What are Date Rape Drugs?

What are Date rape drugs?

What are Date rape drugs?_ichhori.com

Drugs that make it easier to rape or sexually assault another person are known as date-rape drugs. Alcohol and others are some of them. The individual who has been drugged may become disoriented, have difficulty defending herself, or forget about what happened. Without one’s knowledge, date rape drugs can be mixed into a drink. Drugs and alcohol can make a person lose track of what is going on, make them less able to protect themselves against unwanted sexual contact, or make them forget what happened. Many of these drugs are colourless, odourless, and tasteless, and people are often unaware that they have taken them.
The term “date rape” is commonly used. However, the perpetrator of the crime may not be dating or in a relationship with the victim. Date rape might be committed by someone you know well, someone you know through friends, or someone you just met.
Common date rape drugs
To overpower a victim or make them forget an assault, someone could use any form of drug, including marijuana, cocaine, or prescription or over-the-counter drugs like antidepressants, tranquilizers, or sleeping pills. Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and ketamine are some of the other date rape drugs. Because they are usually taken at dance clubs, concerts, bars and parties, these drugs are sometimes referred to as “club drugs”.
1. Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB)
Easy lay, Gerogia home boy, liquid X, liquid ecstasy, liquid E, grievous bodily harm, Gib, G-riffic, scoop, soap, salty water, organic Quaalude, or fantasy, are all nicknames for this depressant. To induce a sedative effect, it is generally mixed with alcohol. It is sometimes used by doctors to treat narcolepsy, a sleep disorder. 
GHB can make a person vomit, as well as slow their heart rate and make breathing difficult. It takes 15 to 30 minutes to take effect, and the effects might last for 3 to 6 hours.
2. Rohypnol
Mexican Valium, circles, roofies, la rocha, roche, R2, rope, and forget-me pill are nicknames for this powerful benxodiazepine (a type of sedative). Because of its sedative effect, this drug is one of the most commonly used date rape drugs. In several countries, doctors utilise it as an anaesthetic prior to surgery.
Rohypnol can make a person tired and confused, and they may forget what happened once it takes effect. It can also induce difficulty breathing, as well as make it difficult to move one’s body. Its effects can be felt within 30 minutes of administration and can last for several hours.
3. Ketamine
This is a dissociative substance that makes one feel as though he/she is not connected to reality. It is a quick-acting sedative and hallucinogenic drug. Special K, vitamin K, and cat Valium are some of its nicknames. It is used as an anaesthetic by doctors and veterinarians.
Ketamine can speed up the heart rate, raise blood pressure, and make one feel nauseous. It’s effects might last for 30 to 60 minutes.
Alcohol: Along with alcohol, many attackers use one of the above three drugs. It has the potential to enhance the drug’s effects. However, alcohol alone can prevent a person from defending themselves, understanding what is happening to them, or remembering it later.
How are date rape drugs used?
Someone can overpower you with drugs or alcohol so you do not realise what is going on or remember the assault. It is not uncommon for date rape drugs to be mixed in a drink. Alternatively, you could be taking alcohol or using a drug but someone else is enhancing it without your knowledge. Rohypnol is usually taken as a whole tablet, crushed, or snorted. Injections, liquid mixtures, and snorting are the most common methods of administration of Ketamine.
What do date rape drugs look like?
The majority of date rape drugs are tasteless, odourless, and colourless. It is possible that you will not be able to tell whether your drink has one.
Ketamine is available as a liquid, powder, or capsule. GHB comes in two forms: a white powder and a clear, odourless liquid. GHB might have a salty aftertaste.
Rohypnol is a white pill about the size of a dime that dissolves quickly in liquids. The manufacturer has modified the formulation in a green pill with a blue core, so that when dissolved in liquid, it turns blue. This could help someone in determining whether or not their drink has been tampered with. This feature is not available in generic versions of the tablet.
How do date rape drugs and alcohol affect the body?
Rohypnol, GHB, GBL, and ketamine are strong drugs. They have a significant impact on a person rapidly, and one may be unaware that something is wrong. The effects linger for a different amount of time, depending on the amount of drugs in your system and whether it is combined with other drugs or alcohol. Alcohol can enhance the effects of drugs and lead to major health problems, including death. Date rape drugs and alcohol can make a person:
i. Dizzy
ii. Have difficulty speaking or slurred speech.
iii. Have difficulty moving.
iv. Vomit or feel nauseated.
v. Have a fast or slow heartbeat.
vi. Sleepy or confused.
vii. Have difficulty breathing.
viii. Pass out
Drugs and alcohol can impair one’s ability to think, make decisions, and recall events.
GHB: GHB has the ability to make you tired, forgetful and weak. Seizures, a slowed heartbeat, shallow breathing, and coma are possible side effects. The effects begin 15 to 30 minutes after administering and can last 3 to 6 hours.
Rohypnol: Rohypnol can produce muscle twitching, forgetfulness, loss of inhibitions, and loss of consciousness in excessive dosages. Its effects normally begin approximately 30 minutes after taking it and peak about 2 hours later. One can be affected by as little as 1 milligram for up to 12 hours.
Ketamine: Ketamine may cause you to have hallucinations or make you feel queasy. It can also cause stomach ache, vomiting, high blood pressure, heart rate fluctuations, seizures, or a coma. It normally takes 30 minutes to take effect and lasts an hour or two. However, one may be affected for a day or longer.
Alcohol: Alcohol can make you feel at ease, talkative, and confident. Emotions become unstable as one drinks more, and loses control of the body. Too much alcohol can put a person in a coma. Within a few minutes, alcohol normally enters the brain. 
It is important to remember that all drugs have an impact on how well the mind and body functions. In fact, alcohol is associated to considerably more date rapes than any of the other drugs mentioned. Almost all drugs of abuse make people vulnerable being exploited by affecting judgement, slowing reaction time, and clouding reasoning. Sexual assault is never your fault, no matter how much alcohol or drugs you consumed. Following that, it is usual to experience a range of emotions. Protect yourself by refusing drinks from others, avoid sharing drinks, keeping an eye on your drink, and having a non-drinking companion with you. 
Because date rape may happen to anyone, knowing the signs and symptoms of drugs used to help with date rape, as well as how to defend oneself, is critical. Although date rape is never the responsibility of the victim, many victims feel guilty or ashamed. This shame may hinder people from getting medical help or seeking out support to assist them in their recovery.

1. https://www.womenshealth.gov/a-z-topics/date-rape-drugs
2. https://archives.drugabuse.gov/blog/post/what-are-date-rape-drugs-and-how-do-you-avoid-them
3. https://www.cham.org/HealthwiseArticle.aspx?id=uq2448

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