What should a woman do before getting married?

What should a woman do before getting married?

What should a woman do before getting married?_Ichhori.com

Getting married is a huge milestone in many women’s lives and for many women especially marriage is something they’ve been looking forward to since they were little girls. But, getting married is still a huge commitment. Because you know why?. “Marriage changes everything”. You go from “all about me” to “all about us”. However, the key is to not lose yourself in the process. 


But how do you make sure you don’t do that?  So, let us have a look.


Having a successful marriage requires time, dedication, a deep sense of understanding and a healthy relationship. For this reason, it’s obvious to see that getting married is not something that women should rush into. It’s important for every woman to have some time on their own first, before settling down with a partner, in order to learn how to live on her own and find out who she is.  

So, what should a woman do before getting married? 

Has the marriage talks begun already? Here is a list of things you need to do before getting married in order to find out who you are. 


1. Become financially independent:

Becoming financially independent is an important and mandatory thing to do. So, one part of this is to learn how to managemaintain and oversee your finances. By knowing how much you spend on a monthly basis can help you in planning how to budget your costs in order to be able to afford crucial things such as:

• Rent
• Food
• Electricity
• Daily expenses

Likewise, you should also learn how to manage and handle your own bank account, but not one that is shared with anyone. Eventually, this will help you to know how to properly do your taxes. 

Lastly, you should also have a fixed job where you are receiving a reliable income because it is seen that more women are getting married while still having a job in order not to be financially dependent on their partner or feel powerless, helpless or incapable. 


2. Find out what you like and dislike: 

It’s common for people in a relationship to get influenced by each other and suddenly take on the likes and dislikes of their partner. However, this can lead to some negative consequences as well. This includes losing yourself so quickly that, if the relationship doesn’t work out, the affected person falls into a pit of despair, not knowing what to do next with their life and unable to move on. Also, a person can become so much like their partner that they agree too easily to what their partner wants to do, which ends up in them never getting their way in a supposed to be ‘shared’ relationship. 


So, take time before settling down to explore and find out what your hobbies, distractions, leisure-time activity, pet peeves, triggers and pleasures are. Hobbies or leisure-time activities can include running, reading, writing, yoga, meditation, writing a diary which will help you express yourself and relieve tension and stress in your life



Thusfinding out what you enjoy and dislike can be done in many ways such as establishing a group of dedicated friends, travelling with friends or going on a solo trip. Solo trips are essential for every woman who is going to start a new journey in life because it gives you your own time and space. A journey all alone means a lot of time for yourself and then only you will be able to understand yourself better and you’ll be able to make better choices.



So, what more could you ask?  Try new things! Put yourself out there! 


As a benefit, finding out who you are can help you find the perfect partner who suits you as well understands you. And then you know how to establish healthy boundaries with your partner. So, it is really important to find out what you like and dislike and you should keep in mind, not likely to get influenced by your partner’s likes and dislikes. 


3. Get a good education: 

Having a good education doesn’t always mean getting a doctorate degree at a prestigious university. So, education can be a diploma course or a course certificate. One should keep in mind that learning anything can only help you understand the world better. Having an education will allow you to gain a purposeful job and can help you set up a sustainable life. So, having a good education will allow you to become a competent person who can act alone and do anything possible. 



In conclusion,  one should keep in mind and remember, marriage is an option, life is not. So, when a woman enters a marriage, she is still her own person, which means that she still has a life that should be full of personal goals and accomplishments. Very few marriages consist of a “breadwinner” and the “trophy wife”. So it’s important to set aside time to be a successful couple but before that, it’s important to set aside time to be a successful person in life. 



Lastly, marriage it’s undoubtedly an exciting and momentous experience in life, it’s far from the only life-changing and all-important event in life. So, focus on yourself and do that what keeps you happy so that when the wedding day is nearing, you are all set and mentally prepared to take the big leap. 







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