“What happens to your body when you have cervical cancer? How long can you have cervical cancer without knowing?”

 “What happens to your body when you have cervical cancer? How long can you have cervical cancer without knowing?”


Advanced cervical cancer is characterised by the spread of the disease from the cervix to another area of the body.

The location of the cancer in the body affects the symptoms. They could consist of:

Fatigue and ill feeling

Gnawing abdominal ache (abdomen)

Experiencing bloating


Large amounts of vomit

Lymph nodes, the liver, the lungs, and the bones are where cervical cancer spreads most frequently.

Symptoms that the cancer has spread

A system of tubes and glands in the body that filters bodily fluids and fights infection includes lymph nodes.

The feeling of the lymph nodes being hard or swollen is the most typical indication of cancer spreading to them. Lymph nodes in the region between the hip bones may get infected with cervical cancer (pelvis).

Additionally, cancerous cells can prevent lymph fluid from draining. Your legs may enlarge as a result of the fluid accumulation. The swelling is referred to as  lymphoedema.

Symptoms the cancer has spread to the liver

Any of the following signs could be present if the cancer has spread to your liver:

An abdominal ailment or pain on the right side

Feeling unwell

Loss of weight and poor appetite

Enlarged abdomen (called ascites)

Skin colour turning yellow (jaundice)

Itchy skin

Symptoms the cancer has spread to the lungs

If cancer has spread to your lungs, you may have any of the following signs:

A cough that won’t stop (often worse at night)


Persistent bronchitis

Coughing up blood

A collection of fluid between the lung and the chest wall (a pleural effusion)

Symptoms the cancer has spread to the bones

The bones may get affected by cervical cancer. Bone pain is the most typical indication of cancer that has progressed to the bone. It keeps you awake at night and is typically there most of the time. It might be a throbbing pain or a mild discomfort.

Additionally, your bones may weaken and become more prone to breaking (fracture).

Even if you experience bone pain, your cancer may not have spread to your bones for sure. Your bone discomfort could be caused by various other factors.

What happens to the body when you have cervical cancer

Pain after having sex

Unusual vaginal bleeding, such as after intercourse, in the interim between cycles, during menopause, or following a pelvic exam

Abnormal vaginal discharge

The effects of cancer once it has spread include:

Pelvic pain

Trouble urinating

Swollen legs

Kidney failure

A bone ach

Losing weight and having no appetite


Cervical cancer typically does not spread to other parts of the body since it is frequently found in its earliest stages. The high rate of early detection is partly attributable to the widespread use of the Pap smear, a trustworthy screening tool. This test can be very effective at identifying precancerous and cancerous alterations in a woman’s cervix when it is conducted routinely, enabling quick treatment that can halt the cancer in its tracks. A Pap smear is frequently included in a wellness exam for females between the ages of 21 and 65.

When detected early, cervical cancer may not show any symptoms and stay contained to the cervix’s surface, where the cells are typically simple to remove. But if the cancer spreads and is left untreated, it can start to harm other parts of the body. Typically, tissues and organs in the pelvic area, close to where the cancer began, show the first signs. For instance, the following are some obvious indications of advanced cervical cancer:

Vaginal spotting or bleeding that happens after menopause or between periods

Unusually heavy or irregular periods

Vaginal discharge that is pungent, watery, or thick

Pain or bleeding during sexual activity

Chronic pelvic pain

Urinary problems

A lower back ache

Swelling and leg discomfort

General weariness

Many of these symptoms can also be brought on by less significant medical conditions, like infections. However, it is crucial to pay great attention to them, particularly if they last longer than normal, and to immediately report anything unusual to a doctor. Cervical cancer is frequently successfully treated, if caught early enough, and even curable.

The onset of cervical cancer is quite gradual. The development of invasive cancer cells from the abnormal cervix alterations might take years or even decades.

How long can you have cervical cancer without knowing

It is true that some cancers are only discovered when symptoms appear. And this might happen after the condition has worsened or after a tumour has gotten big enough to be felt or detected by imaging examinations. Cervical cancer symptoms frequently don't show up until the disease has advanced.

Even though cervical cancer may spread more quickly in persons with compromised immune systems, it will most likely take at least 5 years to form. This fortunately means that there are many of opportunities to find and treat cervical cancer quickly. Regular Pap testing can identify any unusual alterations and precancerous symptoms.

Once it has developed, cervical cancer spreads gradually. These phases show the extent of the cancer’s progression throughout your body. Several variables, including how quickly you receive treatment, your age at diagnosis, and your general health, affect how quickly the disease spreads.

A malignancy with a slow growth rate is cervical cancer. In fact, it can take several years for cervix cells to develop into invasive cervical cancer once they start to undergo abnormal alterations. Although the average woman with cervical cancer is diagnosed in her 50s, precancerous changes in the cervix can occur in women as early as their 20s and 30s. As a result, there are several chances for early detection and treatment before the cancer has advanced to more late stages. Women should also be aware of what is normal for their bodies and notify a doctor right away if any symptoms of cervical cancer appear.

You can detect these changes with routine Pap screenings and begin therapy before cervical cancer fully manifests. You can detect cervical cancer early on with the use of Pap tests.

Cervical cancer can be effectively treated in its early stages. Surgery will probably be required to remove the malignant tissue and any neighbouring locations where it has metastasized. Early detection of cervical cancer is crucial since later stages are harder to treat.


Cancer of the cervix grows gradually. Cervical cancer can develop decades after an HPV infection. This, fortunately, implies that you have plenty of time to spot any abnormal alterations to your cervix that might be signs of cervical cancer. There is no clear answer to the question of how long you can have cancer before realising it. Before they are discovered, certain cancers may have been present for months or even years. Slow-growing tumours that are frequently undiscovered have a better chance of responding well to treatment. Others can be more difficult to cure and are more aggressive.

The stage of cervical cancer at which it is discovered plays a significant role in predicting prognosis. Maintain your prescribed cancer screening schedule and notify your doctor as soon as you see any signs or symptoms of concern in order to enhance your chances of discovering dangerous cancers early. Your chances of a successful outcome are higher the earlier you detect cancer and start treatment.

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