Can you get pregnant after having an abortion?

 Can you get pregnant after having an abortion?

When a woman doesn't want to conceive a child and wishes to end her pregnancy, she undergoes the abortion process. Generally, there is a fear among people that if they undergo continuous abortion they will face a delay in fertility but that's not the case at all. Although there are certain risks associated with abortion that might delay you getting pregnant in the future. A woman might undergo surgical abortion or medical abortion based on an individual case. In the case of medical abortion females have to take proper medications for experiencing the safe abortion process. In this case, she might have to wait for 6 weeks or 12 weeks to get pregnant again although the number would vary based on the individual case. 

Surgical abortion is a type of abortion where surgical instruments are used to remove all the remaining parts of pregnancy from your body. It might take 14 to 24 weeks for a woman to conceive again. Although when the operation takes place taking all the safety and hygiene protocols in place, there are least chances of abortion affecting your future fertility. In this article, you are going to get well-versed in the idea of what risks are associated with abortion and your chances of getting pregnant once you want to go through the abortion process.

What are the risks linked with abortion? 

The process of abortion is considered to be a non-risky procedure as per the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Well, it is obvious to all of us that the more time a woman takes to abort a child, the more complications there are in further fertility. The risk of her facing death as a part of the consequence of early abortion is 14 times lesser than the risk of her facing death after giving birth to a child. All the things that create inflammation in the uterus of a woman are likely to be the biggest cause of future infertility. 

The entire process of abortion from start to end can lead to various complexities for a woman that might turn out to be very severe in later stages for most cases.

A woman can face infection, bleeding, injury, and incomplete abortion as a result of the operation. Doctors usually provide antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection. Blood transfusion might be required in most cases after the abortion process is completed especially when bleeding doesn't stop after abortion. Although it is not such a critical problem that requires a medical emergency.  D&C is suggested by doctors to eradicate the remaining tissues from the uterus of a woman. The doctor might injure a woman's uterus, bladder, or another nearby organ while performing the abortion process.

Can you get pregnant after an abortion? 

Yes without any doubt you can get pregnant after having an abortion. Even according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, there are no complications associated with future pregnancy if you have ever aborted your life. Taking birth control pills immediately after having an abortion is recommended by top-notch doctors. It is so because the chances of getting pregnant again once the woman starts to ovulate increase. Apart from this, the doctors also recommend pausing before you have intercourse with your partner. It is so because your body will get enough time to heal from the abortion during this relaxation period. If you are undergoing the abortion process & afterward face a lot of difficulties in getting pregnant again, then it's high time to look back into your current health condition and deal accordingly with it. There are so many factors that might be creating a hindrance to your fertility. These factors might range from your current age to your partner's body to your lifestyle to stress. Let's throw some light on these factors one by one in the section.

1. Medical history: Fertility can get severely affected leading to no pregnancy in case you have ever had sexually transmitted infections for example chlamydia and gonorrhea. Most of us have a critical medical history that affects fertility. If you ever had or are currently suffering from chronic illnesses for example diabetes, hormonal imbalances, thyroid issue, autoimmune disorder, etc, then there are high chances of getting your pregnancy affected.  

2. Age: Age has always been one of the biggest factors that directly or indirectly affect fertility. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as you age with time your chances of getting fertile or pregnant immensely decrease. This fact is particularly true as you cross 35 years of age. 

3. Fertility of your partner: 

The Pregnancy of a woman doesn't only depend on her health but also upon the quality of life possessed by her sexual partner. If the quality of semen produced by men is bad then there is a high chance that the woman will face complications in getting pregnant or fertile. 

4. Lifestyle: Everything you do affects fertility. If you are not exercising enough, not taking proper food on time, or are too much into alcohol, or smoking, then it is surely going to show some bad effects on your fertility.

Key Takeaways 

Abortion is a very general process that is undertaken by a woman to end her pregnancy. It can be done by taking the proper medicines suggested by your doctor or by undergoing critical medical procedures. Abortion is generally considered safe for a female and her unwanted pregnancy although it has got nothing to do with her getting pregnant at a later stage in her life. Most famous doctors believe that fertility doesn't get affected by abortion. On the contrary, it is also true that if you continuously undergo the abortion process, you might find it difficult to get pregnant sooner, like two, three, or five attempts. In such cases, you can book an appointment with a gynecologist who will guide you regarding the correct procedures and medications to become fertile again.

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