What are the inspirations of being a Women Journalist?

What are the Inspirations of being a women Journalist?

Women you are an inspiration ichhori_Webp

As a female journalist, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the current status of women. Unfortunately, women still face many challenges in the media industry. Despite the progress that has been made, there is still a long way to go. We must continue to fight for equality and representation in the media.

Women in media, public relations, and journalism are significantly underrepresented. However, there are around 600 women journalists whose names are known worldwide, and only around 15 women are published in the highest-circulation news magazines every year.

Women have made significant inroads in the media over the past several decades. More women are reporting to the press than ever before, with roles in technology and finance and prominent positions in the newsroom. In addition, more women are now in newsrooms compared to the numbers who were in newsrooms 5-10 years ago. In the U.S., the number of women journalists holding full-time positions in broadcast news had increased steadily since 1970, when women held only 1% of the reporting positions in the major television news networks.

There are many women in the journalism world, but the statistics tell us that far fewer women are running for public office than men. Women make up only 12% of the national news media workforce, and 24% of the world’s news media journalists are women.

Women have not been able to break the glass ceiling in the Indian news media. Women in India are dominated by domestic duties, especially in the economically backwards north. They are also underrepresented in the broadcast news sector, a largely male preserve. In addition, their jobs are substantially lower-paying than those of males with the same level of education.

Many women are entering the field as journalists. Some of them are just starting, but many are already well established, and they are very visible in the field. More women are working in sports, and more women are working in technology, finance, and education. But the figures on women in the Indian media are still not at a level that is considered satisfactory.

Currently, women constitute only 12% of the national news media, and 24% of the world’s news media journalists are women. In India, the percentage of women in the media workforce was almost 10% in 2013, but only about 5% of the national news media. Anabaptist churches, historically, have valued the call to serve and minister to women as a way of communicating the Christian gospel, and the Anabaptist churches have continued that tradition. While the percentage of women in journalism is still not equal to that of men, it has increased steadily.

Sociologists argue that the low numbers of women in the news media are due to social and cultural factors and a shortage of role models.

The current status of women in the Indian media is an ongoing challenge for the country, especially regarding representation in the news media and the advertising industry. Women in India are still not at parity with their male counterparts. For example, according to the All India Newspapers Survey 2011-12, women occupied only 22% of all the newsroom jobs in India’s largest news media organization, The Times of India. The same survey also found that women contribute 10% to 15% of the newspaper columns but only 4% to 7% of the news.

Women working in journalism have increased steadily over the past several decades. The number of women working in journalism in India grew from only eight in 1947 to nearly 400 in 2013, a 535% increase. More women are reporting for the press than ever before, and an increasing number are now working in the broadcast news sector.

Women’s presence as journalists and subjects or sources of news is declining in India, despite a trend in TV media showing a preference for more women at work, which might be attributed to “sexism at work promoting concepts of elegance and fashion,” according to new research.

Television news has the largest proportion of female journalists, continuing a decade-long trend. More women (52%) were observed working as reporters, announcers, and presenters on television than in print (13%) or radio (20 percent).

“The preference for women of a younger age group in visual media such as television might be veiled sexism at work, promoting ideals of beauty and fashion, and attractive young women attracting audiences based on their appearances.” rather than the content of the news," according to the study.

Older women were featured less in visual media than in-text when examining the age profile. On television, more women (45 per cent) of a younger age range (19-34) were news topics than in print (38 per cent). In print media, female news subjects aged 65-79 and 19-34 account for 19% of all news topics.

According to the study, women’s news sources were still derived from occupations outside the heart of the power system, such as entertainment and social work or social activism. Only 10% of female news sources were politicians or MPs, whereas 60% were celebrities, artists, actors, writers, singers, etc.

Activists made for 36% of female news sources, with health workers, social workers, and caregivers accounting for 57%.

Globally, women’s presence as spokespersons increased to 24% in 2020 from 19% in 2015, but in India, women’s role as spokespersons decreased to 8% in 2020 from 15% in 2015.

“Female news topics were discovered in 18% of the articles in 2020, although they were spokespersons and specialists in just 8% of the tales. IT is an overall decrease from 2015 - five years ago, women appeared as news topics in 27% of articles, as spokespersons in 15%, and as sources in 5% “Experts in 12%,” it went on to say.


Despite being female journalists, women still face many challenges and obstacles in the field. There is a need for more female journalists, and we should all work together to create a more inclusive and equitable industry.

Women have always been an important part of the journalism field, but they have not always been given the same opportunities and recognition as their male counterparts. Women have worked hard to break through the glass ceiling and become respected journalists despite the challenges. Today, women are still fighting for equality in the field, but they have come a long way.

Women journalists are an important part of the media landscape, and their voices need to be heard.

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