Why don't women trust their body anymore; breast cancer warps fighter and relationship with sex?

 Why don't women trust their body anymore; breast cancer warps fighter and relationship with sex?


For the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world, there is still a lot of hushed whispers around breast cancer. Beyond diagnosis, surgery, and treatment, breast cancer can metastasise itself in unexpected ways changing relationships with sex, partners, body image, and identity.

While one in eight Canadian women are at risk of the disease, the squirmy intimate details of life with and after breast cancer remain taboo a sentiment survivor Rebecca Angus knows all too well.

Going through menopause in her thirties after battling carcinoma was something Rebecca never saw coming. One moment she was weaning off breastfeeding, and therefore the next, after a talk together with her GP and an ultrasound, mammogram and biopsy later, she was diagnosed with carcinoma.

“Within twenty-four hours my GP was on the phone telling me I had carcinoma,” Angus tells Refinery29 Australia over the phone. “My son was probably ten or eleven months old. After that surgery, I had his first birthday with a drain in my back.”

Three years on (and chemotherapy, radiation treatment, neoadjuvant treatment, and participation during a free drug program later), Angus is now on ovarian suppression medication for a minimum of five years, and tamoxifen for ten.

“The main thing that folks tell me is, ‘Oh, you are alright now, you are fine.’ Well no, I am not fine. These things are long-lasting,” says Angus. “I am in medically-induced menopause in my thirties.”

“A lot of my peers are not browsing this experience, and they are still extending on their families, so it had been very challenging to urge such advice. The only person I could ask was my mommy.”

Sydney based medical oncologist Professor Fran Boyle explains that a lot of patients are pushed into early menopause due to chemotherapy. “It is often very abrupt rather than drifting gently into it in their fifties. That can have effects on libido, vaginal dryness, energy, sleep and hot flushes. Now that is to not say that ordinary menopausal women do not have those symptoms because they are doing, but they often do not happen so suddenly or at such a young age.”

Despite these well-documented effects, there is a lack of communication about management for these symptoms that impact a person's sex life. Professor Boyle says this hesitation comes from each side, that both patients and doctors do not feel completely comfortable talking about intimate subjects.

“Doctors are quite good at asking about problems they will fix, [like] pain or nausea or blood counts. But when somebody says, 'I have lost my libido,' most doctors would go, 'right, I do not skills to repair that.' It is because this stuff does not have easy solutions.”


Boyle tells me a few new carcinoma patients she saw just before our conversation, who observed the uncomfortableness that comes with disclosing her pain. “She said, 'if it had been my back hurting I could just say I even have back pain. Do I want to mention I even have vaginal pain?’”

Tangibility when it involves pain both mentally and physically validates experience. In turn, invisible illness carries another load of luggage with it.

“In the beginning, there is this sense of loss of self,” explains Angus. “It was an enormous shock, I did not think I used to be getting to get carcinoma. It just was not on my radar. It took us a really while to urge our heads around it and what that might mean for our family, my life and my fertility long-term.”

“I also think that you simply do not trust your body either anymore,” she says with effort. “But I feel personal, you do not like the person you have become. You lose your hair, I did not want anyone to take photos of me at all. I just wanted to affect this within the privacy of my home. I think it takes an extended time to urge confidence back and that I had to travel back to figure with no hair so I had to simply accept what happened to me and find out how to speak about it. I could not hide from it. You have to find out the way to be kind to yourself.”

Though surgery options and their effects vary from patient to patient, physical changes everything from double mastectomies to changes in hair can have profound impacts on body image.


Professor Boyle notes that changes in the distribution of hair is not borderline hair loss, but can cause hair growth in unlooked-for places. However, you will find you have got more hair on your face,” she says, “ If you go from being menopausal to post-menopausal suddenly.” A woman I spoke to said she felt more masculine, that she had more hair on her face, her voice was deeper, she felt much less womanish after her treatment. That speaks to people's sense of identity within the first place.” 

The change in gender presentation is not the sole sort of identity impacted; identities spawned from being a parent or from a career title are over and over lost or jumbled too. “ It is almost like,' who am I in the midst of all this chaos? ’” explains Professor Boyle. 

Amazingly, this manifests in one’s copulating life too. It is existent that Angus heard about lesser in croakers’ cells, but in online forums with women in suchlike positions. 

“ I did desire there was a way of loss of my coupling. In the genesis, it is existent you do not need to explore. You are feeling kind of terrible, you are fatigued, and you do not look really good. There is that sense of, 'is my man still getting to be interested in the person who I used to be before I had bosom cancer?'. You are aware and fearful, everybody has sexual must-haves and you want to make sure you can meet your consort's demands as well. When you are sick and fatigued, you are just not feeling in the mood,” she explains. 

“ Feeling reassured by my mate is important,” Angus says when asked about what helped her and her mate connect sexually. “ And using vaginal lubricants and so forth too.” 

Professor Boyle’s advice for mates giving support is to concentrate on communication. “ I suppose someone fit to mind to her firms, not needs feeling the need to jump near and fix everything is pivotal. Someone who I am open to being patient and being experimental, willing to try individuality different. It is important to find time for familiarity, yea if that does not mean having intercourse.” 

Angus hopes that at some point there is another support for mates of these with a cancer determination. “ There is not a lot of focus on mates of those that have cancer. It would be miraculous if at some point there was another support therein area.” 


While returning to‘ normal life pre-diagnosis may not be realistically in reach, it is about making life more manageable. Professor Boyle notes that life has curveballs anyway, no matter cancer. “ Couples going through menopause are going to have to have the same experience at some point as well. There are ways around multiple of those difficulties but sex probably won't be as robotic because it once was already. Having sex might require a bit more preparation and forethought, but that is the case when you have a small child too,” says Boyle. 

“ Seeing a psychologist, a sexual therapist, or a physiotherapist because pelvic floor problems can aggravate these issues can help. A multidisciplinary approach is perhaps more important than running out for a prescription cream.” 

Angus agrees she mentions how important mental state support is several times throughout our call. “ Getting psychological state support throughout the treatment may be a definite must it saved my life. Getting in touch with support groups, lecture your breast care nurse, being confident enough to champion for yourself as a case and to boost these knotty issues without feeling ignominious. At the end of the day, it impacts our quality of life and our sexual health and our relationships with our partners.” 

Dark days are aplenty, but Professor Boyle is hopeful. “ Like other changes that come in women's bodies, if you accept them and work with them, either an answer are over and over begin. Keep footslogging out at it, don't hand over,” she imparts to any carcinoma patients reading this. 

“ One thing that gets better with menopause is migraines, and so the fear of gestation goes away. I can say this because I am presently going through menopause,” she laughs. “ There will be some interesting silver linings that may not be obvious at first.” 


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