Man finds love and kidney on tinder

 Man finds love and kidney on tinder

Man finds love and kidney on tinder


“It means so much because to me, he made the ultimate sacrifice,” Reid Alexander says of his new hubby and kidney donor, Rafael Dìaz.
A twenty-four-time-old man got his happy ending twice over when he met his soulmate on Tinder who was also a perfect match for the order transplant he demanded.
 Reid Alexander tells people he is still in disbelief about how the events of the last time left him with a new hubby and an alternate chance at life.
“ Anticipate the unanticipated,” he says. I no way would have allowed that I would move across the country and meet the love of my life, and also the love of my life would also be a perfect match, and I would get an order. No way would’ve anticipated that.”
“It was meant to be,” adds Alexander’s hubby, Rafael Dìaz, 28.
 Alexander’s health issues began when he was diagnosed with the Alport pattern at age seventeen. The inherited complaint causes damage to the blood vessels in the order, which can lead to hearing loss, eye problems, kidney disease and order failure, according to the National Kidney Foundation (NKF).
 In Alexander’s case, after graduating college, doctors informed him that his kidneys were only performing at twenty per cent and he would need to start dialysis while he awaited a transplant.
 Despite the scary prognosis, Alexander who grew up in Kokomo, Indiana carried on with his plans to move to Denver and start a new life.
“I love it out there,” he says. I got a job two days before I was moving and I was determined to do it. I did it on vagrancy.
 And not long after making the move, Alexander logged onto Tinder and met Dìaz.
“We started chatting on Tinder in August 2020, “Dìaz says. “Both of us were impressed with each other.”
“We just hit it off,” recalls Alexander. “And we were together every day ever ago. It felt like we knew each other for a long time. And it still feels like that to us.”
Alexander was quick to expose his medical history, noting that it would be hard to hide due to his earshot aids and challenges with eating salt. (The progression of Alport syndrome can be slowed by limiting sodium in the diet, per the NKF.)
 But Dìaz was not phased, and incontinently offered support to Alexander, who was preparing to begin dialysis.
“That is when I started to put further attention into the pattern he has, “Dìaz says, noting that he did not know anyone with an analogous condition, but allowed,” Okay, that is not a problem.
 Dìaz also offered to look into being Alexander’s kidney donor. I was like,’ No, you do not have to do that,’” Alexander recalls. “But he was veritably determined.”
“I was veritably sure that I (could) do it,” adds Dìaz, who was formerly registered as an organ donor at the time. I just said, I want to. You are someone that I want, that I love, so I can do it for you.
 From also on, effects came together snappily for the couple. This February, the pair got engaged and by April, they began testing to see if Dìaz was a match.
 That same month, the duo also decided to tie the knot at an intimate ceremony, concluding to use the money they were saving for a destination marriage to funding Alexander’s transplant.
“We were going to stay and do a big traditional marriage. But also the realization of a transplant happening this time was getting further and more likely,” says Alexander.” So it was (either) saving up money for marriage or saving up money for a transplant. And so we chose transplant.”
In June, after testing verified Dìaz was a perfect match, they were eventually able to set a transplant date and on August 13, the couple passed the procedure at Indiana University Health hospital.
 Subsequently, they were filled with relief and emotion.
“I was in a lot of pain ( initially), Dìaz says. But if I had to do it again, I would.
“It is not only because I love him so much, but it is also because I will be suitable to share life (with him) and enjoy this feeling that made (him) happy,” Dìaz adds.
“I do not suppose there is anything that I can do that shows my appreciation,” Alexander says of his hubby means so much because to me, he made the ultimate sacrifice. He gave me an organ so that I can live a better life (and) be healthy. And that is just so amazing.”
“I have formerly cried so much,” he continues. From the first day that I woke up in the hospital after surgery and every day after, every time we saw each other, I just cried. It means a lot to me.”
 Nowadays recovering at Alexander’s parents’ home in Indiana, the pair are eager to return to Colorado.
“I suppose that the next step for us in this trip is to enjoy as much as we can because we no way know what can happen next, “Dìaz says.
They also hope their story will bring awareness to the importance of organ donation.
“You never know who (may) need you for that, or where you can help, Dìaz notes. You can help families. You can help people. You can help to change the life of someone else and ( give) someone the opportunity that they did not have before. However, do it, If you can do it.”

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