“How to Improve Egg Quality for IVF?”

 “How to Improve Egg Quality for IVF?”

How to Improve Egg Quality for IVF ichhori.com

IVF success is mostly determined by the quality of the eggs. Egg quality relates to the likelihood of embryo implantation, which is based in part on a woman's ovarian reserve, or the quantity of eggs she has left for the future. This has something to do with her age, but it isn't entirely defined by it. Similarly, while embryo reserve is an excellent predictor of egg quality, quantity does not always imply quality. 

High-quality eggs produce high-quality embryos, which must survive the early stages of development in order to result in a healthy pregnancy. Once within the uterus, high-quality eggs allow the embryo to develop and implant, or "stick." An embryo must be healthy in order to survive the early stages of development and eventually result in pregnancy. A successful pregnancy is more likely when the eggs and embryos are of good quality. This is why a woman's age has a significant role in her chances of having a healthy pregnancy. The capacity of a woman to generate high-quality eggs tends to deteriorate as she grows older.

The importance of egg quality

When it comes to fertility, it's common to focus on how many eggs a woman has left, however egg quality is equally important. The deterioration of egg quality is a normal component of a woman's ageing process. Despite the fact that a woman is born with all of her eggs, older eggs are more likely to have abnormal DNA. An egg can't create a healthy baby if it doesn't have healthy DNA. Every woman has a certain number of abnormal eggs, which increases as she gets older. The majority of low-quality eggs do not fertilise. A lower percentage of the eggs fertilise but result in miscarriage, whereas a smaller percentage of the eggs fertilise but result in genetic abnormalities in the infant. This is why it takes an older woman many more menstrual cycles to become pregnant, and why IVF success rates are lower as a result.

Improve Egg Quality for IVF

There are natural or 'at home treatments' for increasing egg quality and fertility, as well as pregnancy chances (Dr. Hirshfeld-Cytron). The quantity and quality of eggs are genetically predetermined and decrease over time, but the environment in which they grow, like every other cell in the body, may be influenced by lifestyle factors.

  1. Hormone Balance

Hormonal imbalance is quite prevalent, and it is mostly caused by environmental factors, stress, and new Western diets. Hormone imbalances have a negative impact, causing an out of sync productiveness sequence in which ovulation may not occur. Hormonal balance can be enhanced by consuming fertility superfoods, and removing excess hormones from the body's system. To develop, mature, and ovulate an egg, the required hormones must be present in the right amounts at the right time during the menstrual cycle. Many women suffer with their periods and are affected by their moods, diets, and hormones. They struggle with blood sugar balance as well, although controlling blood sugar levels by eliminating sugar from the diet can improve. Stress, lack of sleep, and tiredness all have an impact on hormonal balance, and elevated stress hormones can harm egg health.

  1. Improve Blood Flow and Oxegenation

A sufficient supply of oxygen in the blood is required for the production of healthy eggs. If you don't exercise every day, don't drink enough water, or have thick blood, your blood circulation may decrease. Blood flow and oxegenation can be improved by drinking 8 glasses of water a day, exercising regularly (walking, hiking, fertility yoga), and receiving fertility and abdominal massages. Acupuncture has been shown in studies to help improve blood flow to the pelvic region and the ovaries. More nutrients are able to get through with adequate blood flow, which improves the health of the eggs.

  1. Consume a healthy diet and adopt a healthy lifestyle

Improving your general health can help to keep your eggs healthy, and what you eat and drink plays a huge role in that. Nutrient-dense diets like fruits and vegetables, seafood, and grains have been shown in studies to enhance fertility. In addition to ensuring that your diet comprises nutritious foods, you should avoid processed meals, saturated fats, and excessive sugar and salt, as well as limiting your alcohol intake. (Lora Shanine, M.D.). Smoking causes irreversible egg loss in the ovaries. Cigarette smoke causes DNA mutations in a woman's egg cells, rendering some of her eggs unfit for pregnancy. Because women are born with all of their eggs and the amount of eggs they will ever have decreases with age, it is preferable to maintain eggs healthy and free of unwanted chemicals.

Foods that should be incorporated into diets are:

  • Vegetables
  • Berries
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Salmon
  • Pumpkin seeds

Foods that should be avoided are:

  • Processed foods
  • Trans fats
  • Soda
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Refined grains

  1. Incorporate supplements

Antioxidants aid in the reduction of free radical damage induced by stress or environmental pollutants (Randine Lewis, PhD.). Many fertility supplements include powerful antioxidants which might potentially harm the quality of your eggs. Look for research-based supplements that have been clinically proven with strong evidence to back up claims, as well as quality ingredients that will be easily absorbed and processed by the body. 

Prenatal multivitamins help ensure that the body gets all of the nutrients it needs to produce healthy eggs. Antioxidant health products can also help you get pregnant by protecting your eggs from harm. Free radicals can damage eggs at the cellular level, impairing one's capacity to conceive and deliver a healthy baby.

  1. Manage stress

Stress can cause hormones like prolactin and cortisol to be produced, which can have an impact on egg quality and production. Happiness and meaningful activities, such as spending quality time with family and friends, may be extremely beneficial to your overall health. Meditation, yoga, and spending time with pets or other animals are all stress-relieving hobbies. It's also vital to schedule in time to relax, such as napping, relaxing, or taking long, warm baths. Aromatherapy and massage are two treatments that might help de-stress. 

Although stress isn't a cause of infertility, it might be another environmental element that causes your eggs to underperform. A few of studies have indicated that the more stressed a woman is, the longer it takes to conceive (Dr. Domar). 

  1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been proven to enhance pregnancy rates in women undergoing IVF, but no studies have demonstrated that it increases pregnancy rates in women trying to conceive on their own. Acupuncture has been found to help with a variety of health issues (Dr. Shanine). 

Acupuncture and yoga can lower anxiety and stress, increase blood flow to the ovaries, and aid in the elimination of toxins—all of which can lead to improved egg quality and ovarian function over time. It can assist to improve blood flow to the ovaries and pelvic region. More nutrients are able to get through with adequate blood flow, which improves the health of the eggs.

In order to protect your capacity to get pregnant in your 30s and 40s, you must make minor changes to the activities you already do. The cumulative impact of these activities over time will safeguard the eggs, increasing the odds of a natural pregnancy and a healthy baby after the age of 35.


  1. https://www.bostonivf.com/getting-started/egg-embryo-quality-101/

  2. https://www.fertilityfamily.co.uk/blog/how-to-improve-egg-quality-for-pregnancy/

  3. https://www.parents.com/getting-pregnant/trying-to-conceive/tips/ttc-7-real-ways-to-improve-your-egg-quality-for-better/

  4. https://www.fcionline.com/fertility-blog/7-tips-to-improve-egg-quality

  5. https://www.zitawestclinic.com/improve-quality-of-my-eggs/

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