What is Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome? Want to know more about it.

What is Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome? Want to know more about it. 


Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSP) is a circadian rhythm disorder. It comprises a typical sleep pattern that is “lagging” over two hours from social norms. This delay occurs when the internal sleep clock (circadian rhythm) shifts late at night and late in the morning. When sleep occurs, sleep is normal. However, delays result in sleep patterns that are slower than desired or are considered socially acceptable. This pattern can cause problems if it interferes with work or social demands. If you have a DSP, it’s probably a good idea to sleep late and wake up late. If you leave it to your schedule, you may get the amount and quality of normal sleep. It only happens at a later date. The sign of the DSP is that it’s hard to fall asleep late into the night. Another sign is that it’s difficult to get up in the morning and go to work or school. These signs can make the DSP look like insomnia. Like insomnia, DSP can affect your alertness and daytime performance. It can cause excessive daytime drowsiness and malaise. What are the symptoms of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome? The symptoms of DSP are: Delayed sleep patterns associated with desirable sleep time and wake time Trouble falling asleep at the desired bedtime I can’t wake up in the morning Normal sleep time and quality of sleep when you do not need to sleep or wake up at a particular time Stable but delayed sleep patterns for at least 7 days It’s also important to know if there is anything else that is causing your sleep disorder. Here are some common examples: Another sleep disorder Medical conditions Use of medicine Mental illness Substance abuse What are the risk factors for Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome? The exact DSP rate is unknown to the general public. It is much more common in teens and young adults. About 7% to 16% of teens and young adults can have a DSP. DSP is probably found in 10% of people who complain of insomnia. People who tend to be “evening” or “night owls” have the potential to develop DSPs. The family history of the DSP is common in about 40% of people with disabilities and may have a genetic component. Some environmental factors may also be involved. Both lack of sunlight and too much bright evening light can increase the symptoms of DSP. How to Diagnose Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome? It’s easy to confuse DSP with normal sleep patterns and other types of insomnia. Sleep doctors are the best way to uncover current sleep problems. Your doctor can also help you make a plan to fix these problems. Your doctor will do a thorough physical examination. She also discusses the history of these sleep disorders. It is helpful to keep a sleep diary before seeing a sleep medicine specialist. Please bring this information to your booking. A sleep diary is one way to track your sleep patterns. They record the time you go to bed, the time it takes you to fall asleep, and the time you wake up in the morning. When using a DSP, sleep journals can show a regular pattern of difficulty falling asleep and little or no awakening after sleep. Sleep time is short on weekdays and long on weekends. Sleep studies that are not normally needed by those using DSPs may be needed. 

Your doctor will decide if you need a sleep study. This study is called polysomnography. Records brain waves, heart rate, and breathing during sleep. It also monitors how your arms and legs are moving. This study will help you determine if you have an objective sleep disorder associated with your sleep problems. How to Treat Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome? Strategic timing use of low-dose melatonin has been shown to be an effective treatment option for teens and maybe somewhat effective for adults. Melatonin is a hormone that is widely available in supplement form. The hormone is naturally produced by your body and plays an important role in sleep. It helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle by signaling to your body when the time for sleep is approaching. Melatonin dosage and timing should be discussed with a sleep doctor to ensure the most effective treatment strategy. Bright light therapy is another proven technique for changing your internal circadian rhythms, but its specific use for DSP has not been well validated. In theory, exposure to bright light should occur shortly after waking up at the desired time in the morning. Then bright light in the evening hours should be avoided. Light therapy combined with behavioral therapy for children and adolescents may be a treatment option. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps you change actions or thoughts that keep you awake. It helps you develop habits that promote a healthy pattern of sleep

Future takeaways

Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSWPD) is the most common circadian rhythm disorder in adolescents and young adults, reported by about 5% of teens. (See “Epidemiology” above.) ● DSWPD is like the “night owl” preference, which has a strong circadian rhythm. Bedtime usually deviates by over two hours from the traditional or socially acceptable time required to get enough sleep on school or work nights. This leads to an increased risk of chronic sleep deprivation, daytime dysfunction, depression, and other mental illnesses. (See “Clinical Features” above) they used ● DSWPD for patients who have difficulty falling asleep at the time required for adequate nighttime sleep, those who have difficulty waking up in the morning, and for daily stress and dysfunction. It is a clinical diagnosis that patients with complaints should suspect. There is a function. (See “History” above and “Diagnostic Criteria” above.) ● Diagnosis is consistent with sleep logs recorded for at least 7 days, actigraph (Figure 2), or both. Confirmed by phase delay. Polysomnography is shown only when there is clinical suspicion of coexisting sleep disorders, such as B. Obstructive sleep apnea. (See “Sleep Logs and actigraphy” above and “The Morning Light Questionnaire” above.) ● DSWPD is often confused with chronic insomnia (Table 3). Unlike patients with insomnia, patients with DSWPD do not have insomnia or adequate sleep if they can go to bed and wake up at a time that coincides with the circadian rhythm. (See “Differential Diagnosis” above.) ● Initial management of all patients with DSWPD should address external factors that may exacerbate or contribute to phase delay. In particular, we recommend the following for patients: • Minimize or eliminate caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. • Avoid taking a nap during the day. • Refrain from stimulating activities before the desired bedtime. ● Also advise patients to gradually advance their evening and morning times.

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