Can gender be changed during a person's life?

 Can gender be changed during a person's life?

In an  article , Steven Petrow advised that if you're wondering whether someone you know is transitioning from one gender to the other, it's best to "check your curiosity and hold your tongue."

 But we cannot stop thinking about the topic which is becoming so widespread  but still we don't talk due to society or the older generation.

In addition to the latest reports of Bruce Jenner's apparent change, Laverne Cox last year became the first person to change the cover of Time magazine, and Amazon released the first single, "Transparent," a show about a changing father.

Here are answers to some of the questions going through your brain regarding gender transition.

What is the statistical ratio of the transgender transformation?

The Williams Institute, a think tank at UCLA School of Law dedicated to the study of sex law and public policy, estimates that 700,000 Americans are transgender people. But a good article  last year on noted that there are no national polls. And if they were, there is no consensus on what the word "trangender" means.

To put it simply transgene is an umbrella term for all the LGBTQ community and it can be slightly different from gender Dysphoria for ex- If you are transgender by birth than you know about everything and the things that come with it but in gender Dysphoria we feel like opposite gender and it comes with consequence of mental health issues,tabbo in society etc. Hence,we can't predict it correctly.

The Encyclopedia of Surgery 

 has come to the conclusion “the number of gender reassignment procedures in the United States each year is estimated to be between 100 and 500. The number worldwide is estimated to be two to five times higher. ”

Many researchers or one of many researchers claim there will be more people to opt for gender transition.

Fred Ettner, a physician in Evanston, Ill., Who works with passersby, estimates that only about 25 to 30 percent of transgender people have any type of surgery.

 The process of changing gender

Under the standards of care adopted by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), the first step is usually to consult a mental health professional for a diagnosis and treatment.

A diagnosis of genital herpes or sexual dysphoria as well as a letter of recommendation from a therapist allows a person to start hormone therapy with a doctor. That is often followed by a period of public exposure as a member of the opposite sex and, finally, surgery to replace the genital organ and other organs.

How hormonal transition takes place in a body?

Androgens are given to women to help them develop male sexual characteristics such as beards and body hair. Estrogen and anti-androgens are given to men to help change their muscles, skin and fat distribution, all of which will make them look like women. Body hair also shrinks.

But Ettner said the most important contribution of hormones to reduce the transgender dysphoria people have been struggling with throughout their lives. After a month or two, their bodies and brains begin to align.

"It's very obvious to the individuals," Ettner said, adding, "Their brain finally is getting this hormone. They feel differently. They behave differently.

Hence Hormones play a crucial role to help build masculine or feminine characters and body appearance like body hair , skin,hair muscles,beard,nails which are the clear differentiation between men and women and are the dominant features of their body.

What is a Real Life Experience (also known as a Real Health Trial)

Surgeons who follow WPATH's standards of care (which some patients and specialists consider very strong) often require surgeons to live for up to a year in their preferred sexual orientation. They must work or go to school; do volunteer work; change their first names and prove to the surgeon that people other than their therapists know that they are living successfully in this way.

What happens during surgery?

Genital surgery is easy, inexpensive and often more effective than female-to-male surgery. This is one of the reasons why so few women choose to have surgery on their genitals, Bowers said. (Other costs.)

In male-to-female surgery, the testicles and most of the penis are removed and the urinary tract is cut off. One part of the skin is used to make the vagina more active. The "neoclitoris" that allows hearing can be created in parts of the penis. Men keep their prostates.

In female-to-male surgery, breasts, uterus and eggs are removed (in two separate procedures). The "neophallus" can be made using tissues from the arm or other parts of the body that allow for sensation of sexual intercourse, an expensive procedure. Stretching the urethra to allow dry urination has proven to be perhaps the most difficult part of the procedure, Bowers said.

Women who wish to live as men often have mastectomies. Men who switch to women can undergo plastic surgery to "make women" look better, which includes their eye function, nose, nails, chin and hair. They can also have Adam's apple cut off so that it is not too bright.

Do many people regret surgery?

Mythical remorse accounts are common, but they seem to be rare. Bowers said only two of the 1,300 1,300 surgeons wanted to return to their old bodies.

But that does not mean that surgery is a miracle treatment for the severity of sexual dysphoria. People who make these changes often lose their mates, families, friends and jobs. They may find themselves completely alone when they move to start new lives. Johns Hopkins University, which in the 1960's became one of the first medical institutions to perform sex rehabilitation, stopped the practice when officials concluded that it did not help all transgender people.

A 2o11 study of 324 Swedish transsexuals conducted by the Karolinska Institute showed that "after redeployment, [they] have a higher risk of death, suicidal behavior, and mental illness than most people., May not be as effective as treatment for transsexualism. , and should promote improved psychological and somatic care after the redistribution of sex in this patient group. "


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