Does Period Pain Warrants You to Take Time off From Work?


Does Period Pain Warrants You to Take Time off From Work?

Has period pain ever made you miss work?

If that's the case, you're not alone. In a survey of 32,748 Dutch women aged 15 to 45, nearly one in seven (just under 14 per cent) reported they had taken time from work or school during their period.

This was a common event for some of the participants, as 3.5 per cent of women said it happened every, or almost every, menstrual cycle.

The Debate Around Taking Time Off Work Due To Period Pain.

The debate over whether or not persons with periods should take time from work for period cramps or excessive bleeding is still going on.

Some urge for monthly paid time off for period pain, while others say that this would just exacerbate the gender pay gap, limit women's career choices, and promote misogyny.

Bring your Wash Bag to work with your WUKA Pants.

Benefits Of Menstrual Leave

People who menstruate can take time off work to care for themselves during their most difficult periods without having to spend any of their annual leave.

Period discomfort makes it difficult to continue working, just as any man or woman would if they were in agony. Taking time off when experiencing period pain might be helpful to the organisation.

If menstrual leave were to be provided, it would help to normalise conversations about periods and erase some stigmas.

Having these discussions during work hours helps to raise awareness of the issue and forces people to examine their options. It also has an effect on other issues such as period poverty and the tampon tax.


Some people are concerned that if an employer believes they will take too much time off work for their periods, they will be less likely to be employed. When looking for a job, some women may already feel disadvantaged, and prospective employers may be evaluating whether they will take time off for pregnancy-related difficulties, followed by maternity leave.

If menstrual leave is implemented, it may be necessary to assist those who have discomfort and health issues as a result of pregnancy, perimenopause, menopause, or irregular periods.

Some persons with irregular periods may have two bleeds per month or no bleeding for a few months, adding to their anxiety that their employer will think they are unreliable when they request time off.

It could draw attention to discrepancies and embarrass women who do not have periods for whatever reason. Colleagues can ask, Why don't you take some time off for your period?


Women have been able to take menstruation leave in Japan since 1947. The law is supposed to have evolved from the belief that women should relax during their periods in order to avoid problems with their fertility.

Women in Indonesia are entitled to two days off for menstruation leave, but women in Taiwan are entitled to three days.

Since 2001, women in South Korea have been allowed to take one unpaid day off every month. Women will receive additional income if they do not use their one day of period leave.

Women in Asia are being offered menstruation leave, but few are taking advantage of it, according to reports.

·       Taking time off makes women feel bad.

·       Colleagues are under pressure at work.

·       Covering the position is difficult.

·       Worry about what your coworkers and bosses could say

A Gothenburg-based football app company is expected to become the first in Sweden to be recognised as menstruation-friendly.

How To Ask Your Boss You Need Time Off Work For A Period Of Pain

It can be difficult to tell your supervisor, whether he or she is male or female, that you require time off due to pain or excessive bleeding. It's unsettling and humiliating to think about it.

The good news is that you don't have to explain why you require the time off. You should be alright as long as they know you're on sick leave and you follow your company's leave policies.


If you don't want or can't take time off work, but the prospect of sitting at your desk or standing all day makes you feel worse, then these tips will help you get through the day...

·       Working from home allows you to stay on top of your workload while also avoiding the usage of yearly leave.

·       Request a job swap with a coworker.

·       Bring a hot water bottle to work with you; our WUKA bottles are designed to fit snugly around your waist.

·       Keep pain relievers in your drawer or locker.

·       Dress comfortably.

·       Make sure you've brought enough period goods. You can count on WUKA Heavy pants to keep you dry for up to 8 hours.

·       Try our medium flow period pants, which include a complete tampon and pad replacement. They carry about 15ml of menstrual fluid, which is about 2-3 tampons worth.

·       Refuel with healthy snacks and drinks - dark chocolate is a wonderful choice.

·       Take frequent walking breaks.

·       Find a quiet place to do these yoga exercises.

·       Exercising before or after work can help you feel better.


There is a strong argument for and against women with periods having access to menstruation leave at work.

Menstrual leave is already in existence in various Asian countries. However, some menstruating women may be hesitant to take it because of how others may see them or because they may be a burden to their coworkers.

It can be difficult to request time off when you know you need to go home and take care of yourself because of period discomfort, but if you need to, go home and take care of yourself. Your health comes first.

While on your period, being prepared can help you get through the day at work. Wear your WUKA and bring some chocolate with you.

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