What were your first signs of cervical cancer? What is the main cause of cervical cancer?

 What were your first signs of cervical cancer? What is the main cause of cervical cancer?

A precancerous lesion on the cervix frequently exhibits neither symptoms nor indicators. Early stage cervical cancer frequently has symptoms or warning signs. Depending on the tissues and organs affected by the disease’s spread, the symptoms of advanced cervical cancer, which is cancer that has affected other regions of the body may be more severe.

Changes in the body that you may feel are known as symptoms. Changes in something measures, such as blood pressure or the results of a lab test, are signs. Together, signs and symptoms can be used to characterise a medical condition. People should seek medical attention if they experience a new symptom or sign that does not go away because a symptom or sign’s source may also be a medical problem that is unrelated to cancer. 

Early signs of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms may appear when abnormal cells in the cervix clump together and form tumours.

The following could be signs or symptoms of cervical cancer:

  • Bleeding after or in between period cycles

  • Longer and thicker menstrual bleeding that usual

  • Bleeding following sexual activity, douching, or a pelvis exam

  • Increased discharge from the cervix

  • Discomfort during sexual activity

  • Bleeding after menopause

  • Persistent, unexplained back and/or pelvic pain

Symptoms of cervical cancer that has spread to adjacent tissues or organs include:

  • Painful urination, occasionally with blood in the urine.

  • Diarrhoea, abdominal pain, or bleeding when passing stool.

  • Fatigue, weight loss, and appetite loss.

  • A dull backache or leg swelling.

  • Abdominal and pelvic pain.

A doctor should be informed of any of these symptoms. Even if they seem to be symptoms of other less serious disorders, it is crucial to discuss these symptoms with a doctor if they appear. The sooner the precancerous cells or cancer in the cervix are identified and treated, the greater the likelihood that cancer can be prevented or treated. In the event that cervical cancer is diagnosed, managing symptoms is still a crucial component of cancer care and treatment. Palliative care or supportive care are other names for treating symptoms. It frequently begins as soon as diagnosis is made and continues during therapy. Make sure to discuss all of the symptoms, especially any new ones or ones that have changed, with the medical staff.

Every woman needs to become familiar with her body and aware of what is typica for her, if she wants to have an early diagnosis of cervical cancer. Additionally, it could be alluring to look up information regarding cervical cancer symptoms online, but one should proceed with caution and be aware that there is a lot of false material available. The best course of action is to consult with a reputable and skilled medical expert who can offer personalised advice and guidance if something uncommon occurs. 

  1. Pelvic pressure: This feels more like a vague heaviness than cramping (Dr. Williams).

  2. Tumour: If you press on the top of your stomach, you will not be able to feel it, but if you insert your finger into your cervix, it should feel smooth. If it feels rough, you need to see a doctor immediately.

  3. No symptoms: One of the most terrifying aspects of cervical cancer is that it is frequently asymptomatic (Dr. St. Clair), meaning that you may not even have any symptoms.

Main cause of cervical cancer

Certain high-risk forms of human papillomavirus infection (HPV) are the main factor in almost all case of cervical cancer. HPV can be acquired from:

  1. Any vaginal region skin-to-skin contact

  2. Oral, anal, or vaginal sex

  3. Sharing of sex toys

Cervical cancer is mostly brought on by persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. A common virus called HPV is transmitted during sex from one person to another. At some time in their life, at least half of those who engage in sexual activity will have HPV, yet few women will get cervical cancer. Whether anal, oral, or vaginal, sexual contact can transfer HPV, which has been linked to cancer. Since their bodies fight the virus, the majority of people who have HPV at some point in their lives will not be aware of it. The cells in the cervix, though, has the potential to develop into malignant cells if the body does not fight the infection. 

When healthy cervix cells experience DNA changes (mutations), the development of cervical cancer follows. The instructions that informs a cell what to do are encoded in its DNA. Healthy cells develop and proliferate at a specific rate before dying at a specific period. The cells are instructed by the mutations to grow and replicate erratically while remaining alive. A mass of abnormal cells develop as they accumulate into a tumour. Cancer cells can affect the tissues in the immediate area and can separate from a tumour to spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body.

Although the exact cause of cervical cancer is unknown, HPV is known to have a part. The majority of HPV positive people do not go on to develop cancer. This indicates that in addition to genetics, your environment and lifestyle choices also have a role in determining whether you will get cervical cancer. 

HPV and cervical cancer

There are about 100 different types of HPV, and roughly 12 of them have been linked to cancer. HPV-16 and HPV-18 are the two strains that most commonly cause cancer. Cervical cancer can be prevented in large part by early diagnosis of these HPV strains. Regular exams with a doctor can help detect cellular alterations before they progress to cancer. By shielding you from the HPV that can result in up to 90% of HPV infections, the HPV vaccine can help prevent HPV infection.

Other risk factors

Cervical cancer has other causes in addition to HPV. The majority of HPV-positive women do not get cervical cancer, and other risk factors such as smoking and HIV infection, influence HPV-positive women, which are more likely to develop cervical cancer. Other risk factors include:

  • Started having sex before the age of 16 or within a year after the first period.

  • Having multiple sexual partners.

  • Using birth control pills, preferably for a period of at least five years.

  • Smoking cigarettes.

  • Having a compromised immune system

  • Having a sexually transmitted disease (STD)

  • Having multiple full-term pregnancies

  • Young age of first full-term pregnancy (younger than 20 years)

  • Having a diet low in fruits and vegetables

  • Having a family history of cervical cancer


The five-year relative survival rate for cervical cancer patients who are diagnosed at the earliest possible stage is over 90%. the majority of cervical cancer cases are discovered early. If the cancer has spread to other tissues or organs, the five-year survival rate is only 58%. If the cervical cancer has been treated, you can still get pregnant. However, some medical procedures can affect your ability to conceive. Your sex life may be affected by cervical cancer. People go through physical and psychological changes both during and after cervical cancer therapy. Sex can be affected by some bodily changes, such as having your uterus or ovaries removed or having dry vagina. Other times, a person may feel less desirable due to the emotional side effects of cancer treatment. 

Cervical cancer has no known cure. However, if caught early, it is a cancer that is very manageable. It is essential to recognise and treat the disease early on if you notice any abnormal cells on your cervix. By arranging routine gynecological tests and engaging in safe sex, you can take precautions to lower your chances of developing cervical cancer.


  1. https://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/cervical-cancer/symptoms-and-signs

  2. https://moffitt.org/cancers/cervical-cancer/faqs/what-are-the-first-symptoms-of-cervical-cancer/

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