What are the pros and cons of moving in together ( live-in relationship) with your partner?

What are the pros and cons of moving in together ( live-in relationship) with your partner?

What are the pros and cons of moving in together ( live-in relationship) with your partner?_ichhori.com

If you love each other, No Denunciation can come your destiny.

You are stuck! Believe me, you cannot camouflage from the people. As things are not in a better position. The ‘Ichhori-team’ can understand the fact that to explore your life in the fullest manner is a painstaking situation in a country like India. Some of your comments about the live-in relationships made us realize that an Indian institution is so pessimistic and does not let people practice their modernization and way-forward thinking in that manner. People should understand that it is a conscious decision of the two companions who are going to lead their life. The decision that they will make is based on how they see their future. Indians basically resist changes regarding the practices that they will do in their community. The very contemporary changes we have made that made us realize 

People should understand that it is a conscious decision of the two companions who are going to lead their life. The decision that they will make is based on how they see their future. Indians basically resist changes regarding the practices that they will do in their community. The very contemporary changes in Indian practices include:

Adultery is not more of an offense under Criminal Law and decriminalization of section 377of Indian penal code, 1860. That is the concept that has more concepts that has more evolved in the modern era in the view of live-in relationships.

A live-in relationship implies sharing the same ménage as a household as a couple or in a continuous cohabitation without being married to each other. The concept was brought to court in 1978. This concept of live-in relationships was first discussed and recognized by Badri Prasad v/s by the Director of Consolidation. Here, the Apex Court gave the plausibility of a live-in couple for 50 years; the court interpreted it as a cogency amalgamation and, hence, recognition to live in a relationship.

The institutional marriage in India is venerated to perform while people are in India. India is still hesitant to accept the concept of living in a relationship. Ironically, the mechanism of the Indian concept is recognized as one eye in society, while the couple to live -in the relationship has to hide their relationship in front of society as those couples are not accepted in the society together unescorted by without being married. Institutional marriage brings auspicious rights and responsibilities to the parties, but the live-in relationship is inclined towards furthermore or it is a kind of walk-in and walk-out relationship. 

The ascendency of live-in relationship:

1) Peripheral Responsibilities:

There are insignificant responsibilities towards partners. Pertinent to the fact they are not into legal bond or social commitments between the companions to live in a relationship.

2) Slitting of financial responsibilities

Living separately may seem to pay the separate invoice. The primary advantage would be to go dutch with the house rent, electricity, and grocery bills. So, if you are planning to move together, it is advisable to have mutual relationships with your sweethearts regarding the financial statements.

3) Compatibility test-tool: 

Living together is a step that you are actually planning off. However, if you are living with a partner, then it is advisable to discover a platform to understand if you will have a relationship? This will be the understanding of your relationship or to be specific that compatibility test to start a new beginning in life's existence.

Stumbling Block of live-in relationship: 

1) Sorry, Honeymoon has been passed;

Experts suggested that living-in relationships may get a struggling point in your life. Your enjoyments may get hitched because of the experiences and consequences you will get before the marriage, which will take away all the little excitement.

2) Legitimate concerns over assertions:

The title sounds fancy, right? Remember one thing: some things will get apart as time passes by. Imagine you are taking the property together in both of your partnerships. But suddenly, you broke up? What will you do? You both will face legal complications. That can be the relationship issues that you may face if you do so.

3) Societal condemnation: 

As the same has been discussed over mentioned. Although live-in relationships are legally being accepted as a part of our culture. However, it needs to be kept in mind that it is a dual heritage affair. It is still restricted to homogeneous cities.


To bring to fruition, these are not only the major dots of the top prior pros and cons that a companion will face. There are many experiences and perspectives that actually get the assertions of advantages and disadvantages. Technically speaking, it is ‘you’ that will pertain to the fact that what is wrong and what is right. Your life will, although, have huge repercussions and some memorable experiences that will enlighten you on your journey.Living together is not a holiday staycation. Because you are sharing a relationship with them. SO, taking logical decisions and not being carried away by emotions can help you gain a better perspective of your life.

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