How to get rid of teenage stretch marks?

 How to get rid of teenage stretch marks?

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are small lines in the skin that appear as the skin expands due to rapid growth or weight gain (like during puberty). When skin is overstretched, the normal production of collagen is interrupted. As a result, stretch marks may appear on the skin. Stretch marks appear as reddish or purplish lines that are recessed into the skin and have a distinct feel than the surrounding skin. Stretch marks usually fade and become lighter with time. Most people have stretch marks during puberty. Stretch marks are also common in obese people.

Stretch marks are unlikely to disappear by themselves. There are, however ways to minimize their appearance.

Causes of stretch marks

Stretch marks in boys and girls during adolescence can be caused by puberty, rapid muscular growth, and weight gain. It may be noted that stretch marks severity varies depending on the skin type, genetic factors, skin elasticity and cortisol levels. Cortisol is an adrenal gland hormone that enhances the elasticity of skin fibres.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

Many treatments have been developed and promoted as effective in removing stretch marks. However, they rarely go away completely.

Stretch mark treatment can be done by a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon as they are specialists in skin care. Prescription lotions, microdermabrasion, and laser treatment may be used to minimise the appearance of stretch marks. However, because teenagers are still growing, teenagers rarely recommend these. As a result, new stretch marks may form, and old ones will likely diminish with time. Also, these procedures are frequently costly and not covered by medical insurance.

Doctors may begin treatment for the issue if there is an underlying cause for concern. If stretch marks are caused by obesity or overweight, a nutritionist will advise the teen on a good diet and exercise routine. Stretch marks disappear with time and are completely harmless. Treatments may only partially erase or reduce stretch marks. The best way to get rid of these marks is to find and address the underlying cause while also maintaining a healthy weight. 

How to make stretch marks less noticeable?

Stretch marks are a part of growing up and one need not be ashamed of having them. They are normal marks on the skin. However, if having them makes one extremely insecure that you can follow some of these tips. There are techniques to disguise or improve the appearance of stretch marks if they are a cosmetic issue.

1. Self-tanners

Stretch marks can sometimes be covered with sunless self-tanners. They can be filled in with sunless self-tanners to make them appear closer to the same colour as the rest of the skin. However, this is not the case with tanning beds. Stretch marks are less prone to tan, thus they may appear more prominent. Furthermore, when it comes to the long-term health of the skin, the sun and regular use of tanning beds do more harm than good.

2. Makeup

If you only want to hide your stretch marks for a day or night, a foundation that matches your skin tone can help.

3. Creams and lotions

Many lotions and other cosmetic creams claim to remove stretch marks, but the truth is that the majority of them are ineffective and expensive. Many topical lotions claim to aid in the removal of stretch marks. Therefore it is important to read reviews to see what is working and which is not for other people. 

4. Wear clothes with more coverage

Stretch marks can be hidden by wearing long sleeves or longer pants. Wear rash guards or board shorts. Stretch marks on the buttocks, upper thighs and chest can be hidden with more coverage bathing suits and clothing.


To reduce the appearance of stretch marks, the following procedures may be given a try. None of these procedures have been shown to be particularly effective. However, they may be suggested by a dermatologist.

Retinoid creams, lotions and gels: Vitamin A compounds. Tretinoin is a retinoid cream that comes in the form of Retin-A, Renova, or Avita. Stretch mark creams can be applied to the skin to help rebuild the collagen fibres and make the stretch marks appear more natural. Some people may get skin discomfort as a result of this.

Laser and light therapies: These treatments boost the skin’s collagen and elastin production. 

Microdermabrasion: It is a therapy procedure that involves blowing crystals through a hand device to remove a thin layer of skin. It may eventually promote the development of more elastic skin.

Non-ablative radiofrequency: This procedure uses special radiofrequency devices to stimulate collagen development.

Microfocused ultrasound therapy: Ultrasound waves are used in this procedure to encourage collagen formation and restore skin suppleness.

In order to get better outcomes with topical treatments, it is best to follow the following methods:

Massage the product carefully over the stretch marks to improve its effectiveness.

To see effects, use a product every day for a few weeks.

When the stretch marks are new, use products. Mature stretch marks are tough to remove.

Home remedies such as rubbing almond oil, olive oil, vitamin E, and cocoa butter have not been proven to be beneficial, according to researchers. Depending on the skin type, cause, convenience, cost and expectations, the dermatologist may propose treatment. Because teens are still growing and new stretch marks may appear, doctors may not recommend microdermabrasion or laser treatment for stretch mark removal. 

Preventing stretch marks

A 2012 study looked at topical preventions and found that stretch mark development was not different in women who received topical preventative ointments or lotions in comparison to those who received placebos or no treatment. Maintaining a healthy weight during adolescence is the best approach to reduce the chances of developing stretch marks. To minimise excessive weight gain, parents should talk to their children about the need of eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. Stretch mark prevention during puberty is not possible due to a lack of proven treatments and medications. However, most stretch marks disappear with time.

Stretch marks are extremely common, but they can be minimised with self-tanners, makeup, ointments or surgical procedures. They are frequent among teenagers. Stretch marks are something that the adolescent child may be aware of. They can vary in appearance and severity from person to person. They are most likely to appear in overweight teens or those who have a family history of them. They pose no long-term health hazards and treatment is usually aimed towards helping the individual with stretch marks feel better about themselves. Stretch marks may fade away when the cause of the stretching is no longer a problem, although they usually diminish to a less obvious scar over time. Stretch marks usually vanish with time, so patience is usually the best option. If they continue to affect you as an adult, consult a doctor or seek treatment from a specialist. If you detect additional concerning signs, such as abrupt weight gain, skin rashes, or any other anomalies in addition to stretch marks, you should seek medical advice.

Accepting stretch marks as a natural part of bodily changes may be the best approach to deal with them. Body anxiety and low self-esteem might result from worrying about stretch marks. Diet culture, advertising and social media frequently promote unrealistic expectations of how bodies should appear. These standards are not conducive to self-acceptance and are not grounded in reality.





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