How to Recognize Early Pregnancy Symptoms Before a Missed Period?


How to Recognize Early Pregnancy Symptoms Before a Missed Period?

By developing a uterine lining during your menstrual cycle, your body is establishing a nourishing environment for a pregnancy. Therefore, if you're pregnant, you won't shed your uterine lining or receive your period. This holds true even if you use birth control methods that prevent ovulation and induce a monthly bleed to simulate the menstrual cycle.

Although for many people a missed period is the first symptom of pregnancy, this isn't always the case with your body.

The body begins releasing a lot of hormones that can have an impact on your physical and mental health during the first few weeks of pregnancy, which officially begins the week of your last menstrual cycle, before you ovulate and before fertilisation. Your body increases the production of progesterone and oestrogen in addition to beginning to produce additional hormones such as human placental lactogen (also known as HPV) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Sore Breasts

According to Healthline, this can happen as soon as a week or two after conception or between weeks three and four of pregnancy as a result of rising hormone levels in the early stages of pregnancy. This is one of the first pregnancy symptoms you'll likely encounter, according to many people.

If you have breasts, you're certainly familiar with the unexpected pains and aches that occasionally accompany having them, particularly the premenstrual syndrome soreness, which can also result in painful breasts when hormone levels vary. However, some women claim that their breasts feel more "full" or that their nipples are more sensitive while they are pregnant.

Mood changes

Mood swings are a typical early pregnancy symptom that includes sudden or unexpected episodes of anger, sadness, irritability, paranoia, guilt, delight, and other emotions.

According to a psychiatrist, Estrogen and progesterone are soaring during the beginning of your pregnancy. Your mood is significantly affected by the changes. You can be smiling one second and crying the next.

While many things might affect your mood, abrupt changes may be a sign that you're pregnant, even if you don't believe so.


In what is known as "implantation bleeding," some people see some light pink or dark brown spotting 10 to 14 days after conception. Usually lasting only a few hours or up to two days, this little bleeding (not enough to fill a tampon or pad) is thought to occur as the embryo adheres to the uterine wall. However, not all researchers concur that is the reason for this early pregnancy bleeding.

According to the Mayo Clinic, implantation bleeding ceases on its own and doesn't require treatment, but because it typically occurs around the time you might be anticipating your period, some individuals might mistake it for a very light period.

Discharge from Vagina

Discharge is common, but you can experience it more frequently during pregnancy, even at an early stage. Leukorrhea, which is an increase in good discharge, prevents bacteria or illnesses from migrating from your vagina into your foetus. Keep a look out for infections, although pregnancy shouldn't affect the colour or smell of your discharge.


Cramps are yet another sign in the entertaining "am I pregnant or is it PMS?" game. As your body gets ready for the long journey of pregnancy and childbirth, increasing blood flow to the uterus during the early stages of pregnancy can produce pelvic pressure. Even while you won't yet be "showing," your uterus starts to stretch and enlarge to make room for the extra blood and the developing pregnancy. According to Healthline, this may give you a "pulling" sensation on your belly and resemble the cramps you get before or during your period.

However, if your cramps are particularly severe or only affect one side of your body, this may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy (when an embryo attaches outside the uterus, typically to a fallopian tube), which is a serious condition that needs immediate medical attention for the pregnant woman.


According to the Cleveland Clinic, feeling incredibly exhausted is typical throughout pregnancy, but you can notice it before a missed period due to high levels of progesterone. During the second trimester, also known as the "golden period," when your hormones start to balance out, you can feel more energised or notice a complete decrease in your symptoms.

Constantly Urinating

Many of us have watched a movie or seen a GIF of a hugely pregnant woman rushing to the restroom as the pressure of her expanding belly presses against her bladder. But frequent urination is a symptom of early pregnancy, too, as an increased blood supply creates more work and waste for your kidneys, per the Cleveland Clinic.

If you haven't missed your period yet but notice you're making more frequent, unexplained trips to the restroom, it's a clue you might be pregnant. This waste leaves the body as urine.

Dizziness and headaches

Dizziness and headaches are two other unwelcome pregnancy symptoms that could be caused by your expanding blood supply or rising hormone levels. According to Stanford Children's Health, some pregnant women's expanding blood vessels may also contribute to migraines.

The third early pregnancy symptom on this list is sinus pressure, which can occur in some pregnant people due to increased congestion. Hunger and low blood sugar levels can also produce headaches.


Pregnancy rhinitis is the medical term for post-nasal drip or a buildup of mucus at the back of the throat during pregnancy. During the first trimester of pregnancy, your body also creates more mucus, which can lead to sinus pressure, congestion, or other symptoms affecting the ears, nose, and throat in addition to more hormones, blood, and vaginal discharge. Now, the bodily fluids in your body are a powerful force.

High Level of Smell

You can once more thank your hormones for your keen sense of smell and/or aversion to certain odours, like food. The majority of pregnant people enjoy an enhanced sense of smell during the first trimester. Before you notice a missed period, you might become aware of this alteration in your nose.


Most people will have realised their menstruation has stopped by week 6 or week 8 of pregnancy, when nausea "morning sickness," or all-day sickness for other people, usually begins. However, some people can get sick much earlier, according to Parents.

Hormonal changes are once more regarded to be the primary cause of morning sickness. It is known as hyperemesis gravidarum when morning sickness and vomiting are so severe that they dehydrate the sufferer or necessitate medical attention.

When should take I the test?

If you wait until your period is formally late before testing, home pregnancy tests can be quite accurate (and typically affordable). If you have any pregnancy symptoms and are itching to get tested, do it. Some kits promise to properly identify pregnancy up to a week before your missing period.

Experts advise waiting until your period is past due in order to get an accurate test result. hCG, the hormone used in home pregnancy tests, doubles every two to three days after an embryo attaches to your uterus, so if you wait a few days, there will be more to find in your urine.

Because this hormone might often take a while to build up, false-negative findings aren't uncommon in early pregnancy. A false positive is significantly less common. If your test is positive, you are almost certainly pregnant or have just lost a pregnancy. You can find out for sure by having a blood test or ultrasound.

Is it possible to be pregnant and still have a period? We know you're wondering

No, experts reply. Some women may bleed or spot, but those bleeding patterns are different from the cyclical menses your body has when there isn't a pregnancy.

When someone bleeds, they are not having a "period," according to experts: Clear Answers and Smart Advice for Your Pregnancy. However, people can have vaginal bleeding throughout pregnancy. This is so that your body can save the uterine lining as food for the developing pregnancy.

Bleeding during pregnancy can be an indication of something more catastrophic, such as a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy, even though it doesn't always imply there is cause for alarm. (You should consult a doctor if you've already found out you're pregnant and you're bleeding or in any pain.)

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