Why are stretch marks appearing out of nowhere?What are the causes of Stretch Marks?

 “Why are stretch marks appearing out of nowhere?”

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Stretch marks are a very prevalent skin problem. Rapid skin stretching causes them to appear. Fresh stretch marks are usually red at first. They occur in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, blue, and black.

Stretch marks diminish over time and turn white as they recover. Stretch marks are most common in areas of the body that are at risk of stretching since they are caused by skin stretching. The abdomen, thighs, and hips are among them.


While red stretch marks are commonly connected with weight gain, there are a variety of additional explanations. Some of the other explanations are linked to underlying medical problems. The following are some of the most common causes of stretch marks:

Weight changes: Putting on a lot of weight in a short period of time puts strain on your skin, which must stretch to accommodate the extra body mass. Stretch marks are caused by gaining a lot of weight in a short period of time. Red stretch marks can form everywhere on the body, depending on where you gain weight. Stretch marks can also appear as a result of rapid weight reduction.

Pregnancy: Stretch marks affect around 8 out of 10 pregnant women, and they most commonly appear on the stomach. But stretch marks can appear in other places during pregnancy as well. Women tend to gain weight during pregnancy, which causes stretch marks to appear in more places, including the breasts. Stretch marks are more common in the later stages of pregnancy as the baby grows; the severity of the stretch marks is determined by how elastic the skin is. During the second and third trimesters, you may notice fast surges of bodily growth, particularly around the abdominal, thigh, and hip areas. Increased pressure can cause the skin to stretch out, resulting in red stretch marks. Stretch marks affect between 50 and 90 percent of pregnant women during and after delivery.

Growth spurt: During puberty, adolescents may develop red stretch marks. These are caused by rapid bodily expansion rather than weight gain. In young people going through puberty, rapid growth is common. Stretch marks may result as a result of this. 

Rapid muscle growth: Red stretch marks from muscles that become substantially larger in a short amount of time can occur with both weight training and bodybuilding. Regular exercise might cause your muscles to expand and the skin around them to stretch (depending on the end objective of your workout).

Breast augmentation: Breast augmentation can leave the chest area with stretched-out skin. Stretch marks could be more likely depending on your skin's suppleness and the size of the implants you're having.

Corticosteroids:  Corticosteroids are meant for short-term use, but using them for too long can have negative side effects. They can cause bodily inflammation, resulting in weight gain and strained skin. Over-the-counter hydrocortisone can thin your skin over time, leaving you vulnerable to stretch marks. Long-term usage of corticosteroid creams and lotions can lower collagen levels in the skin. Collagen helps to tighten and support the skin, and a lack of it can lead to stretch marks.

Family history: Stretch marks are often inherited. Stretch marks are most typically seen in pregnant women, but men should be aware of the history of stretch marks in their families so that they can follow skincare routines that can help avoid stretch marks.

Gender: Stretch marks are at least 2.5 times as common in women. However, both men and women are at danger of developing red stretch marks at some point in their lives, particularly during adolescence.

Certain underlying conditions: Stretch marks can be caused by a variety of factors, including rapid weight gain or obesity. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and Cushing syndrome are examples. Cushing’s syndrome causes the body to create too much of a hormone, which causes fast weight gain and skin fragility, and Marfan syndrome causes diminished flexibility in skin tissue.

How stretch marks are caused

There are three layers to the skin. When connective tissue is stretched beyond its flexibility, stretch marks appear in the dermis, or middle layer. This is usually caused by fast skin expansion or contraction.

The connective fibres in the dermis gradually stretch to support sluggish development as the body expands. Rapid growth, on the other hand, results in unexpected stretching. The dermis tears as a result, enabling deeper layers of skin to expose. This can cause stretch marks and alter their appearance.

Stretch marks fade to a silvery, white, or glossy appearance over time when the pale fat beneath the skin shows through instead of the typical blood vessels.

When there are high levels of circulating cortisone or cortisone is applied to the skin, they are more prone to develop and grow more severe. Cortisone is made from cortisol, a stress hormone generated by the adrenal glands. Elastic fibres in the skin are weakened as a result.

Risk factors

There have been several risk factors linked to the formation of stretch marks, however the data is inconsistent. Stretch mark causes must be confirmed by more research.

Stretch mark development may be connected to the following factors:

Family history

Long-term illnesses

BMI (body mass index) prior to pregnancy

Weight of the child at birth in pregnant women

These findings can be explained by the fact that obese mothers with larger babies stretch their skin more, as well as age-related changes in skin collagen and connective tissue, which impact the likelihood of tearing.


Stretch marks are frequently the result of rapid weight gain over a short period of time. Stretch marks can be avoided by avoiding fast weight gain and reduction (“yo-yo dieting”). If you want to reduce weight, start cautiously by eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising on a regular basis. You should not lose more than 0.5 kilos (1 pound) per week.

It’s critical to consume a nutritious, well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin E, vitamin C, and the minerals zinc and silicon. These vitamins and minerals will aid in the health of your skin.

It's normal to gain weight during pregnancy in a relatively short amount of time. You don't need to follow a specific diet when pregnant, but you should consume a variety of meals every day to ensure that you and your baby get the correct balance of nutrients. Wholewheat carbs, such as bread and pasta, as well as fruits and vegetables, should be included in your diet.

Stretch marks are unattractive, but they are a common and usually temporary issue. They pose no long-term health hazards, and treatment is usually aimed towards helping the individual with stretch marks feel better about themselves.

At first, new stretch marks may appear bright red. This is caused by the surface of your skin stretching, and the color is just transitory. Stretch marks fade with time, finally turning pale pink or white.

If home treatments fail to alter the appearance of your red stretch marks, consult a doctor about treatment options. They might advise you to drink plenty of water, eat well, and take care of your skin. The doctor may recommend testing to ensure that your stretch marks aren’t caused by any underlying medical issues.

Stretch marks can be avoided, but there is no assurance. Many lotions and other cosmetic solutions claim to remove stretch marks, but the truth is that the majority of them are ineffective and expensive. Stretch marks usually vanish with time, so patience is usually the best option. Maintaining a healthy weight, even during pregnancy, is the greatest approach to reduce your odds. Consult your doctor about an exercise routine and proper nutrition. Stretch mark prevention may be possible with products containing centella and hyaluronic acid.





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