How dating can help you live a better life?

 How dating can help you live a better life?

In Daniel Defoe’s classic novel Robinson Crusoe (1719), the main character is shipwrecked. For years, he lives alone, builds shelter for himself, and marks the passage of time on a wooden calendar. It’s a lonely existence, and Crusoe describes climbing to the top of a hill hoping to pass ships and the possibility of rescue. He scans the horizon until, in his own words, “almost blind.” To do. Then he sits there in despair and cries.

Though fictional, Robinson’s Crusoe contains themes we can all relate to. One of them is the idea of ​​loneliness. Humans are social animals and prefer to live in groups. We group by family, city, and group of friends. In fact, most people spend relatively little of their waking hours alone. Even introverts report feeling happier when they are with other people! Yes, being surrounded by people and feeling connected to others seems like a natural urge.

This article by ichhori discusses relationships related to wellbeing. It begins by defining well-being and introduces research on different relationships. We explore how both the quantity and quality of our relationships affect us, and look at some common ideas (or misconceptions) about relationships and happiness.

The Importance of Relationships

When you think about your best moments in life, chances are that other people are involved. We take pleasure in sharing our experiences with others, and our desire for quality relationships may be related to the deep psychological drive of our need for belonging ( Baumeister & Leary, 1995).

 Aristotle pointed out that humans are inherently social. Modern society is full of evidence that Aristotle was right. For example, many people often have strong opinions about single-child families, related to characteristics that are usually considered "only-child" issues, and most parents choose to have more than one child. I'm here. 

Love and healthy relationships make you happy

Love is not a panacea for psychosis, but being in love, having a supportive spouse, and healthy intimate relationships promote happiness. Research shows that happy and stable relationships, whether spouse or partner, are associated with better mental health, lower stress levels, and less depression.

Poor relationships can worsen mental health.

 An unstable or unhealthy relationship with a partner can increase stress, anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. This further confirms the benefits of good relationships. Being in love and having a happy relationship automatically contributes to better mental health.

If one of you is struggling with mental illness, you know that an ongoing healthy relationship can help. Maintaining strong and loving relationships supports healing and recovery from mental illness, although it doesn’t always look this way, especially in difficult episodes. Being loved increases self-esteem.

Everyone should be able to find their worth outside of relationships and other people. But being loved increases self-esteem. Knowing that someone loves you means you are important and valuable, and that someone will be devastated when you are gone. It is impossible to find self-worth in the hopelessness caused by suicidal ideas.

In such a terrible moment, having someone who loves you can be the lifeline you need. 

Social support of all kinds promotes mental health and treatment.

The benefits of relationships go beyond romantic relationships. All forms of social support have been shown time and time again to be good for mental health. Research shows that the quality of social support is much more important than quantity. It’s better to have a strong social connection or two than a large network of acquaintances.

Research shows that a good social support network benefits mental health in several ways. Has been shown to result in For those in need of mental health care, strong social support groups improve adherence to treatment plans. If he has at least one healthy relationship that supports you, he’s more likely to stick to mental illness treatment.

Healthy relationships support healthy habits

Healthy relationships and support networks correlated with adherence to psychiatric treatment, showing greater trends. A positive relationship with your partner supports healthy habits of all kinds.

When you have healthy, happy, intimate relationships, you are more likely to adopt and stick to a healthy lifestyle. These include eating healthy, exercising, and avoiding substance abuse.

These physical health habits promote good mental health. Your relationship may even encourage you to engage in more positive mental health habits, such as opening up about your feelings and engaging in productive conflict resolution. Focus on promoting healthy habits. Find areas where both can improve. B. Drink less or get enough sleep. By working together to improve these habits, we also see improvements in mental health.

Begin your journey of recovery.

Partners can actively take part in the treatment

Mental illness is not a one-person problem. Having a mental illness affects people close to you. Relationships also affect mental health. Everything is connected. This means that people you love, especially your spouse or partner, can and should be involved in therapy.

A good treatment facility involves families who support residents and the whole family. Involving your partner in therapy strengthens relationships and mental health.

At the end

If you’ve read pop culture magazines or blogs, you’ve probably come across many “secrets” of happiness. Some articles point to exercise as a sure path to happiness, while others point to gratitude as a key piece of the puzzle. Perhaps the best-written “secret” of happiness is quality social relationships. 

Some researchers argue social relationships are central to subjective well-being (Argyle, 2001), while others argue that the impact of social relationships on well-being is exaggerated. This is because when looking at correlations (magnitudes of association) between social relationships and happiness, they are usually small (Lucas & Dyrenforth, 2006; Lucas et al., 2008). Does this mean that social relationships are not really important for happiness? It is too early to draw such conclusions. Because while the effects are small, they are robust and reliable across research and other areas of well-being. There may not be one secret to happiness, but there may be a recipe.

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