How to prevent varicose veins?

 How to prevent varicose veins? 

Varicose veins are the veins which are enlarged or twisted due to malfunction of the valves. Valves are responsible for pushing blood back to the heart. If the valves are weakened or damaged, the blood starts flowing backward and pools up, causing dark, bulging, twisted, and swollen veins.Any vein close to the skin surface can be varicose. They are more common in women as compared to men because of some changes that only women go through during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. People having  a family history of varicose veins or standing for long periods every day are at a higher risk. It can cause aching, pain and discomfort. Anyone can have varicose veins but it is not necessary that everyone feels discomfort because of this. It is commonly noticed in the legs as more pressure is displaced in the veins of the lower body or simply legs due to standing and walking. It can be treated using self care measures or procedures done by a health care provider to close or remove veins.

What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

A few signs of varicose veins are as follows:-

  • Dark purple or blue discoloration of veins

  • Veins that appear twisted and bulging, often appearing like ropes on the legs

  • An achy or heavy feeling in the affected area

  • Burning, throbbing, muscle cramping and swelling in the lower legs

  • Intensified pain after sitting or standing for a long time

  • Itching around the veins

  • Changes in the skin color around a varicose vein

How can varicose veins be prevented and treated? 

Improvement in blood flow and muscle tone may reduce the risk of developing varicose veins. The measures that treat the discomfort from varicose veins can also help prevent them. Some of the measures are as follows:

  • Avoiding high heels and tight hosiery

  • Changing your sitting or standing position regularly

  • Eating a high-fiber, low-salt diet

  • Exercising

  • Raising your legs when sitting or lying down

  • Watching your weight

There are a few ways by which varicose veins can be reduced and removed naturally. These are mentioned as follows:-

  1. Exercise: Regular exercise stimulates better blood circulation in the legs. Better blood circulation helps in pushing the blood collected in veins back up towards the heart. Low-impact exercises like swimming, walking, cycling, and yoga are all effective ways to get the blood flowing.

  2. Compression stockings: Wearing compression stockings all day squeeze the legs, helping veins and leg muscles move blood more efficiently. The amount of compression varies by type and brand of the stockings and it is available at most pharmacies and medical supply stores.

  3. No to sodium rich food: Sodium-rich foods cause retaining of water in the body. To minimize water retention, salty, sodium-rich food must be cut. 

  4. Potassium rich food: Less amount of water is retained by potassium which causes cells to release water, which then leaves the body in the form of urine. To increase foods that are high in potassium, lentils and white beans, almonds and pistachios, potatoes, leafy vegetables, certain fish like salmon and tuna, etc must be eaten more. 

  5. Less straining: Straining while going to the bathroom can worsen damaged valves. Foods with fiber must be eaten to keep the bowels flowing smoothly. Foods that are high in fiber include seeds, nuts, and legumes, wheat, oats, and flaxseed, whole-grain foods.

  6. Flavonoids: Blood circulation is improved by flavonoids which make it less likely to pool in the veins. 

  7. Non restrictive clothing: Tight fitting clothes must be avoided as it restricts blood flow. Loose fitting clothes must be worn as they improve blood circulation. 

  8. Elevated legs: A person should aim to keep their legs elevated at the same height as the heart or above if they are going to be sitting down for a long duration, such as during work or rest. It improves circulation and reduces pressure in the leg veins. 

  9. Massage: Gentle massage in the affected areas can help to keep the blood moving through the veins. It can be done using gentle massage oils or moisturizer for optimal effects.

  10. Keep moving: Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time, change positions, move around frequently to keep the blood flowing smoothly. 

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