to pass a smile or bow if you want to as a sign of respect and connection. A smile shows that you are confident about the interview process and are not sulking about it. Make sure to sit in a straight posture and greet them before they greet you. That is the true sign of a professional. A hello, and good morning works wonders and even if you screw up the interview, be confident and before leaving the link make sure to wish them good bye , have a nice day. Don’t go for abrupt endings. If they start with asking who stays in your family? Be on point and say whoever you live with. If they ask you where are  you from? No need to explain the entire history of where you belong. It is really not required. Just mention the place and state. No need to add things like, “i actually come from a very small town of XYZ , with big dreams and stuff” at this point you need to be confident and professional. The interviewers start on a casual note because they want to make the interview environment lighter by talking in a friendly way and asking things about you. Some people even tend to ask “if it is raining there in your city?” it is not really required to mention details on when it rains or if it is a non seasonal rain or if it's cloudy. Even if they are friendly and informal as a part of the conversation starter , it does not mean that you are also informal and too friendly with them. Make sure to maintain the line of professionalism.


Summary - don’t say anything extra , be on point and do not be extra friendly or casual with the interviewers.


     Answering about your qualification -


When the interviewers ask you about your educational qualification, start with the highest qualification you own. For example if you have an MBA , let them know that you have an MBA degree and if possible mention the year or batch you passed  out. For example - I passed out with an MBA degree , 2021 batch. After that if they ask you about the bachelor's degree, then talk about it. No need to directly start from the 10th or 12th mark sheet. It is not really important. They want to know about your highest qualification and bachelor degree to know what is your background and other details are there in your CV or resume so no need to answer that and answer to the point.


Summary - start with the highest qualification you have.


     Describe the gaps in your resume very well -


People tend to drop after 12th or bachelors degree. This creates a gap year in the resume. The interviewers might ask the reason behind the drop year. What will you do then? You will answer exactly why there is a gap in the resume and you can answer this question only if you know your resume very well so that it becomes easier for you to answer these questions. Do not make up any random answer or wonder about answering this. Even if you make up some answer, it should be proper and you should sound confident. For example, a gap year after 12th can be because you didn’t get through a competitive exam or you didn't get into your desired college , that is why you decided to drop that year and try the following year. Simple right! Sounds true and confident! You need to frame your answers in the same way! Describe the reasons behind the previous resignations and the reasons if you were fired by any organisation. Don't try to escape these questions, it creates a very wrong impression on the interviewer's mind. Interviewers like honest candidates.


Summary - say why did you drop the year and mention the reasons behind your resignation or you getting fired from another organisation.


     Describe your strengths and weaknesses


People can easily talk about their strengths. I can do this, I can do that, oh! I am the best person when it comes to xyz tasks. There is a certain way in which you describe your strengths to a certain organisation. Whenever you talk about any of your strengths, talk with statistics. Yes, if you say you are the best fit for the sales team, mention why? For example - I made a 10 percent sale last month. In this way the interviewers get to know your caliber. Make sure to mention skills that are related to the job position. Skills of dancing , singing might not be applicable until the job position demands it. If you are a content writer, provide them with samples  to prove that you are fit for the job.


When it comes to weaknesses, make sure not to boast by saying that I do not have any such weakness. Do a swot analysis of yourself before you appear for the interview. Talk about your weaknesses and mention that I have this weakness but I would definitely work on it and get over it. This gives a very positive impression. You should avoid saying something you are weak in which is mentioned in the job description. For example, I am a content writer but I do not have proper knowledge of Ms word or google docs. It can be this way, well I am a content writer but my designing part is not good.


Summary - mention your strengths and weaknesses accordingly. Avoid expressing your weakness towards an important skill required for the job.



Therefore, online interviews are the same as physical interviews. It is just that these interviews are conducted online and those are physical on the spot interviews. Make sure to look into the camera and the interviewee because you cannot look at them directly in a video call. Therefore answer accordingly.



References -


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