What are the types of depression


Depression is often confused with short-term sadness and sorrow. You never know when, where, and at what time - this sorrow can lead to depression! If your unhappiness, pain, and loss of interest from life last for more than 2 weeks, then it should be treated with immediate effect. 

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Moreover, you might witness that its waves are gradually hampering your day-to-day productivity. If this is the case, then 90% chances are there that you may have been suffering from depression for quite a while. 

Your history, childhood trauma, or insecurities causing depression in you might not be the same reasons for others to have depression. 



  • Almost 5% of the U.S population goes through seasonal depression each year.

  • As per the American Psychological Association, almost 10-15% of Women face postpartum depressions within 3 months of giving birth to the child. 

  • More than 16.3% of teenagers in the US had faced major depression at least once in their lifetime.

  • Psychotic depression is experienced by almost 1 out of 13 people globally before touching the age of 75 years. 

What are the types of depression?

Depression can occur in various forms. Understand the symptoms and collect detailed knowledge about the depression types from the section below to help somebody suffering from either one of these. 

  1. Depressive psychosis

Depressive psychosis creates a sense of feeling where you lose all your connection with reality and makes you feel like your 'reality is a dream or vice-versa.'


  • You as an audience might see the sufferer having some physical symptoms where his gestures tell everything that he isn't well. He eats, talks, or walks in a very unusual manner. 

  • A patient with Depressive psychosis can be seen having the Full of Hallucinations - where he claims to witness things like seeing, smelling, hearing or talking with things that aren't real.

  • In the case of the delusions - the patient holds tightly having multiple senseless and untrue beliefs.

We might feel such things as very weird but patients undergoing this type of depression feel it extremely real.

  1. Persistent depression

It is also known with the names chronic depression and dysthymia. It is the case when your depression ends for more than 2 years in a row. 


  • Social anxiety
  • Feeling anxious while talking to others
  • Moody most of the times
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Feeling stressed 80% of the times
  • Difficulty in feeling joy
  • Getting drawn with the waves of life without any purpose
  • Underestimating all the time

It lasts for years deteriorating your everyday relationship with people. 

  1. Atypical depression

Such a kind of depression escapes when the patient is confronted with the positive events in life and it comes back as soon as the positive situation ends. 


  • Gaining weight
  • Extremely sensitive to critique 
  • Poor body shaping and outlook
  • Feeling heavy in the arms and legs
  • Perceiving oneself as a failed and useless person 
  • Excess sleeping to escape reality 

  1. Perinatal depression

It takes place at the time of a woman's pregnancy. It can also happen to a woman within the starting four weeks of giving birth to her child. It's also known as postpartum depression arriving due to the use of incisions or surgery in the body. 


  • Exhausted body
  • Feeling tough to take care of newborn baby 
  • Lack of stamina and immunity
  • Excess of Motherly emotions and worries

  1. Major depression

Major depression is renowned among people with other names as well like classic depression, major depressive disorder, and unipolar depression. All means the same. 


  • Lack of hunger or non-stop eating 
  • Sleeping disorders - either sleeping too much or not able to sleep at all
  • Feeling of Sorrow, Pain, and hurt
  • Feeling tired and dull most of the time
  • Problem while focusing 
  • Indecisiveness
  • Short term memory loss
  • Worried 24*7 
  • Feeling inferior and worthless
  • Thoughts and talks about suicidal cases and deaths 
  • Losing interest in the activities you once loved

  1. Situational depression

Like the name, it arrives based on the multiple triggering situations! It is also known by another name as Adjustment Disorder. 

It might get triggered because of life-threatening situations, loss of dear ones, divorces, traumatic situations, legal complications, and financial struggles.   


  • Overthinking leading to sleeping disorders
  • Loss of appetite
  • Shedding tears in every situation
  • Body ache and back pain
  • Spending time alone at home 
  • Feeling Anguish and hopeless 
  • Anxiety attacks
  • Poor focusing power

  1. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

It happens due to hormonal alterations. Women while having menstruation may have a strong wave of sadness, sensibility, emotional imbalance, anger, and irritability in moods while dealing with others. 


  • Mood Swings
  • Long time pain in the muscles
  • Body cramps
  • Severe Headaches
  • Bloating problem
  • Feeling lack of enthusiasm 
  • Craving to eat spicy, and sugary at times
  • Breast Tenderness
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Sleeping issues
  • Lack of Focus

  1. Manic depression, or bipolar disorder

It takes place because of excess happiness, energy, or enthusiasm. It generally has its impact for at least 7 days minimum in continuity. 


  • Hyperness
  • Speaking fast and loudly
  • Self-obsessed
  • Overconfident 
  • Hallucinations and Delusions
  • Excess of self-esteem
  • Sleeping problems
  • High level of energy

  1. Seasonal depression

As the name suggests, it arrives and ends with the seasons. It tends to happen more on the winter days or the shorter days. Generally, in this kind of depression, your body moves in rhythm with the changes in nature. 

People in 70% of the cases tend to show vast improvement as soon as the spring season arrives. 


  • Feeling of heaviness, and burdened
  • Urge to sleep more
  • A wave of sadness, laziness, and overthinking happens
  • Excess gain of weight
  • Self-isolation

Which type of depression are you going through? 

Symptoms are more than enough to get the surety of whether you're undergoing any type of depression or not. Every depression has a way to get treated and cured. You might need to take some help from psychologists, counselors, or mental health specialists if you start seeing such things for a longer time. 

If you are the victim of depression for the first time in your entire life, then straightaway consult the physician who can help you cure this problem at an early stage. If you had the wave of depression earlier and it came again, then you should consult your previous psychologist. 

Share the following details with your treatment specialist -

  • Since how long you are seeing the symptoms of depression, and when it started.
  • Tell about your family line, if they ever faced this problem.
  • Other illnesses you currently have like diabetes, skin issues, etc.
  • How depression is torturing your daily routine.
  • If this is your first time or you had faced the wave of depression earlier as well. Also, whether you treated it previously or not. 

Don't hide anything with your specialist, be clear and detailed with whatever you feel!

Final Words

Depression can come in different forms! You need to be aware enough to detect the various symptoms of depression within you and others. Contact your specialist as soon as possible in case you get hold of the depression symptoms for more than two weeks. It will help you to cure it on time without letting it get worse. In case you can't make a difference - whether you are going through sadness or depression, then seeking a psychologist's help would be better. 



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