Why is sex painful after having a baby? 5 reasons to consider

Why is sex painful after having a baby? 5 reasons to consider

Why is sex painful after having a baby? 5 reasons to consider_ichhori.com


Many people wonder if they will have painful sex after giving birth. Allow Ichhori to answer all of your questions and make suggestions to alleviate your discomfort.
When can I have sex again after having a baby?
Pregnancy and childbirth put a lot of strain on your body. Some people are eager to resume sex after recovering from childbirth, while others are content to wait.
Of course, if you're recovering from stitches, your doctor may advise you to wait. Typically, your doctor or midwife will advise you to refrain from having sex for the first six weeks after giving birth.
Because everyone's body heals at a different rate, it's critical to keep track of how you're feeling both physically and mentally. Keep your partner informed whenever possible so that they can support you.
There are several reasons why postpartum sex is painful. Let's take a closer look at some of the most common.

5 causes of painful intercourse after giving birth

Here are the top five reasons why postpartum sex is painful.


1. Tears and stitches

People who give birth vaginally may suffer from tears and cuts, some of which may require stitches. A perineum stitch usually takes four to six weeks to heal, and any discomfort around the perineum usually goes away after 12 weeks. In this case, your doctor will advise you to postpone penetrative sex until the stitches have healed.


Resuming sex after episiotomy stitches (a minor incision) can also be painful if done too soon. It is critical to wait for the stitches to heal before proceeding with the procedure.


Once your doctor has cleared you to resume sexual activity, you can take steps to promote comfort, such as emptying your bladder beforehand and relaxing with a warm bath or shower. If you have pain after sex, apply ice wrapped in a small towel to the affected area.


2. Vaginal dryness

A person's oxytocin level rises after having a baby, causing their oestrogen level to fall. This is what motivates a parent's bonding with their newborn. Because of this new responsibility, many parents' sex life after having a baby may look different for a few weeks or months.


This decrease in oestrogen can cause vaginal dryness, making intercourse painful. As a result, you and your partner may have to postpone penetrating sex. Low oestrogen levels can also reduce a person's libido. This helps to explain why, at six months postpartum, an estimated 17–36 percent of women report dyspareunia (painful intercourse).


If you're ready to resume penetrative sex, water-based lubricants and vaginal moisturisers can help make the experience more comfortable. Low-dose vaginal oestrogen can treat vaginal atrophy while causing little systemic absorption. Before using vaginal oestrogen, consult your doctor, especially if you are breastfeeding.


3. Cervical dilation

Sexual activity with a dilated cervix increases the risk of infection and pain. Allow yourself four weeks to rest and heal after giving birth to avoid painful postpartum sex.


4. Pelvic bone problems

Pregnancy and childbirth put a strain on the pubic bone. It can become weakened or injured in some cases, resulting in pain during intercourse.


5. C-section delivery

After a C-section, you will have healing incisions on your uterus and lower abdomen that will be covered by stitches.


Persistent pain during or after sexual intercourse can result from a C-section. Bleeding occurs in caesarean deliveries, just as it does in vaginal deliveries. Most doctors advise C-section patients to wait for their stitches to dissolve completely before resuming sexual activities.


Minimizing painful sex after delivery

Some people put off having sex because they are exhausted, have new responsibilities, or are recovering from an illness. But what about couples who are experiencing sexual discomfort? Here are some pointers to help you stay comfortable this season.

  • Get creative: Look for other sex positions that provide pleasure without putting you under pressure. Massages and oral sex after pregnancy are also excellent ways to increase intimacy.

  • Kegels should be practiced: Kegels aid in the strengthening and lifting of the pelvic floor muscles. They can help your healing process if you do them on a regular basis.

  • Apply lubricantAllow yourself some time to unwind. Use a lubricant if you intend to engage in penetrative sex. If you are still experiencing dryness or discomfort, consult your doctor.

  • Be honest: Discuss your feelings with your partner openly.


Great communication is the foundation of great sex. Openly communicating your emotions and feelings with your partner can help improve your sexual experience. If you have any questions about postpartum healing or sex, talk to your doctor.

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