Free Mental health counselling for Women in India
With the fast-paced hectic life, mental health problems have shown a big increase in the last five decades, researchers say. Especially talking about women, most of them handle their jobs, household work, and children simultaneously. Getting depressive episodes and anxieties is a bit normal in such a scenario. Women should look after their health and go for mental health counseling for better mental health status.
The article below is intended to provide you a clear picture of the organizations providing free or minimum costing mental health checkups in India.
Free Mental health counseling for Women in India
After compiling various renowned sites, we have brought the best mental health counseling organizations for women in India free of cost.
- M power 1 on 1
- Kashmir Lifeline
- Sumaitri
- Now&Me
- Arpan
- Sneha
- Lifeline Foundation
- Vandrevala Foundation for Mental Health
Key Takeaways
During the uncertain times, even the Covid 19 itself, where not only women the whole world struggled badly - seeking help from the counselor became extremely important. During such uncertain times getting immediate mental health counseling is going to be of great help to women. They must go after these online counselors, it will save most of their traveling time, or are shy to meet face to face or feeling stuck on how to get out of your house to schedule an offline meeting, this online help will work like a charm and miracle for you. Seeking help from such organizations will cure your mental health, keeping you strong enough to fight against any obstacles life puts you in!