Premenstrual Syndrome(PMS)-The reason for women’s mood swings.

Premenstrual Syndrome(PMS)-The reason for women’s mood swings.


Premenstrual syndromeor PMSas it is usually referred tois the physical, emotionaland behavioral changes that occur in woman’s body a week or two prior to her period. PMS generally occurs after ovulation and before the period. The symptoms usually disappear after one or two days of the period.

Not every woman experiences these symptoms before their periods. Some get it without any signs of PMS. For others, the experience of PMS may vary. Some have severe symptoms while for some it may range from moderate to mild

Symptoms of PMS

Women with PMS do not get every symptom. They experience a handful of them. Some only have mood swings while others will experience physical discomfort. 

Physical symptoms

• Acne
• Tender breasts
• Bloated tummy
• Nausea
• Stomach ache
• Headache
• Joint Pain
• Constipation or Diarrhoea
• Swelling in hands and feet
• Weight gain

Emotional Symptoms 

• Sleeplessness
• Irritation
• Anxiousness
• Feeling Overwhelmed
• Crying
• Anger
• Depression
• Food cravings

These symptoms happen because of the hormonal imbalance in the body. Thmajority of women have emotional symptomsHypersensitive women are more susceptible to these hormonal changesleading the mood swings. 

What is a mood swing?

A sudden change in the emotional state of a person is a good swing. They can go from happiness to sadness to anger to frustration in a matter of time. 

Mood swing is common in PMSing women. Though the severity of it varies from woman to woman. Some women’s PMS is so severe that it interferes with their daily life. 

The most common symptoms of mood swings are: 

1. Irritation
2. Sadness
3. Anger
4. Depression
5. Crying
6. Anxiety
7. Oversensitivity

Reason for mood swings.

Hormonal changes in the laymen's answer to the mood swings women experience when PMSing. The main questionhowever, iswhy do these hormonal changes happen?

Experts say this happens because of the fluctuation in estrogen and progesterone levels. The body releases an egg during ovulation, causing the levels of estrogen and progesterone to drop. With the drop in estrogen levels, the serotonin in our body also drops. And this serotonin drop leads to mixed depressive feelings. 

Are there any other factors causing PMS? 

PMS happens due to natural changes in our body but, they can be triggered or made worse by external factors such as: 

• Stress: This is a major cause of many diseases in the human body. Stress puts extreme pressure on the mind causing emotional upheaval. So if a woman is stressed before her periodthe PMS can get worse.
• Not enough exercising: Exercise ensures that an individual’s not only body but also mind remains healthy. Not exercising keeps the depressing thoughts in the mind, worsening the PMS.
• Smoking: Smoking as it is, is very bad for health. The nicotine messes up the body in a huge way. So if you are a smoker all the levels in your body are unbalanced, which may trigger the PMS in a bad bad way.
• Getting less sleep: A person should get 8 hours of sleep in a day for good mental and physical health. If you are getting sleep less than this then it leads to a series of health issues like depression, stress, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. These health problems are a big factor in worsening PMS.
• Unhealthy food habits: If your body is healthy, then there are chances that PMS may not happen or the symptoms are mild. But if your diet is full of unhealthy food which has a high level of carbohydrates and fat, it causes severe PMS.
• Depression: When and why a person gets depressed is often not in their hands. There may be a history of depression in the family or you may suffer because of some changes in your life. With depression, the mood swings get worse and the emotional turmoil a woman experiences in PMS is related to it.

And the other health issues in women can make it worse. 

Who experiences these mood swings in PMS?

PMS happens to girls and women who get their periods. It happens especially to women who:

• Have been pregnant
• Have a history of depression in family
• Are in the age group of the late 20s to early 40s.
• Have had postpartum depression
• Have any other mental health disorders like bipolar disorder.

How to manage the mood swings?

The mild symptoms of mood swings can be managed by some changes in lifestyle. However, if the case is severe then going to a doctor and getting medication may be necessary. 

But as most cases are not severe, then trying some things may improve mental health. You can try:

1. Regular exercising: Exercise is not only helpful physically but also mentally. If you do not work out or do it sometimes, then to manage your mood swings you should exercise daily. Start with 30 minutes and from there increase your time gradually. It is said that while exercising the endorphins gets released in the mind, thus, uplifting the mood.
2. Eating Healthy: Try including more fruits and vegetables in your food. Increase the calcium intake in your diet. Eating healthy keeps the body fit which means all the levels in the body are balanced. You should also stray away from food having high carbohydrates. A healthy body equals healthy mind.
3. Eating Small meals: Generally, there are three meals in a day. But you should consider dividing your meal into small quantities throughout the day. This will help in keeping blood sugar levels stable. As low blood sugar may cause irritation and cry.
4. Maintaining a good journal: Psychologists often recommend their patients keep a journal and diary of their thoughts. This is a known method of treating depression. Similarly, you can keep a good journal, making notes of your mind swings. This will help in keeping a check on your emotionsmood journal will help in predicting the coming of mood swings, and you can then calm down knowing the reason. 
5. Managing your stress: A big contributor to mood swings is stress. So to lower the stress you should try meditation, yoga, or any other relaxation techniques. Whatever activity gives you happiness and relaxes you, you should it. 

Even working out can lower the stress level. You should draw up a workout plan to keep the symptoms at bay.

6. Avoid Alcohol and Smoking: Lowering the intake of alcohol and smoking is an effective way to counter the mood swings and symptoms of PMS.
7. Sleeping enough: Recommended sleep period of 8 hours relaxed the mind and body. A good night's sleep works wonders and completely refreshes the mind. So try and get a full night of uninterrupted sleep. 

What is PMDD and how does it differ from PMS?

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of PMS. As we know PMS is the group of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes in the body that happen before the period. 

Every women’s experience of PMS is different. Some have mild while others get it so bad that it interferes in their daily life month after month. So this severe case of PMS is termed Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. 

Symptoms of PMDD

Psychological symptoms

• Irritability 
• Anxiety
• Nervousness
• Anger
• Lack of sleep
• Lack of control
• Depression
• Fatigue
• Agitation
• Poor concentration
• Mood swings
• Crying
• Forgetfulness

Physical symptoms

• Headache 
• Stomach cramps
• Bloating
• Nausea
• Constipation
• Vomiting
• Dizziness
• Muscle pain 
• Weight gain
• Swollen hands and feet

Other symptoms 

• Food cravings
• Hot flashes
• Appetite change

Although at first glance the symptoms of PMS and PMDD may look the same, there is a difference between them.

• PMS makes women depressed but PMDS may lead to clinical depression.
• Similarly, with anxietythe levels in PMS and PMDS vary vastly. Former makes you feel anxious that is not severe, but later gives severe anxiety making you extremely tense.
• PMS happens to the majority of women 70 percent of menstruating women have PMS. While PMDD only affects around 1.8 percent to 5.8 percent of women. 
• Hot flashes are bound to happen more in PMDD as compared to the PMS.
• All of the other physical symptoms like cramps, headache, nausea, vomiting, bloating, etc. are more serious in PMDD
• Treatment options for PMS and PMDD are different. While PMS can be treated without any medication if the symptoms are mild. While for PMDD it is necessary to visit the doctor and get the prescribed medicine. 

How long does PMS mood swings last?

The mood swings happen every month to menstruating girls and women. They happen a week or two before the period.

The PMS mood swings last usually up to the first and second of the period. And when women enter menopause the symptoms get worse. 

However, after menopause is over women do not have any PMS symptoms including mood swings.

Should women take medications for PMS?

Taking any medications or not is an individual choice. If you feel extremely uncomfortable then you can take medication. In severe cases, medications are the only relief. If you feel dreadful month after month you should see a doctor. 

Doctor after examining and knowing your period history will prescribe the medicines accordingly. 

Some of these are:

• Diuretics
• Antidepressants
• Birth Control pills( Hormone Regulating Pills)

In conclusion, I would like to say that PMS is common among women. So if you feel a sudden change in your behavior it may be because of PMS. Instead of being indifferent to it and saying it is common, we should find ways to manage them, and if it is severe go to a doctor. 

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