5 Signs Your Depression Treatment Isn't Working

5 Signs Your Depression Treatment Isn't Working

5 Signs Your Depression Treatment Isn't Working_ ichhori.com


Depression treatment isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. You may be using antidepressant medication or talk therapy, known as psychotherapy, to treat your depression, or both. It takes time to find the right treatment for you. Furthermore, you may need to try a few different treatments to find the best fit. In fact, only about half of people suffering from major depression respond to their initial treatment.


What are your options? Discover the warning signs that your treatment isn't working. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your doctor as soon as possible. You and your doctor can work together to find the best treatment for you.


Sign #1: You're Struggling Despite Antidepressants

It takes time for antidepressants to work. Only three out of every five people experience complete relief with the first medication they try. Doctors refer to treatment-resistant depression as antidepressant treatment that hasn't worked after six weeks. If you have this, you may need to try a different antidepressant or take another medication.


It's critical to notify your doctor if you're not feeling better. It's also critical not to discontinue your current antidepressant on your own. Abruptly discontinuing antidepressants can result in an unpleasant withdrawal reaction. Headache, dizziness, nausea, and anxiety are common withdrawal symptoms.


Sign #2: You're Struggling Despite Psychotherapy

If your doctor has diagnosed you with mild or moderate depression, you may only be receiving psychotherapy (talk therapy).


It takes time for psychotherapy to be effective. However, if you do not feel better after a certain number of sessions, you may be suffering from a more severe form of depression. Symptoms that interfere with your ability to sleep, eat, work, and enjoy life may indicate that you are not feeling well. For severe depression, studies show that an antidepressant combined with psychotherapy is more effective than psychotherapy alone.


Sign #3: Side Effects Are Keeping You From Feeling Better

Even if your antidepressant is effectively treating your depression, the side effects may be too much to bear. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, sleepiness, weight gain, and sexual problems are all possible side effects.


Many side effects fade with time. However, if side effects continue to be an issue, notify your doctor. There are medications available to help with side effects. Alternatively, you may need to try a different antidepressant. But, whatever you do, don't stop taking your medication by yourself. Consult your doctor.


Sign #4: Your Treatment Is Relieving Some Symptoms But Not Others

Different types of depression exhibit distinct symptoms and necessitate distinct treatments. Psychotic depression, for example, causes you to have false beliefs or to see, feel, or hear things that aren't real. This type of depression frequently necessitates more aggressive therapy than antidepressants alone.


Many people suffer from a combination of depression and anxiety. The two circumstances are not the same. Anxiety may necessitate a different approach.


Substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain, heart disease, and cancer are all disorders that can coexist with depression. Your depression treatment will most likely work better if these conditions are successfully treated.


Sign #5: Your Antidepressant Is Making You Feel High

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that is frequently misdiagnosed as depression. Bipolar disorder is characterised by alternating periods of depression and mania. Mania is a mental state characterised by heightened mood and excitement.


If you're being treated for depression and suddenly feel high and excitable, you may have bipolar disorder rather than depression. People with bipolar disorder who take an antidepressant frequently experience a mania cycle. Bipolar disorder necessitates a unique treatment.


Key Takeaways

• Depression treatment takes time, and often the first attempt at treatment is ineffective.


• As you progress through therapy, you may need to modify or add treatments.


• Inform your doctor if you notice any signs that you are not improving or if you are still experiencing symptoms. However, you should never discontinue treatment on your own.
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