Why PCOS is becoming common in women nowadays?

             Why PCOS is becoming common in women nowadays?

Why PCOS is becoming common in women nowadays?_ichhori.com

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a health problem in women caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones such as estrogen, and progesterone. The hormonal imbalance results in problems in the ovaries. The ovaries produce the egg that is released each month in your uterus and it is released before you start your menstrual cycle. If you have PCOS, the egg may not develop as it usually does or it may not get released during ovulation as it should be.

PCOS results in missed or irregular menstrual cycles. Irregular periods are not good for health and can lead to:

  • Cysts which are small fluid-filled sacs can develop in the ovaries
  • Infertility that will make it harder or unable for women to conceive. PCOS is one of the most common reasons for infertility in women.

Why is PCOS is on the rise?

Lately, it looks like that many girls and women are having PCOS. And, in the last five years, polycystic ovary syndrome cases especially in the city have increased exponentially. The reason for this rise in cases has been attributed mainly to lifestyle changes. The doctors say that young reproductive women are the ones most prone to the condition.

With time the lifestyle has majorly changed. According to Dr Santosh Gupta, a fertility consultant, lifestyle changes are the main reason for the rise in PCOD. She has observed that over the last five years, the percentage of women with PCOS has risen from 10 to 20 per cent among her patients. 

 Her patients come from every stratum of society. The patients are young unmarried women who may be suffering from irregular menstruation, acne and weight gain, to married women who have problems conceiving. An inactive lifestyle has contributed to the increased BMI (body mass index) which leads to many women (between the age of 18 to 35) suffering from the syndrome.

So, what lifestyle changes are there which have caused the cases to rise? Changes such as 

  • Consumption of junk food has increased and with all the food delivery applications some women have it on daily basis. 
  • There has also been no definitive sleeping pattern because of hectic work schedules or watching web series till late in the night. With improper sleep are body is not getting the rest that it needs.
  • As women have tightly packed schedules, they may not get time to exercise or just lack of motivation to do exercise is a trigger too.

Symptoms of PCOS

  • If you have irregular and delayed periods or no periods then you may have PCOS. Some women may get periods every 21 days or more early. PCOS may also result in you having no period at all.
  • It also results in excess facial hair on the face, chin, and other parts of the body.
  • Getting acne on the face, chest, and upper back.
  • You will have hair loss and thinning scalp hair because of higher levels of male hormones
  • You may also gain weight.
  • Multiple small cysts will develop on the ovaries
  • Skin may darken under your breasts, along neck creases, and in the groin.
  • You may get small excess flaps of skin in the armpit or neck.

Causes of PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is caused by

  • If you are overweight and obese due to an unhealthy diet and lack of any physical exercise then you may develop polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  • If someone in your family like your mother or sister has PCOS or Type 2 diabetes then you are more likely to have PCOS.
  • It can also be caused by high levels of androgen. Androgens are male hormones that women produce in a small amount. But if you produce androgens more than usual then it may prevent the ovaries from releasing the egg and resulting in PCOS. 
  • If you have high insulin resistance which causes the body cell to not respond normally to insulin then you may get PCOS and also Type 2 diabetes.

Other health-related issues it may lead to.

  • You will experience heavy and painful periods
  • You can have diabetes (type 2 diabetes) or gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy) due to PCOS. More than half of the women with PCOS will get diabetes before the age of 40.
  • You may get heart diseases from high blood pressure due to PCOS which may also lead to a stroke.
  • Women with PCOS are at a higher risk for having high blood pressure as compared to women with low blood pressure.
  • You may have high cholesterol with PCOS. Women with this disease have a higher level of LDL which is bad cholesterol and a low level of HDL which is good cholesterol
  • You may also get endometrial cancer or cancer of the uterus.
  • Depression and anxiety are common in women who have PCOS.

How to prevent PCOS?

The prevention of PCOS is something that cannot be prevented completely. But we can still try and take up some preventive measures.

  • For starters, young school and college students should be taught all about PCOS and how it is not a disease but a syndrome. It will be better if the awareness started among young individuals. They should be aware of how lifestyle changes can help the situation.
  • Proper workouts and exercises can also prevent PCOS. If you already have PCOS then in addition to exercise you need to practice brisk walking. 
  • Having a proper diet is also helpful in preventing PCOS. You need to cut back on junk food and have a nutritious meal with less carbohydrates and fats. This will also manage your weight and you will no longer be obese.
  • For women suffering from PCOS needs professional help. So, patients should get medical help and counselling. And, they should be given proper counselling with appropriate treatment. They are important for patients too. The treatment you can get are:


1.  Go and see a gynaecologist if you see any symptoms, especially if you experience irregular or delayed periods

2.  If you have PCOS then the doctor may put you on some medications to make your periods regular. To regulate your menstrual cycles doctor may recommend a combination of birth control pills containing estrogen and progestin. Or they may recommend progestin therapy.

3.  For your ovulation the doctor may put you on any of these medications such as Clomiphene, Letrozole, Metformin, and Gonadotropins.

4. For increased hair growth your doctor may recommend a birth control pill, Spironolactone, Eflornithine, and Electrolysis.

5.  You should also get tested for Type 2 diabetes if you have PCOS.

You can get PCOS because of a genetic disorder that runs in families with diabetes says Dr Kavitha Lakshmi Easwaran who is a senior consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist. She also notes that girls as young as15-year-olds are being diagnosed with PCOS. She said that in 2014, one out of five women had PCOS and now in just a few years the number has increased to one in two women. Every other woman has one or two subtle or serious symptoms that lead to PCOS. And PCOS is a common sight in cities because of lifestyle choices. Not only lifestyle choices but these are also related to genetic disorders, such as women in your life who have PCOS and type 2 diabetes where insulin resistance is generally high, which leads to PCOS.

Experts believe that these changes in lifestyle are the answer to why PCOS occurs but a clear answer is unavailable. If the syndrome is not tackled well, then the next generation of women will suffer from them and will carry this condition ahead.  PCOS is something that is not difficult to spot. So, be on alert especially if you have a family background of the syndrome. The symptoms can be irregular periods, acne, excessive hair growth, or weight gain. If you experience any of these symptoms you need to contact your doctor.

For controlling the PCOS you can workout and practising yoga would also be a good option. Avoid as much stress as you can. Follow a balanced diet and avoid aerated drinks, alcohol and smoking.


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