“What is Psoriatic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment, Can It Affect Your Mental and Sexual Health?”


“What is Psoriatic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment, Can It Affect Your Mental and Sexual Health?”

“What is Psoriatic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment, Can It Affect Your Mental and Sexual Health?”_ichhori.com

Psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that affects some people who have psoriasis, a skin condition characterized by red patches of skin covered in silvery scales. Psoriasis usually develops years before psoriatic arthritis is diagnosed. However, for some people, joint problems arise before or at the same time as skin patches. They can affect any area of the body, including the fingers and spine, and range in severity from mild to severe. Disease flares and periods of remission can occur in both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are both autoimmune diseases. The immune system defends the body from disease and infection. When one has an autoimmune disease, the immune system becomes confused and attacks healthy parts of the body. People of any age can be affected by these illnesses. Psoriatic arthritis affects about one out of 5 people who have psoriasis.

Signs and Symptoms

The main indications and symptoms of psoriatic arthritis include joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. Psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis are both chronic conditions that deteriorate over time. However, the symptoms may improve or disappear over a short period of time. Psoriatic arthritis can develop in numerous ways. People frequently experience two or more of these symptoms, which can range in severity from moderate to severe. Because of inflammation inside a joint, one of the main symptoms is pain, and it is called inflammatory arthritis. Inflammation is a typical part of a healthy immune system. To combat infection, the body sends fluid, primarily blood, to a specific location of the body. Inflammation can cause pain, swelling and stiffness in joints when someone has inflammatory arthritis.
Joint stiffness is most severe first thing in the morning and can last up to 30 minutes. One might also feel stiff after a long period of rest.
The joints on one or both sides of the body can be affected by psoriatic arthritis. The signs and symptoms are commonly mistaken for rheumatoid arthritis. Both disorders induce painful, swollen, and warm-to-the-touch joints. Psoriatic arthritis, on the other hand, is more likely to cause:

1. Swollen fingers and toes: The painful, sausage-like swelling of fingers and toes can be caused by psoriatic arthritis. This is called dactylitis in which the entire finger or toe swells up. One or two fingers or toes are usually affected at a time. It can also cause fatigue, which is a state of extreme and chronic exhaustion that is not alleviated by rest.
2. Foot pain: Psoriatic arthritis can also cause pain where tendons and ligaments connect to the bones, particularly at the back of the heel (Achilles tendinitis) and the sole of the foot (plantar fasciitis). Enthuses are connective tissues that can become inflamed as a result of psoriatic arthritis. Tendons and ligaments are attached to bones via enthuses. Enthesitis occurs when they become inflamed. Pain from enthesitis might affect a larger area than only the joint. If one touches or applies a tiny amount of pressure to the affected areas, they may feel tender. It is most frequent in the foot. This might occur towards the back of the heel or near the heel at the bottom of the foot. This soreness might make standing or walking difficult in some cases. Enthesitis can also affect the knees, hips, elbows, and chest.
3. Pain in the lower back: As a result of psoriatic arthritis, some people develop a condition known as spondylitis. Spondylitis mostly affects the joints between the vertebrae (spine) and the pelvis (sacroilitis).
4. Changes in nails: Nails might develop small holes, disintegrate, or split from the nail beds.
5. Inflammation of the eyes: Eye pain, redness, and hazy vision are symptoms of uveitis. If left untreated, uveitis can result in vision loss.


Arthritis mutilans is a severe, painful, and disabling form of psoriatic arthritis that affects a small fraction of patients with the disease. The bones of the hands, particularly the fingers, are damaged over time by arthritis mutilans, resulting in chronic deformity and incapacity. Psoriatic arthritis puts one at risk for a variety of illnesses and consequences in other parts of the body. It is quite unlikely that one will develop these:

· Eye problems
· Heart conditions
· Crohn’s disease
· Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
· Diabetes
· Metabolic syndrome
· Hypertension


Psoriatic arthritis has no known cure. Controlling inflammation in the affected joints to prevent joint pain and disability, as well as controlling skin involvement, are the main objectives of treatment. Prescription pharmaceuticals known as disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are one of the most common treatments. Treatment will be determined by the severity of the illness and the afflicted joints.


The following medications are used to treat psoriatic arthritis:

·NSAIDs: For those with mild psoriatic arthritis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help ease pain and inflammation. Prescriptions are available for stronger NSAIDs. Stomach irritation, cardiac difficulties, and liver and kidney damage are possible side effects.
·Conventional DMARDs: These medications can help reduce the progression of psoriatic arthritis and prevent long-term damage to joints and other tissues.
·Biologic agents: This class of DMARDs, also known as biologic response modifiers, targets various immune system pathways. These medications have the potential to increase the risk of infection.
·Targeted synthetic DMARDs: If conventional DMARDs and biologic drugs have not worked, these could be used. Higher doses can increase the risk of pulmonary blood clots, significant heart problems, and cancer.
·Newer oral medications: These drugs work by lowering the activity of an enzyme in the body that regulates inflammation within the cells. Possible side effects include diarrhea, nausea, and headaches.

Therapies and other procedures

Physical and occupational treatments may help to relieve discomfort and make daily tasks easier.

·Steroid injection: Injections into the inflamed joint can help to lessen the swelling.
·Joint replacement surgery: It is a procedure that replaces one or more joints with metal and plastic joints, to replace damaged joints.

Lifestyle and home remedies

·Protect the joints: Change how you go about daily tasks to have a significant impact on how you feel. For instance, life-heavy objects with both hands, and push doors with your entire body.
·Maintain a healthy weight: This reduces the amount of stress on the joints, resulting in less pain and more energy and movement. If necessary, losing weight can also help your drugs work more effectively.
·Exercise on a regular basis: Exercise can help maintain joint flexibility and muscle strength.
·Quit smoking: Smoking is linked to an increased risk of developing psoriasis as well as more severe psoriasis symptoms.
·Consume alcohol in moderation: Alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of treatment and make some medications more likely to cause unwanted effects.
·Take it slow: It is easy to become weary when you are fighting pain and inflammation. Furthermore, some arthritis drugs can make you tired. Take a break before you get exhausted, and schedule time to unwind throughout the day.

Mental Health Effects of Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis, like other chronic pain diseases, can interfere with the ability to work, socialise, sleep, and be intimate, leading to increased sadness, anxiety, and stress, which can start even before diagnosis. It is not just the disease’s symptoms that might make one feel bad, it can be exhausting and overwhelming to go through many tests and consult with various doctors (Cindy Perlin). Isolation may result from a decreased capacity to socialise and participate in various activities.

Sexual Health Effects of Psoriatic Arthritis

Sexual issues have also been observed in Psoriatic Arthritis in several studies over the last 40 years, with up to 70% of reported cases. Patients having psoriatic arthritis flare-up may be hesitant to engage in sexual intercourse, and sex might be painful (Manos). Psoriatic arthritis has been linked to a variety of psychological issues, including rage, depression, shame and anxiety, which can lead to social isolation and sexual dysfunction.
Psoriatic arthritis is linked to a significant psychological burden. Patients with psoriatic arthritis should also be managed by a multidisciplinary team that collaborates with the patient, their family, and caretakers.



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