Relationship between Feminism and Political Movements
feminists have joined forces with socialism from the beginning of the 20th
century. At the International Conference of Socialist Women held in Stuttgart
in 1907, the right to vote was referred to as an instrument of the class
struggle. In order to create a "socialist system, the only one that
provides for a radical solution to the women's question," Clara Zetkin of
the Social Democratic Party of Germany campaigned for women's suffrage.
Labour party and the women's movement in Britain were partners. Betty Friedan,
who came from a radical background in America, rose to lead the organised
movement. The first socialist feminist group to be established in the United
States was Radical Women, which was established in Seattle in 1967. Dolores
Ibarruri, as La Pasionaria, served as the leader of the Spanish Communist Party
during the Spanish Civil War. She disagreed with the anarcho-feminist Mujeres
Libres and opposed women fighting on the front lines despite her support for
equal rights for women.
status changed as a result of Latin American revolutions in places like
Nicaragua, where feminism during the Sandinista Revolution greatly improved
women's quality of life but fell short of bringing about a social and
ideological shift.
to academics, the fascist nations of the 1930s and 1940s, such as Nazi Germany
and others, demonstrate the terrible effects on society of a state ideology
that becomes anti-feminist by exalting traditional views of women. The
political rights and economic possibilities that feminists had campaigned for
throughout the interwar period and, to some extent, during the 1920s were
quickly lost in Germany after the establishment of Nazism in 1933. Right-wing Catholic
conservatives undid the work of feminists during the Republic in Franco's
Spain. The hierarchy of fascist society placed a strong focus on virility, with
women maintaining a mostly inferior role to men.
feminisms criticise traditional scientific discourse, asserting that the
discipline has a long history of favouring a masculine viewpoint. Evelyn Fox
Keller challenges the notion of scientific impartiality and claims that the
language of science reflects a patriarchal viewpoint.
feminist researchers use qualitative research techniques that highlight the
unique, individualised experiences of women. Incorporating a feminist
perspective into qualitative research entails recognising research participants
as equals who are just as much an authority as the researcher, according to
communication experts Thomas R. Lindlof and Bryan C. Taylor. The objective of
assisting women and candid self-reflection are prioritised over objectivity.
ways that power disparities are established, maintained, or perpetuated in
society, as well as in academic and scientific organisations, is another goal
of feminist research. A feminist approach to research frequently uses
unconventional modes of presentation, according to Lindlof and Taylor.
Blaffer Hrdy, a primatologist, observes that despite "the accumulation of
ample publically available facts refuting it," masculine-created
preconceptions and notions, such as the non-sexual female, continue to be
prevalent. Some natural and social scientists have used scientific methods to
investigate feminism.
biological essentialist view of gender is challenged by modern feminist
science, which is also becoming more and more interested in the study of
biological sex differences and their impact on behaviour. For instance, the
scientific data that purports to support a biologically essentialist
perspective of gender is examined in Anne Fausto-book Sterling's Myths of
Gender. Sexing the Body, her second book explored the idea that there might be
more than two real biological sexes. Since no ratios other than 4:0 and 1:3
(for male and female, respectively) of genuine gametes to polar cells are
created on Earth, this possibility only occurs in as-yet-undiscovered
extraterrestrial biospheres. However, Louann Brizendine contends in The Female
Brain that sex-specific functional differences are significantly impacted by
biological differences in the brains of the sexes. The book Taking Sex
Differences by Steven Rhoads highlights the disparities based on gender in a
broad range.
The Mismeasure of Woman, Carol Tavris uses sociology and psychology to refute
theories that attribute disparities between men and women to biological
factors. She contends that there is a constantly evolving theory to support
inequality and maintain prejudices rather than using evidence of intrinsic
gender differences.
Kember addresses the neologization of technology, drawing on a variety of
disciplines like evolutionary biology, sociobiology, artificial intelligence,
and cybernetics in the context of a new evolutionism. In particular, she points
out how sociobiology is complicated in order to reinforce sexual difference as
unchanging through pre-existing cultural value judgments about human nature and
natural selection. This is why feminists and sociologists have come to be suspicious
of evolutionary psychology. Kember claims in his conclusion that feminist
theory is in the interesting position of needing to do more biology and
evolutionary theory in order to not only oppose their renewed hegemony but also
to understand the conditions that make this possible and to have a say in the
creation of new ideas and artefacts, where feminist theory is criticised for
its "false beliefs about human nature."
has been a complicated history between men and feminism. In each 'wave' of the
movement, men have contributed to important replies to feminism. Depending on
the specific man and the societal environment at the time, there have been both
favourable and negative reactions and responses. These replies have ranged from
feminism that is pro to feminism that is against. New responses to feminism
have evolved in the twenty-first century, including a generation of male
researchers engaged in gender studies and men's rights activists who support
male equality (including equal treatment in family, divorce, and
anti-discrimination law). Many males have historically participated in
feminism. In the seventeenth century, philosopher Jeremy Bentham called for
women to have equal rights. The British parliament received a petition from
women in 1866, and philosopher John Stuart Mill (author of "The Subjection
of Women") advocated an amendment to the 1867 Reform Bill. Others have
opposed feminism through lobbying and advocacy. Academics who support feminism
and men's studies now include Michael Flood, Michael Messner, and Michael
strongest position males can take in the fight against sexism, according to
some feminist writers, is to identify as feminists. They have claimed that men
ought to be permitted, and perhaps even encouraged, to join the feminist cause.
Some female feminists contend that because men are not women, they cannot be
feminists. They contend that it is hard for men to identify with feminists
because they are given innate privileges that prohibit them from understanding
feminism's challenges. In order to address the problem of male feminism,
Fidelma Ashe argues that traditional feminist conceptions of the male
experience and of "men doing feminism" have been skewed in one
examines the various pro-feminist political discourses and practises before
interrogating each one to determine its relevance to feminist politics.
and researcher Shira Tarrant offers a more modern analysis of the topic. The
California State University, Long Beach professor highlights important
discussions regarding masculinity and gender, the history of men in feminism,
and men's involvement in avoiding violence and sexual assault in Men and
Feminism (Seal Press, May 2009). Tarrant explores the topic of why men should
care about feminism in the first place and offers the groundwork for a bigger
discussion about feminism as an all-encompassing, human concern through
critical analysis and first-person accounts by feminist men.