What are the things that women should focus on while dating?

 What are the things that women should focus on while dating?

Everyone agrees men are from Mars, and women are from Venus. Every relationship has its difficulties that a couple has to sail together, but have you ever wondered if it’s possible to do something wrong as a woman? Whether you started dating or married your Mr. Right, there are mistakes women are prone to make while dating. Here we share Dr. Rashi Ahuja, Psychologist, and Hypnotherapist, Park Hospital, Gurgaon, 10 precepts for women about what not to do when you have a partner. Read more:

1. Don’t Give Too Much

There is nothing wrong with giving in a relationship, but it makes the relationship perfect. For example, if your partner is physically, emotionally, or verbally abusive, action should be taken. I warn you that this is unacceptable, but if something continues to go wrong, it is time to end the relationship. The main reason we are in the relationship is for personal growth, and anything that prevents it is not healthy.

2. Don’t make your partner your only priority

A woman is too concerned about her boyfriend or her husband and narrows her own private life. Befriending her spouse’s friends is a good idea, but don’t forget to have your own social circle as well. Women rarely keep in touch with their friends when their significant other is around. Their priorities change and they focus on boyfriends and husbands instead of being the same as men. Men put you first, but they also know very well how to put themselves first.

Dr. Ahuja said:

Most parents tell their daughters they need a change, but they’re not sure to what extent this should be done. In fact, parents should have these discussions with their children.

3. When is unforgivable?

Mistake happens every time. Everything deserves a warning and an apology, but anything that becomes an annoying pattern is considered a relationship. If you give up and your partner keeps making the same mistakes, it’s time for you to leave your partner or seek professional help. Women often compromise and apologize, even when it’s not their fault, just to save her relationship. Our Attitude - Never Encourage Wrong Behavior or Stop Apologizing Too Soon!

4. Don’t spend all your time with your spouse

The adage ‘distance makes your heart beat faster’ really applies. Ladies and gentlemen, consciously take time to pamper yourself. After all, relationships are hard work, and it often pays off when you take a moment to sit back and relax.

5. Never Stop Taking Care Of Yourself

Going to the gym and exercising regularly keeps your mind and body active and boosts your self-image. If you’re mad at your spouse, sweat it out at the gym instead of being mad at your boyfriend or girlfriend’s husband. Not only will this lift your spirits, but it may burn some calories in the process - a win-win for you!

6. Don’t Lose Your Identity

Take your time and do things that empower you. Whether it’s a hobby or something you’ve wanted to focus on for a long time.

Maintain your individuality and have your own identity separate from your partner’s identity. Don’t make yourself financially dependent on your partner.

Money is a constant source of contention, even among the best couples. Given the structure of our society, men are required to subsidize their spouses, but women are also encouraged to be financially independent. Financial security makes you confident and makes you feel accomplished.

7. Don’t be completely transparent to your partner

Remember, the more transparent you are, the more vulnerable you are. “Some women feel untrue to themselves if they don’t share all the details with their partner, but there should be clear boundaries for that. Only your boyfriend or husband can tell you everything.” Don’t be a sharer," says Dr. Ahuja.

8. Don’t Be Emotionally Overly Dependent On Your Spouse

It’s natural to be emotionally attached to your boyfriend or husband, Dr. Ahuja, but a woman should not emotionally rely solely on her spouse. Instead, having two to three different support systems is always a smart thing to do in your relationship. What matters is that you have more people in your life, be they, family or friends.

9. Don’t Trust Blindly

Trust is a fundamental component of relationships, but be on the lookout for warning signs and sudden changes in your partner’s behavior.

10. know who you are

Know your needs. Know your desires, Know your dreams, Know your values, and Know your priorities. Basically, knowing yourself Knowing this will prevent you from over-compromising your relationships. Your strong self-consciousness helps you stick to what really matters to you. This gives you a sense of security that comes from within, not from your relationship.

We have two small exercises that help you better know and understand yourself and your needs.

1. Make a list of your current needs. Take a piece of paper and make four rows. Give each column a title: emotional, mental, physical, spiritual.

Take the time to explore what you need in these four categories to get a sense of fulfillment.

2. Make a note of the top 5 to 10 priorities. These are important to you and are what you want to focus on right now. List them in order of importance.

These exercises give you a stronger direction in your life and help you discover what really matters to you. Things can change over time, so it makes sense to revisit them from time to time. Your needs will change in the coming months. As we grow and develop, your priorities will change. The goal is not to define yourself exactly, but to understand what you need and want at this point in your life.

Summing it up

A healthy relationship begins with a healthy relationship with yourself. The stronger your relationship, the less likely you are to lose confidence in your next relationship.

You can lay a firm foundation by knowing yourself, exploring your life, and establishing habits that make you happy.

By feeling strong inside and meeting the right people, you can get a solid foothold in the first stages of data and make better decisions.

You will maintain a strong identity, make better romantic choices and avoid heartaches.


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