Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Bone Health!


Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Bone Health!

Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Bone Health!-

Ladies! Ladies! Hope you all are doing fine. Well, today we are going to talk about Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Bone Health! And as we all know that Motherhood is one of the best things that a women can experience but it is also as painful as beautiful it is and all of this can only be understood by a women who has been through it. Motherhood changes the life of a women totally, right from the feelings, to the body to mental health and so on.

But what’s the harm in knowing about the things that can affect a woman’s body during pregnancy, right. And that is the reason why we shall tell you things that you need to know about Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and your Bone Health.

“Being a mom has made me so tired. And so happy.” —Tina Fey

Both pregnancy and breastfeeding are revolutionary, and they place additional demands on women. Some of these may affect their bones. The good news is that most women do not have orthopaedic problems during pregnancy and lactation. And when their bones get damaged during these times, the problem is usually easily fixed. However, orthopaedic care is especially important during pregnancy and lactation, for the health of the mother and her baby.

Pregnancy and orthopaedic health:

During pregnancy, the developing foetus needs a lot of calcium to develop its skeletal structure. This need is especially great during the last 3 months of pregnancy. If the mother does not get enough calcium, her baby will get what it needs from the mother's bones. Therefore, it is puzzling that many women of childbearing age do not have the habit of getting enough calcium. Fortunately, pregnancy seems to help protect many women's calcium reserves in a number of ways:

·         Pregnant women absorb more calcium from foods and supplements than non-pregnant women. This is especially true during the latter part of pregnancy, when the baby is growing fast and has a high need for calcium.

·         During pregnancy, women produce more estrogen, a hormone that protects the bones.

·         Any bone lost during pregnancy is usually restored within a few months after the baby is born (or a few months after breastfeeding is stopped).

Some studies suggest that pregnancy may be good for general bone health. Other evidence suggests that the more frequent a woman is pregnant (at least 28 weeks), the more likely her bones are to be tight and reduce the risk of fractures.

In some cases, women develop osteoporosis during pregnancy or lactation, although this is rare. Osteoporosis bone loss is so severe that it can cause weak bones and an increased risk of fractures.

In most cases, women who develop osteoporosis during pregnancy or breastfeeding will find lost bone after birth or after stopping breastfeeding. It is unclear whether young mothers can recover from their bones and continue growing their bones.

Teen pregnancy and bone health - Young mothers may be at greater risk for bone loss during pregnancy and for arthritis later in life. Unlike older women, teenage mothers are still building their own bones. The foetus' need to develop a bone marrow transplant may compete with the young mother's need for calcium to build up her own bones, compromising her ability to gain full bone mass that will protect her from further bone loss later in life. To reduce any bone loss, pregnant teens should be especially careful about getting enough calcium during pregnancy and lactation.

Breastfeeding and bone health:

Breastfeeding also affects the mother's bones. Studies have shown that women often lose 3 to 5 percent of their bones during breastfeeding, although they recover quickly after weaning. This loss of bone may be due to an increase in the baby's need for calcium, which is released from the mother's bones. The amount of calcium a mother needs depends on the amount of breast milk produced and how long breastfeeding lasts. Women may also lose weight during breastfeeding because they produce less estrogen, a hormone that protects the bones. The good news is that, like the bone that was lost during pregnancy, the bone that was lost during breastfeeding usually recovers within a few months after the end of breastfeeding.

Although, one can’t do much so that they are never affected  by this the moment you start experiencing motherhood, these things come as a bonus, so what we can do instead have good healthy food and fit. So, what are the things that can be done in order to keep your bones healthy during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A nutritious diet with enough calcium, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle for mothers and their babies.

Calcium - Although this mineral is important throughout your life, your body's need for calcium is great during pregnancy and breastfeeding because both you and your baby need it. The National Academy of Sciences recommends that pregnant or breastfeeding women consume 1,000 mg (milligrams) of calcium each day. For new pregnant women, the recommended diet is even higher: 1,300 mg of calcium per day.

Good sources of calcium include:

·         Low fat dairy products, such as milk, yoghurt, cheese and ice cream.

·         Dark green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, collard greens, and bok choy.

·         Canned sardines and bone marrow - salmon.

·         Tofu, almonds, and corn tortillas.

·         Calcium-enriched food and fruits such as orange juice, cereals, and breads.

In addition, your doctor will probably give you a vitamin and mineral supplement that you can take during pregnancy and breastfeeding to ensure you get enough of this important mineral.

Exercise - Like muscle, bones respond to strength training. Regular exercise, especially weight-bearing and resistance exercises, is essential. Examples of weight-bearing exercises include walking, climbing stairs, and dancing. Exercise - such as lifting weights - can also strengthen bones. Exercise during pregnancy can benefit your health in other ways, too. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, working during pregnancy can:

·         It will help reduce back pain, constipation, constipation, and inflammation.

·         Help prevent or treat gestational diabetes (a type of diabetes that starts during pregnancy).

·         Increase strength.

·         Improve heart rate.

·         Improve posture.

·         Improve muscle tone, strength, and endurance.

·         Please sleep better.

·         Help you get back on track after your baby is born.

·         Before you start or restart an exercise program, talk to your doctor about your plans.

A healthy lifestyle. Smoking is bad for your baby, bad for your bones, and bad for your heart and lungs. If you smoke, talk to your doctor about quitting. He or she may suggest resources that will help you. Alcohol is also bad for pregnant and breastfeeding women and their babies, and too much alcohol is bad for the bones. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions to avoid alcohol during this important time.

Thus, the above mentioned things are really important for one to know when it concerns about Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Bone Health. My dear ladies, pregnancy or motherhood is the gift of life and a woman loves to experience this feeling at least once in life but as we all know and also told earlier that some thigs are not in our control and become a part of our lives unwantedly just like weak bone health when one is pregnant but we can do is that we can take care of ourselves by having healthy food and staying fit by exercising daily.

Ref: Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Bone Health | NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center

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