Top Opening lines for dating apps that are both funny and flirtatious

Top Opening lines for dating apps that are both funny and flirtatious

Top Opening lines for dating apps that are both funny and flirtatious

Perhaps your match appreciates the same video game or music as you, or has visited a location similar to yours. These are all excellent starting locations. You'll have to get a little more creative if their profile is a little sparse, or if you don't share their passions. We've put together a master list with 40 all-purpose opening lines to grab their attention and get the conversation started.

There are luckily no pick-up lines among the flirtatious and silly, but plenty of jumping-off opportunities for further conversation... as well as the possibility of a romantic relationship

Remember that some of them are sarcastic or suggestive, which won't appeal to everyone; you'll still need to use your best judgement here. The goal is to have a lighthearted chat rather than upset someone right away.

  • Which song would you chose as your life's soundtrack?
  • I'll try to figure out which one is phoney if you tell me two truths and a lie about yourself.
  • What is your most divisive viewpoint?
  • Please tell me about your ideal Sunday...
  • I'd like to hear your best father joke! Make me laugh or cringe, and the cornier the better.
  • You have the same appearance as [celebrity]. Isn't that something you hear all the time?
  • Pick a date for us: Is it time for a movie, a boozy night out, or a hike?
  • Could you please assist me in deciding what to make for dinner? In exchange, I'll buy you breakfast after our date...
  • [Along with a gif of a dog or cat] Do you prefer cats or dogs? Your response is necessary to see if we're a good fit.
  • Before we start talking, let me assure you that I would never email you unwanted dick pictures. I can't promise anything about duck pictures, though [send a duck photo].
  • You've done a lot of travelling! What's the finest spot you've ever visited?
  • Tell me your life storey using only emojis.
  • What's a meal that would make you fall in love with me if I cooked it for you?
  • How long have you been a resident of [city]? What's your favourite restaurant, bar, or day out in this town?
  • [If you both live in the same city] Hey, you're not too far away! Have you ever gone to a restaurant, a bar, or a day out?
  • Who are your favourite comedians, actors, and singers? Go!
  • You had me at [a feature in their profile that stood out]...
  • Is it this message, or what's the worst opening line you've ever received?
  • What do you do initially after winning a million pounds?
  • When our grandchildren ask how we met, what will we tell them?
  • [If they have a dog or cat in their photos] Your fur and whiskers are the most beautiful I've ever seen, and your human is also quite adorable.
  • Why did you choose to swipe right on me?
  • Do you think we're compatible because I'm a [star sign]?
  • I'm willing to bet a tenner that we'd have a fantastic date.
  • I had a fantastic opening line prepared, but you're so attractive that I've forgotten about it.
  • To send you this message, I'm using the final 2% of my battery. I'm not sure what else to call that if that isn't dedication.
  • How do you feel about pineapple on pizza?
  • I couldn't help but swipe right when I realised you like [hobby]. What drew you to it in the first place?
  • With whom would you rather share a lift? [Name two celebrities]
  • I'll bet you a drink that your personality is better than your appearance.
  • Our relationship is depicted in the tenth photo in your camera roll. What is the outlook?
  • What's your go-to McDonald's, Burger King, or KFC order?
  • I've been vaccinated, waxed, and am ready for a date. What are our plans?
  • Please tell me you aren't one of those people who claps as the plane lands...
  • Is it true that Ross and Rachel are on a break?
  • Do you enjoy wicked lads and girls? Because I'm terrible at it.
  • Your [a trait about them] drew my attention. You're very gorgeous!
  • I'd tell you you're stunning, but I'm sure you already know that. Instead, how about using a gif to describe yourself?
  • Your bio is short, but I'd like to learn more about you. Is there a round of quickfire questions?

Always remember that a personalised quote will always outperform a generic quote. Depending on who you're asking out, even simply asking someone out can be helpful. You're already on to a winner as long as it's courteous - not just a dull 'hello'.

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