How covid led to a sharp increase in depression and anxiety disorders?

 How covid led to a sharp increase in depression and anxiety disorders? 

How covid led to a sharp increase in depression and anxiety disorders?

The Coronavirus-19 widespread caused a surge in depression and anxiety disorders worldwide in the year 2020, with women and young people most affected. Credit: Lancet
Cases of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorder increased by more than a quarter worldwide in 2020 due to the Coronavirus -19 widespread according to the first global estimates of the impact of the pandemic on psychological state. Lancet.
In the year 2020, Major depressive disorder When anxiety Disability increased by twenty-eight per cent and twenty-six per cent respectively. Women are more affected than men, and young people I was more affected than the elderly. In countries where Coronavirus -19 infection rates were high and people’s movements were significantly reduced as a result of measures such as blockades and school closures, the prevalence of major depressive and anxiety disorders was highest.
Even before the Coronavirus -19 widespread major depressive and anxiety disorders that can increase the risk of other health consequences such as suicide affect millions of men and women worldwide. It exerted and was a serious explanation for the burden of illness worldwide. ..
Dr Damian Santo Mauro, the lead author of the Queensland Center for psychological state Research, Faculty of Public Health, University of Queensland, Australia, said: Depressive and anxiety disorders around the world.
 Promoting mental health, targeting factors that contribute to the deterioration of mental health exacerbated by widespread and improving treatment for people with mental illness should be central to efforts to improve support services. Widespread mental health care systems in most countries have historically run out of resources and disrupted service delivery. It is difficult to meet the additional demand for mental health services with Coronovirus-19, but there is no option to take action.
To date, no studies have analyzed the global impact of the Coronavirus -19 widespread on the prevalence of major depressive and anxiety disorders in the year 2020. Most studies to date have consisted of short-term, specific location studies.
A new study assesses the worldwide impact of pandemics on major depressive and anxiety disorders and quantifies the prevalence and burden of disability by age, gender, and site in 204 countries and territories in the year 2020. This is the first study.
A systematic literature review was conducted to spot census data published between January 1, 2020, and January 29, 2021. Using data from eligible studies using a disease modelling meta-analysis tool, Coronavirus-19 changes the prevalence of major depressive and anxiety disorders based on age, gender, and location. Estimated. Available. Daily Coronavirus -19 infection rates and estimates of people’s movements were used as indicators of the impact of the pandemic on the population.
A systematic review identified 5,683 unique data sources, of which 48 (one of these reported in two regions) met the choice criteria. Most studies are from Western Europe (22) and high-income North America (14), while others are from Australasia (5), high-income Asia-Pacific (5), East Asia (2), and Central. It was from Europe (1).
A meta-analysis shows that an increase in Coronavirus-19 infection rates and a decrease in people’s movements are associated with an increased prevalence of major depressive and anxiety disorders, most by widespread in the year 2020. It suggests that the affected countries have shown the most important increase within the prevalence of disability.
Without a widespread model, estimates suggest that there were 193 million major depressive disorders worldwide (2,471 per 100,000 population) in the year 2020. However, analysis shows a rise of 246 million (3,153 per 100,000). 28% (an additional 53 million cases). Of the additional cases, more than thirty-five million were women, compared with nearly eighteen million men.
The model estimates that without an epidemic, there would be 298 million anxiety disorders worldwide (3,825 per 100,000 population) in the year 2020. According to the analysis, there have been an estimated 374 million cases in the year 2020 (4802 cases per 100,000 cases), a rise of twenty-six per cent (an additional 76 million cases). Almost fifty-two million of the additional cases were women, compared to about twenty-four million men.
Younger people were more suffering from major depressive and anxiety disorders than older people within the year 2020. The additional prevalence of those disorders peaked among people aged twenty to twenty-four years (1,118 additional cases of major clinical depression per 100,000 and 1,331 additional cases of hysteria disorder per 100,000). ), Decreased with increasing age.
Alize Ferrari, the co-author of the GBD mental disease Team Leader at the Queensland Center for psychological state Research, Faculty of Public Health, University of Queensland, Australia, said: Sadly, for many reasons, women are more likely to be constantly exacerbated by the social and economic consequences of an epidemic. Additional care and family responsibilities tend to rest with women, who are more likely to be victims of domestic violence. , Increased at various stages of the widespread.
“School closures and widespread restrictions limiting young people’s ability to find out and interact with peers, including an increased risk of unemployment, have also strongly affected children with major depressive and anxiety disorders during a pandemic. This is very important. Policymakers are taking these underlying factors under consideration as a part of their steps to strengthen their psychological state services. “
The authors acknowledge that research is limited due to the lack of high-quality data on the mental health effects of the Coronavirus-19 widespread in many parts of the world, especially in low- and middle-income countries. As a result, estimates generated in countries lacking data got to be interpreted with caution, calling for improvements within the scope and quality of the info globally.
 Most of the info available was supported a self-reported symptom scale that only estimates cases of possible major depressive and anxiety disorders. More data from psychological state diagnostic studies representing the overall population (only three of which covered the study period) will improve understanding of the impact of pandemics on psychological state. 
The prevalence of other psychiatric disorders, such as eating disorders, may also be affected by the Coronavirus – 19 widespread and the authors say they need to be evaluated when a new mental health survey is conducted. I am.
In a linked comment, Dr Maxime Taquet and Professor Paul Harrison of Oxford University, and Professor Emily Holmes of Uppsala University and therefore the Karolinska Institute, said: The burden of depression and anxiety hindrance During the pandemic by Santo Mauro et al., 
He clearly emphasizes the impact of the widespread on global mental health. Health The system states: “Therefore, this study shows a more complete geographical distribution of depression and anxiety, the prevalence of depression, and Anxiety disorder, And the underlying mechanism for improving mental health In the context of Coronavirus-19 widespread Globally. ”
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