The Breast Cancer Research Trust commemorates significant achievements in the fight against the illness
Waikato-based Breast Cancer Research Trust (BCRT) is commemorating a number of
achievements in May.
launch of the new Op Shop for Breast Cancer, International Clinical Trials Day
on May 20, and a new look for the trust are among the milestones, according to
Trust Chair and breast surgeon Professor Ian Campbell.
stated, We're enjoying consistent, considerable progress against breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Foundation has released the paper 30,000 Voices: Informing a
Better Future for Breast Cancer in Aotearoa New Zealand, which examines data
from the Foundation's National Register to show how breast cancer has
progressed over the last 20 years.
to the report, the survival rate for women with breast cancer has improved
dramatically in New Zealand, with the five-year risk of dying from breast
cancer halved and the 10-year risk of dying from breast cancer dropped by 30%.
This has been notably true for women who have been diagnosed with more
aggressive forms of breast cancer.
has also been a significant reduction in the discrepancy between ethnic
minorities' outcomes.
gains, according to Campbell, are due to a variety of factors, including better
therapies, more screening coverage, and early detection of malignancies.
cancer clinical trials and the introduction of more effective medicines and
care are at the heart of it all.
Clinical Trials Day was observed in May, and the Breast Cancer Research Trust
recognises and celebrates the fact that clinical trials research has resulted
in every advancement in the treatment of breast cancer, both globally and in
the Waikato.
Clinical Trials Day is a chance for research organisations, clinical research
experts, and the general public to celebrate clinical research's
trials, according to Campbell, are critical for helping to tailor treatments to
the specific tumour type and determining if new treatments are safe and
medication therapies, improvements in radiotherapy, breast-conserving surgery
rather than mastectomy,... and decreasing treatment side effects and improving
quality of life are among the advancements [made]."
the meanwhile, the trust is excited to unveil a new logo and brand.
colours include the BCRT's existing bright yellow as well as pink, the breast
cancer-related colour. The updated BCRT brand is built around our mission of
gathering knowledge and saving lives. Our circular emblem symbolises and
signifies the circle of people who help our research team achieve our goals.
May 11, the trust opened its Op Shop for Breast Cancer in Victoria Street.
Because the capacity to fundraise has been severely constrained since March
2020 owing to Covid-19, the goal is to establish a continuous money stream to
facilitate future research.