Is my relationship toxic?

 Is my relationship toxic?

Is my relationship toxic?_

Adolescents are often abused, which damages their perspective of what a healthy relationship looks like. Since children are our future, we must understand the statistics involved in abusive or poisonous connections. 

 One study found that one in three adolescents in the United States is in some kind of abusive or poisonous relationship. Over 1.5 million students nationwide have been in physically abusive unions. 

 It is important to watch for signs of a poisonous relationship because that type of union is unhealthy. You should end it as soon as possible. Of course, if you are wedded, that complicates things, but it does not change what you should do about the problem. 

 In this post, I will discuss the various kinds of behaviours associated with the different types of abuse. This is because poisonous connections usually have one form or another of abuse- constantly unnoticeable. Occasionally, there is more than one type of abuse going on, and with abuse, you should seek immediate help. 

For illustration, if you feel like you're in an abusive relationship, seek help. Counselling or therapy of some kind may help. However, poisonous geste is not what you want, If you are seeking a long-term relationship. 

1) Emotional Abuse 

 An emotionally abusive relationship has geste intended to control, punish, manipulate, or else put down an existent. It may include withholding love, support, communication, or money. Then we will look at a countable of the signs of a negative relationship that has emotional abuse involved. 

2) Controlling 

This abuser generally dictates what you can and can not do, as though they were your parent or caretaker. An illustration would be if your man said you were not allowed to wear that dress. 

3) Humiliating 

 This geste is poisonous because it embarrasses you or decreases your self-worth or self-esteem; rather than erecting you up, this individual puts you down. This better half may make fun of you in front of other people. 

4) Blackmailing 

 Connections like this are especially hard because the individual holds something over your head for as long as they want to, making you a slave to their threat. It would be analogous to someone saying that they would expose a dirty picture of you if you did a commodity they did not like. 

5) Shaming 

 When someone does this to you, you generally find yourself feeling shy or ashamed of who you are or what you have done when really, you have not done anything wrong. However, that might be an example of shaming, If you were to think that you looked unattractive moment by commodity your better half said. 

6) Manipulating 

This geste is when one person tries to trick, handle, or control the victim in a tricky, unfair, sneaky, often clever way. However, they may be manipulating you, If someone gets you to do something you do not want to without you realizing their influence. 

7) Spying 

 Have you found your beau going through your phone, or scouting your location unnecessarily to know what you are doing at all times? This would be an illustration of spying geste. 

8) Blaming 

 Still, they may be making you think you are to blame for things that were not your fault If you feel like everything is your fault because of things your mate has said or done. 

9) Stalking 

 This toxic behaviour may include harassment or the invasion of your privacy. You may need to get away from the abuser, but they continue to cross boundaries that are typically present in healthy connections. 

10) Avoiding 

This happens when people do not fix problems in toxic relationships; rather, they throw them on the back burner, avoiding conflict, not taking responsibility for their geste or problems, or just ignoring everything, including you.


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