The very best workout discovered for you if you have a lack of motivation.

The very best workout discovered for you if you have a lack of motivation

The very best workout discovered for you if you have a lack of


Here is a story of Forget reformer Pilates and SoulCycle, "Alley Pascoe" who  has found the greatest exercise class of all time
The Red Hot Arts Centre in downtown Alice Springs is humming with the sound of boot-tapping, knee-slapping, and yee-hawing on a Wednesday night.
A group of women in their twenties to early thirties have gathered for a weekly ritual. They're all here for the same reason: to get their blood pumping, their boots scooting, their endorphins pumping, and their hearts singing.
What kind of exercise could possibly accomplish all of the above? Dancing in a line.
Bev, 80, has been going to the local line dancing class since it first started two years ago. In between songs, she tells me, "It's just so much fun."
Here are eight thoughts I had during my first line dancing class as I tried to keep up with Bev's impeccable footwork...



It is, without a doubt, a workout. When I first started doing the sport, each dance began with the instructor walking us through the routine and having us practice it a few times in slow motion. Then the music started, and the game began. The movements were quick, and keeping up required a lot of effort and concentration. I'd worked up a good sweat after four minutes of nonstop Nutbushing and hip-popping and was ready for a quick water break.


The class was brimming with encouraging energy. Everyone applauded at the end of each song, regardless of how well the dancing went. Mistakes were met with laughter, and they occurred to everyone – including the instructor! In between routines, the more experienced boot-scooters gave me, the novice, advice and words of encouragement. Take small steps when you first start out to make transitions easier.



It's the music! Even if you're not a country fan, it's scientifically proven* that when a Troy Cassar-Daley banger comes on, it's physically impossible to stay still. (I conducted a scientific study at the pub's jukebox.)



Line dancing is a sport for everyone. There were women of all ages, physical abilities, and fitness levels in my beginner's class, and we all gave it a red-hot crack. The instructor laughed as she recalled a class she taught a year ago while heavily pregnant with her daughter, bouncing her belly to the beat.



The impromptu yee-haws were my absolute favourite part of the class. When someone nailed a move, enjoyed a turn, or felt the beat kick in, they let out a huge exclamation, much to the delight of everyone else. I was too preoccupied with not tripping to try it myself, but you can bet I'll let out a yee-haw next time.



Line dancing has more health benefits than just getting your heart rate up. It's also a great way to improve your coordination and balance. And the social aspect is crucial to mental health. We all know that staying active is important for our health, but finding the motivation to do so can be difficult. Exercising doesn't feel like a chore or a punishment when you're doing line dancing; it's a joy.



I may or may not have signed up for class solely to wear my new R.M. Williams boots. Regardless, my boots passed the test with flying colours, and I'm considering purchasing one of the 'Red Hot Line Dancers' cowgirl shirts to complete the look. The dress code for line dancing is simple and casual: wear enclosed shoes and bring a drink bottle. Akubra hats are not required.


That's what Bev said. It's a lot of fun! I left the class buzzing from endorphins, with a sore face from smiling all night, and a promise to return the following week. Let's go.

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