The Difficult Road to Gender Equality


The Difficult Road to Gender Equality


Even while there has been considerable progress in the previous ten years in raising awareness of gender equality, there is still a long way to go before a major turning point is reached.

The 17 SDGs provide a constructive step toward gender parity and advancement. People believe that oppression and constitutional rights are the causes of gender inequality. It actually has to do with society's prevailing orthodox ideas.

Socially, it is expected of women to perform household duties. Women are responsible for cooking. People make fun of males who want to help out around the house because they don't realise that doing so simply serves to strengthen the bonds of love and positivity within the family.

Men are not permitted to show emotion. Boys are taught not to cry. Boys' mental health is impacted by messages that tell them to be tough, stoic, and emotionally repressed. In our culture, showing emotion is viewed as a feminine quality. Both sexes are allowed to express their feelings any way they choose. According to studies, 20% of the working-age population in 36 nations affiliated with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development suffers from mental health disorders, which costs those economies 3.5 per cent of their GDP, or US$ 1.7 billion, in 2017.

Furthermore, closing the gender employment gap might boost Australia's GDP by 11%. If girls entered the workforce at the same rate as boys did after completing their postsecondary education, the Australian economy could gain $8 billion.

The way that various colours are connected to different genders is another factor that encourages gender inequity. Pink is for females, and blue is for boys. Gender has nothing to do with colour. The colour was chosen because of how well it suited the colour of the hair and eyes. Pink was intended for brown eyes and brown colour, while blue was meant for blonde hair and blue eyes. When a man wears pink, he draws attention to himself and is teased. However, there has been progress on this front, as prominent male figures have been photographed in the media donning pink.

Additionally, there is a gender divide in education. In Pakistan, there are more than 200 million uneducated women. The girls are denied an education since it is believed that they won't assist society in any way. Boys are often given a decent education since many families believe they will need to rely on them financially in the future. Girls, on the other hand, are instructed in home responsibilities.

Between rural and urban areas, there is a gender gap. Around 58 per cent of girls in urban regions and just 27 per cent of girls in rural areas are educated. According to research, an uneducated mom is bad for her children's health and wellbeing. According to a recent study, the rate of newborn mortality is negatively associated with the mother's educational attainment. Just consider the damage this would cause to Pakistan's future generations.

The male who stays at home to care for a newborn child while his wife is at work typically receives criticism from society. Women are also criticised for working while neglecting their children because in our society, caring for children is seen as a woman's highest responsibility. Less than one in five new mothers and 29% of first-time mothers return to full-time employment in the first three years following maternity leave. Compared to just 4% of males, almost 17% of women quit their jobs in the first five years after giving birth. Just imagine yourself in the position of the new mother who worked really hard to land a career but now, as a result of gender stereotyping in society, is forced to give up on her aspirations following the birth of her child.

We must move quickly to take a few significant moves in the correct direction. The world will flourish as a result of gender equality in both an economic and moral sense. In order to transform culture, awareness campaigns can be conducted in schools and universities, educating students about the fact that men can accomplish tasks that are typically associated with women. Social media platforms can be used to reach a wider audience by uploading content about women's empowerment in order to raise awareness. Students can be urged to run social media accounts where they can post research on this specific topic as well as be encouraged to write on gender equality and have it published in their school magazines.

Students should cook and clean at home in order to genuinely make an impact. People nearby will adopt a different mentality as a result of this.

A gender-equal society, which is currently only a pipe dream in Pakistan, would raise respect between the sexes, distribute work equally between the home and the workplace, improve the economy, and provide equal justice.

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