Sex After a C-Section: 7 Things to Be Aware Of

Sex After a C-Section: 7 Things to Be Aware Of

Sex After a C-Section: 7 Things to Be Aware

If you've recently had a caesarean section (C-section), you might be wondering when it's safe to have sex again. We have everything you need to know about sex after a C-section delivery, from how long to wait to have sex after giving birth to which positions to try and which to avoid. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about having sex after giving birth for the first time.


Timing is everything: listen to your body

When deciding whether you're ready to resume having sex after a C-section, there are a few things to consider. Your C-section scar is the first factor, vaginal bleeding is the second, and your emotional state is the third. In addition to these factors, you should consider your overall health, including your strength level, as well as your method of birth control.


It's a common misconception that people who have had a C-section can have sex right away because their vagina hasn't been traumatised as much.


Wait at least six weeks after your six-week postpartum check-up before engaging in sexual activity. Rushing into things, including sex four weeks after a C-section, can result in complications such as infection.


Six weeks is the average time for the uterus to return to normal size, the cervix to close, and the C-section incision to heal. Medically, you're good to go once you get the all-clear from your health care provider.


However, this does not necessarily imply that you are ready to resume having intercourse after giving birth. Take into account your mental health as well. After giving birth, it is common to experience baby blues or postpartum depression, which can lead to a loss of libido.


Share these feelings with your partner, and don't force yourself to do something you're not ready for. It's normal to experience decreased sex drive after giving birth.


Remember: healing is a process


In an ideal world, when you finally have sex after a long time, sparks fly.


The reality for the vast majority of people is quite different. The first time you have sex after giving birth may be unpleasant or painful.


The healing process is not a straight line. In other words, you could be feeling great one day and completely depressed the next. When a woman has sex for the first time after giving birth, she may experience bleeding. Many people find that their bleeding stops for a few days, only to resume.


People who have had C-section deliveries usually take longer to recover than those who have had vaginal deliveries. Discuss any concerns you have with your partner, and then wait until you feel ready.


If you have pain in your vagina or around the C-section scar, make an appointment with your doctor to rule out infection or other complications.


Best sex positions for intercourse after a caesarean delivery

If you're ready to resume sex but don't want to aggravate that tender area, there are a few sex positions you might prefer.


Positions that put you on top are ideal because they give you complete control. You have control over the depth of penetration as well as the level of contact with your abdomen. It also allows you to move in the most natural way for you. Furthermore, positions involving side or rear entry will keep pressure off the tender incision area. At first, spooning might be your best bet.


Sex positions to avoid after a C-section delivery

Finding a position that works for you after a C-section delivery can be difficult. Feel free to try new things. Stop if you feel any discomfort.


Avoid any positions that put strain or pressure on your C-section scar. While pain during sex after pregnancy is common, any position that exacerbates that pain is not worth it.


For the first few months, positions in which your partner is on top, such as missionary, may put too much pressure on the area around your scar.


Doggy sex should be avoided until your scar has healed completely because it puts pressure on the core and pelvic area.


The importance of lubrication after giving birth

After giving birth, vaginal dryness is extremely common, especially if you are breastfeeding. You may not have encountered this issue before or during pregnancy, and thus it may not have occurred to you to use lubricant during sex.


Hormone levels drop after giving birthOestrogen, a hormone important for vaginal lubrication, is especially low when you're nursing.


Sex immediately after giving birth can be uncomfortable.It can be exacerbated by vaginal dryness. To avoid unnecessary irritation and pain, your doctor may recommend a low-dose vaginal oestrogen, a water-based lubricant, or vaginal moisturisers.


Don’t forget about birth control

When deciding how long to wait after giving birth to have sex, it's easy to overlook birth control. You can discuss contraception options with your doctor to determine what is best for you.


Many women mistakenly believe that they cannot become pregnant while nursing. In fact, 50 percent of breastfeeding women will begin to ovulate between 6 and 12 months after delivery, even if they are still breastfeeding. Importantly, you will begin ovulating again before you resume your period. If they rely solely on breastfeeding for contraception, this contributes to 15 to 55 percent of people becoming pregnant.


That is why it is critical for breastfeeding mothers to use contraception.


At your six-week postpartum check-up, discuss birth control options with your health care provider. If you're breastfeeding and want to use hormonal contraception, your doctor may prescribe a progesterone-only birth control method, such as the mini-pill. Combined oral contraceptives are not harmful to your baby's health, but they may reduce your milk supply.


If you don't plan on getting pregnant for at least a year after giving birth, you might want to consider getting an IUD. While breastfeeding, both copper and hormonal IUDs are considered safe.


Implants, injections, and barrier methods such as condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps are also options.


Your body has gone through a lot of transformations. What worked for you in the past might not work for you now, and that's perfectly fine. Consult your health care provider to determine the best birth control method for you so that you can feel completely relaxed and secure when you resume intercourse after giving birth.


Tips for amazing postpartum sex

It's natural to be apprehensive about having sex for the first time after giving birth. These tips can help relieve stress and allow you to enjoy your time in bed again.


• Set low expectations. You might not have mind-blowing sex for a few weeks or even months after giving birth. It takes time to adjust physically and mentally to all of the changes that occur after delivery. Sex may not be enjoyable the first few times, but it will improve with time.
• Take it easy on yourself. You might not be as eager to have sex as you once were, and there's a scientific reason for that. Your libido is bound to suffer as a result of sleep deprivation and a sudden drop in hormone levels. It's normal to not want sex as much as you once did — or at all.
• Slow down. Things will feel different after delivery, whether vaginal or C-section. To enjoy sex, more patience and mindfulness may be required. Things you liked before you got pregnant might not be as comfortable now. Wait until you're certain you're ready before having sex, and experiment with different positions to determine what works best for you right now.
• Talk about it. Whatever you're feeling — self-conscious, uncomfortable, or aroused — it's critical that you express it openly.
• Apply lubricant. Even if you don't think you need it, get some water-based lubricant and liberally apply it. When you're trying to get back into the swing of things, having painful sex is pointless.
• If it doesn't feel right, stop. It may appear obvious, but in the heat of the moment, it can be extremely difficult to speak up if you are feeling uneasy. Remember that sex should be enjoyable for everyone involved, and that you have the option to stop at any time. There are other ways to enjoy each other's company without being penetrated
• Wait for your health care provider's approval. While a little mystery can be fun, guessing is never a good idea when it comes to medical issues. To avoid injury or infection, wait until you have received permission from your health care provider.



It is critical to wait at least six weeks after a C-section delivery before engaging in sexual activity. However, it is acceptable to wait longer. When deciding when to have sex after a C-section, pay close attention to your body and consider your emotional state.


Inform your partner and your health care provider if you are experiencing pain in or around your vaginal or C-section scar. If you have any concerns about pain or discomfort, see your doctor to rule out infection and make sure you're healing properly.

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