How to Deal with Miscarriage in 2022?

  Miscarriage- A dark Process, We are handholding you with the process

How to deal with miscarriage

Planning to be a mother is the most cheerful and challenging stage in a woman’ life. Not only does she undergo the process of the physical changes however emotional changes take place as well too. While being pregnant and even after giving birth to the infant, the phase is cheerful. Let us understand the phase is challenging because it needs more care,  patience and a series of planned events for the beautiful journey. However, the swift changed and the process gets converted in the crisis, and the crisis is none other than- “miscarriages.”

Miscarriage is a natural phenomenon where the fetus is lost in the first five months of pregnancy. There are few reasons due to which this occurs; abnormality in the fetus – genetic disorder or birth defect or problem in the mother. When it comes to the mother’ body, any kind of toxin consumption like alcohol, drugs, etc. can also lead to miscarriages. According to a report, a miscarriage occurs in 8 out of 10 mothers in the first three months of the pregnancy. 15% of miscarriages occur during the 13 to 20 week of pregnancy.
As I was going through hard core comments of the "Ichhori" community. The whole team realized that we never discussed the structure and the in-depth understanding in an enhanced manner. Then we have started a mission to discuss with all the niche target audience present out there to let us talk about the miscarriages and the sub -layers of the concept as well. The chance of miscarriage increases with the increasing age of woman. Undergoing repeated miscarriages can also increase chances of another miscarriage.


  1. Age factor – the reducing fertility after the age of 30 is observed in women which increases the compilations while conceiving. Thus experts advise to plan a family before both the parents exceed the age of 30.
  2. Structural abnormalities – a woman can have few glitches in her body, which become observable during her pregnancy. They include – cervical insufficiency, double uterus, etc. Due to these reasons chances of miscarriage increase.
  3. Mother’ medical condition – an uncontrolled diabetes, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism in the mother does not give a favorable condition in conceiving and leads to miscarriage.
  4. Rh incompatibility – The Rhesus factor plays an important role in pregnancy. If both the mother and fotus carry the same Rh positive or Rh negative factor in their blood; there are nil, chances of miscarriage. But if the mother is Rh positive and the fotus developed carries Rh negative or vice versa there are chance of miscarriage. The phenomenon is called “ERYTHROCYTE BLASTOSIS.”


  • 1.  Spots of blood
  • 2.  Contraction of uterus causing cramps
  • 3.  If the fetus dies inside the maternal body due to septic infection; fever, rapid heart rate and low Blood pressure is noticed in the mother. This kind of miscarriage usually occurs due to lack of hygiene and awareness in practitioners.
  • 4.  Heavy blood flow in the later part of pregnancy
  • 5.  Tissue discharge


It is a heart breaking event for a mother who lost her infant before birth. It took her all the effort to plan a family, follow the routine and adapt to the new physiological changes beneath her and in just a fraction of time, everything is lost. The father also undergoes a lot of stress and grief, as it was one of the most precious moments in his life too. In this case, the family is the only rock solid support for both the parents, especially the mother to overcome her grief.

CASE STUDY 1 – Maanvi, an MD in Gynaecology had just shifted to the UK with her Doctor husband who was an oncologist. The goal oriented couple had reached this far in their career and were successful. They adapted to the new country, its way of living and culture in a short span of time. One fine day, Maanvi came to know about her pregnancy. She was of course on cloud 9 and could not wait a minute more to convey to her husband. Both the parents were overjoyed and content with what life had offered them. Maanvi and Jash’ parents were informed about the good news in India and their arrival was also planned for the baby shower. Time slipped into months and being doctor parents, everything was planned and scheduled and taken care of. One fine day suddenly Maanvi experienced severe contractions and as soon as she was rushed to the hospital, the heart breaking news of miscarriage was given to both the parents.
Everyone was numb and shocked. Maanvi could not get out of the trauma for a few weeks and Jash too was suffering the same pain but he had to get Maanvi back on track. She was a renowned gynecologist and if she lost hope, how would her patients regain faith? Jash decided to get back to India, where both families were present. The homely nature, friendly neighborhood and alma mater hospital of Maanvi helped regain her old self. With each passing day she decided to get a step stronger and wiser. With her personal experience, she helped other mothers and their family recover from the grief.

A mixture of emotions – mostly negative emotions are observed during miscarriages. Anxiety, Grief and guilt are observed in the woman who has experienced a miscarriage. A proper consultation with a therapist can help recover the mother and family. A proper support and care from the family can help regain the position of the mother.

What is the way forwards after Miscarriage?

Miscarriage is a natural phenomenon; it is not under anyone’ control. This does not stop a woman from being a mother for the rest of her life.

1.  In vitro fertilization (IVF) – with the advent of biotechnology, a test tube baby has now become a ray of hope to parents with few complications.
2.  Surrogacy – A woman with a defective mitochondria has issues with conceiving and becoming a mother, if a healthy mitochondria donor from a woman is received, motherhood can be experienced. Surrogacy laws have now become stricter due to violation and exploitation of the surrogate mother. Parents plan a child in a surrogate and then abandon her, leaving the surrogate woman with frustration and aimlessness.
3.  Adoption – there are so many children who have been abandoned due to certain reasons and they end up in orphanages. Adopting a child does not only give home and shelter but also builds the future of the child.
A woman's condition becomes helpless and lowest when she loses her unborn infant. All that can help is regular counseling, firm family support and compassion to rebuild her trust. Alternative methods like mentioned above can also help a woman become a mother. 

REFERENCE -  Planned parenthood, MSD Manual

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