Can a single woman adopt a child in India ?

 “Can a single woman adopt a child in India”


Adoption is possible for anyone, regardless of their marital status or whether or not they have a biological son or daughter. A single female can adopt a child of either gender; but, a single male cannot adopt a girl child.

In recent years, the Indian society has seen some significant transformations. Adoption by single parents is one such positive change. The number of persons becoming single parents as a result of adoption is steadily increasing. Adoptions are becoming increasingly popular among unmarried women and men who want to take on the role of parent. Unmarried men and women are now more willing to be considered as potential parents by adoption agencies, which formerly had a strong bias against them. When compared to adopted children raised by a couple, research shows that adopted children raised by single parents fare equally well.

Can single parents adopt?

Adoption, according to the Juvenile Justice Act (as amended in 2006), is a process that permanently separates an adopted child from his biological parents and converts him into a legitimate child of his adoptive family, with all of the privileges, rights, and responsibilities that come with being a parent. This law allows those who are unmarried or divorced to adopt a child.

Adoption rules for single females in India

The following are the adoption guidelines in India for single females:

For Hindus

The Hindus Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, covers Hindu adoptions, which include Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists. The act allows for the following:

A child can be adopted by any single Hindu woman if her spouse is deceased, her marriage has been dissolved by the court, or her husband has been legally ruled incompetent to adopt a child.

For Muslims

Total adoption is not recognized by Muslims. However, under Section 8 of the Guardians and Wards Act of 1890, they are permitted to take on the guardianship of a minor. The guardian duty comes with a set of guidelines designed to safeguard and not confuse the biological family line. However, Muslims can adopt under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act of 2000. Any Indian citizen, regardless of faith, is allowed to adopt a child under the secular legislation.

For Christians and Parsis

Full adoption is also not recognized by Christians and Parsis. If you desire to adopt a child, you can go to the courts and get formal approval under the Guardians and Wards Act of 1890.  The act gives them the authority to take in a child. When a youngster reaches the age of 18, he or she is free to cut all ties and move away. According to Christian Laws, he also has no legal right to inherit. Christians and Parsis, on the other hand, can adopt a kid under the secular Juvenile Justice Act, which transcends personal laws.

Adoption rules for single females

The Central Adoption Resource Agency (CARA) Guideline, issued by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2015, allows a single woman to adopt a child of any gender.

The minimum age for single mother adoption in India has been lowered from 30 to 25 years old. Single female parents between the ages of 45 and 50 can adopt a child under the age of four, while those between the ages of 50 and 50 can adopt a child between the ages of five and eight. Adoption is available to people under the age of 55 who are between the ages of 9 and 18. After this age, adoption is not permitted.

Factors to Consider Before Adopting a Child for Single Females

Consider some of the advantages and disadvantages of single-parent adoption. They might be anything from:

Do you have a solid support system in place?

Is your current career providing you with the necessary flexibility to meet the demands of parenting a child?

Are you financially stable enough to support the expenses of child care?

Are you delighted about the prospect of adopting?

Procedure for Adoption

The following steps may be included in the adoption process:

Parents-to-be must complete an online registration form. They can do this with the assistance of the District Child Protection Officer (DCPO). The application form can be found on CARA’s official website.

The adoption agency creates a home study report within 30 days of registration, noting the prospective parents’ various compliances and considerations, and then uploads it on its database.

Adoptive parents can look at photos of children and learn about their medical histories so that they can choose a child who matches their preferences.

Adoptive parents have up to 48 hours to reserve a child for adoption.

The adoption agency will set up a meeting between the potential parents and the child of their choice, as well as assess their suitability.

The future parents must sign the child's study report if the match is compatible. As a witness, a social worker must be present.

If the match isn’t compatible, the process begins all over again. The entire matching procedure normally takes about 15 days.

Obstacles faced by single parents

People who want to adopt may face challenges from their parents, families, and society at large, despite the growing acceptability of single parenting. The traditional belief that a child can thrive in an ideal two-parent home with a father and mother in a loving, suitable relationship is still valid. Furthermore, single parents may require a strong support system that can assist and relieve them in times of need, such as medical care, after-school care, and job-related travel. A problem with personal finances is also a possibility. Furthermore, some adoptive parents may find it difficult to match the responsibilities of their profession with the responsibility of raising the child alone. 

Obstacles faced during inter-country adoption

When a child is adopted from another nation, there is always the risk that he or she will become a victim of human trafficking. Children have been passed on to human traffickers in exchange for money after being transported to another nation. In addition, in inter-country adoption follow-up, monitoring can be difficult, which can lead to adoptive parents’ neglect and abuse. As a result, many countries place limits on single-parent adoptions.

How to deal with such obstacles

It can be difficult to raise a child on one’s own. Before considering adoption, try to gain the help of your family. Have an open and honest conversation with them about why you’re doing it. If money is a barrier, people who want to adopt can contact organizations that provide grants and loans for this purpose.

Most people are driven by a strong desire to nurture and have a family. Adoption by a single parent may be a wonderful way to fulfill this ambition and provide a permanent loving home to a child in need.

Adoption is on the rise as a result of a shift in public opinion. Singles must overcome societal bias once they have overcome agency bias. The fundamental reason for the decrease in barriers for single parent adoption is the increased acceptability of one-parent households as a result of separation, divorce, and unmarried single women/men raising a child on their own, as well as secondary variables such as financial indecency and literacy.

When adoptive agencies and others see how well prepared, devoted, and confident you are in adopting a child, their skepticism and doubts will diminish. Examine your financial status thoroughly so that you can demonstrate to the agency how you intend to support your child in the future. Mentally prepare yourself to accept a new person into your life.

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